Love Your Mother

Love Your Mother

D. S. Mitchell

For Future Generations

Calamity News and Politics is pro clean energy. The a clean protected environment is essential. I’m hoping all my readers are pro-environment. Earth is the only planet I’m ever going to set foot on. Her environment provides a nurturing home for animals, plants and humans. We need to protect that environment. For today and for future generations. Climate change and environmental protection must become a national priority.

A Wall Of Resistance

The EPA was designed to protect our environment. Trump’s goal is to destroy the agency. Charitable organizations offer some support. The Sierra Club’s donations are up. The World Wildlife Fund donations are also reportedly, up. I think we will need every environmental organization on the planet to present a wall of resistance to the fossil fuel barons. Trump’s agenda is all about profit.  Environmental policy cannot be based on money. Capitalism may be our environments greatest enemy.

Into A Technological Era

Clean energy is better for the economy and it is better for Mother Earth. Time to let go of the remnants of the dirty Industrial Revolution and embrace the future.  We are moving into the Technological Era.  Parts of the transition will be painful, acceptance is the first step.  If your job is threatened by clean energy policy; change yourself, change your skills. Join the clean energy army. The clean energy army is fighting a heroic fight.

Dance Party

The corruption of President Trump is center stage.  Whoring with fossil fuel barons, signing away climate change regulations is bad policy. Killing Mother Earth is not a thing to celebrate. Having a dance party with greedy fossil fuel addicts can only last so long, before it destroys the planet. Current policy must be changed. Look to a clean energy future. Now is the time.

Join the Resistance

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