Trump’s Narcissistic Personality Traits

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

D. S. Mitchell

Another Sunday

It’s Sunday afternoon, and I’ve planted several trays of spring flowers, and the yard at Calamity Politics is much brighter, and much more inviting.  If you are a new visitor to Calamity Politics, we are a progressive political blog that hopefully offers relevant news and engaging political chatter.  In addition to the chatter, I try to offer intelligent analysis and commentary on the news of the day.  Hopefully, readers will find the articles topical and informative.

26,000 Mental Health Professionals

Twenty-six thousand (26,000) psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers recently signed a petition stating that Donald Trump has a “dangerous mental illness, and is not fit to lead the United States.” Dr. John Gartner, formerly of  Johns Hopkins University, now in private practice, stated that he felt he “had an ethical responsibility to warn the public of Donald Trump’s mental illness.”

Amendment 25, Article 4

Signers of the petition affirm, that in their numerous opinions, “Trump is psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States.  Furthermore, we respectfully ask that Trump be removed from office according to Amendment 25 Article 4 of the Constitution, which states that the president will be replaced if he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”

Letter To The Editor

In a Letter to the Editor, NY Times, 2/09/2017, Charles M. Blow stated that Trump through his speech and actions demonstrates an inability to tolerate any views, or opinions that differ from his own. “His words and his behavior suggest a profound inability to empathize. Individuals with these traits distort reality to suit their psychological state, attacking facts and those who convey them.”

Prone To Gross Exaggeration

The Editorial Staff of Psychology Today threw their sizable weight at the argument, citing “the dangers of his obvious narcissistic personality type and the offensive behaviors that accompany it.”  Behaviors include, but are not limited to, “condescension, gross exaggeration (lying), bullying, jealousy, fragile self-esteem, lack of compassion, and a view of the world that is an “us vs them” view. And the constant boasting, with the overtone that he is the smartest guy in the room, “I’m smarter than the generals.”

From A Distance

Is it possible to diagnose an illness from a distance?  In the personality disorders, definitely, yes.  It’s about observable behaviors that any average person can see and decide for themselves. The professionals are saying that Trump’s Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a potential threat to his competency in office.  So, you are saying to yourself, Narcissistic Personality Disorder? Hmmmmm, what exactly is that, it doesn’t sound like it’s an impediment to Trump serving as president? When you see these characteristics in black and white, you will immediately recognize our current president, Donald J. Trump. It is a very long list. I give you permission to just scan.

  • ) Initial likability: at first meeting Trump comes across as likable. That first impression is the best impression that you will ever have of him.
  • ) Grandiosity: Self importance. Constant boasting,
  • ) Center of conversation: No matter where the conversation starts, it always ends up back on Trump.
  • ) Name dropper: “I love Tom Brady. He’s one of my best friends.”
  • ) Stories: When the NPD person tells a story, about himself, it is the story of overwhelming success. Trump still brags about the”biggest inaugural crowd in history”.  If the story is negative it is because he was victimized. ie:  “fake news”.
  • ) Material Possessions: the Hallmark trait of the NPD is to display high status thru expensive material possessions.
  • ) Self promoter: has lots of “friends” and a broad network of acquaintances.
  • ) Physically attractive: appearance is extremely important. His arm candy, whether wife or girlfriend must be extremely beautiful and perfectly groomed.
  • ) Hypersensitive to criticism: reacts viciously to critics. Outbursts of anger and rage. Defensive.
  • ) Externalize blame: He never admits mistakes, blames anyone and everyone. “It was the Obama Administration”.
  • ) Failed personal relationships: bad personal relationships, multiple divorces, frequent work problems.
  • ) Special and unique: the NPD believes he is best understood by his high status associates.
  • ) Pre-occupied with fantasies of unlimited success, personal power, brilliance and good looks.
  • ) People are either for, or against him. No grey, all black or white.
  • ) Requires excessive admiration: fishes for compliments.  Highly susceptible to flattery.
  • ) Associates manipulate with flattery: Often associates will  flatter him  just to sustain peace or get something.
  • ) Envy: the NPD is often envious of others, and in turn, believes others are envious of him.
  • ) Bad attitude:  often rude and abusive. Interpersonal relationships are explosive.
  • ) Lacks empathy: unable to recognize, or relate to the feelings and needs of others.
  • ) Projects traits and behaviors: to others that he doesn’t accept in himself.
  • ) Interpersonal boundaries: View others as extensions of himself. Poor interpersonal boundaries.

Distortion Of Reality

In February 2017, the signers of the Duty to Warn letter, the mental health professionals warned President Trump’s mental state “makes him incapable of serving safely as president.” The presidents “tendency to distort reality to fit his personal myth of greatness and attack those who challenge him with facts” is in fact a dangerous situation.”

Loose Grip On Reality

Dr. John Gartner stated, “because of his sociopathic tendencies he lies.” Trump lies for different reasons. In one instance, he lies in the way a used car salesman lies, to scam you. “The other aspect of his lying is more serious-I believe. Trump has only a loose grip on reality.  Even when confronted with the facts that he has lied, he keeps lying. If he cannot accept an aspect of reality he mentally rejects it, making his grasp on reality, and his attention to it, loose.”

Plus Paranoia

When Trump’s loose grip on reality when combined with paranoia, his access to the nuclear code is worrisome. The professionals including, Lee Siegel say, “He actually imagines himself under attack by people who are not actually attacking him, a dangerous combination of someone who can act on his paranoid fantasies, in a way that can have catastrophic consequences.”

Lies And More Lies

Trump compulsively lies, continuously contradicts himself, seeks approval of others, even when attacking them.  He exalts people one day, vilifying and abusing that person, sometimes the next day.  Siegel continues, “Best to stay away from an NPD person, but also we must keep the person away from situations where he can do harm”

Be Observant, Vigilant

Until something can be done the best advice from the experts is “be observant, vigilant. Share articles, write and call elected officials and make your concerns known. Lastly, Siegel states, “need to correct this threat to our ecology, our society, and our international relations, soon-before it’s too late.”

Neurological Observations

I agree that Donald Trump is seriously mentally ill. I also see a number of neurological issues that are concerning. The neurological issues should be evaluated when assessing Trump’s fitness for office. His bizarre facial movements, including but not limited to, oddly pursed lips. Then there are those strange hand gestures and his forward leaning posture. Furthermore, he exhibits strange tics, sighs and snorts. His use of a remarkably small vocabulary. His simple sentences, are equivalent to that of a six-year-old. I was an RN and I worked for many years on a Psychiatric Crisis Unit, at a major university hospital. Trump definitely is most certainly a classic narcissist. I also believe he shows signs of early dementia.


From my heart, I find it painful to listen to the awkward, angry, undisciplined and unfiltered speeches of Donald Trump, after having heard the brilliant and inspiring speeches of Barack Obama, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Winston Churchill.

Join the Resistance


Psychology Today, April 2017.  Rose Sword and Phil Zimardo

The Independent, April 21, 2017 Dr. John Gartner and Lee Siegel

The Independent, January 30, 2017 Dr. John Gartner

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  1. Two words: Article 25.

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