On-Line Bullying, Trump Style

By Megan Wallin

Melania Reflects On Her “Be Best” Campaign

Tom Llamas’ recent interview with Melania Trump  revealed several important facts:  (1) On-line bullying is a serious and growing problem  (2) She believes herself to be “one of” the most bullied people in the world (3) She is willing to speak on camera about controversial topics, with no questions off-limits.

A Classic On-Line Bully

Melania seems to understand that her husband is a classic example of an on-line bully, but she claims that her stance on bullying is neither ironic, nor clandestine. She did not describe Donald as supportive of her “Be Best” campaign, but she claimed that, “He didn’t say not to do it”.

Buffering her earlier statement she explained “He understands that he is very tough on Twitter,” but likewise “he also understands that I want to help the next generation.”

She reiterated, multiple times, that she wants to do “the right thing” regardless of public perception.

Is She A Resource?

In the ABC interview FLOTUS claimed that she was influential in Donald’s reversal of his zero tolerance immigration policy. This cruel administration policy separated children from their parents at the Mexican border. If she actually effected the reversal of such cruel policy then surely we should start tapping into this neglected resource!


On-line bullying, when confined to the comment section of YouTube, although inappropriate, does little damage. On the other hand when President of the United States attacks it can be cruel and damaging. Nearly all his tweets are attacks against political opponents, foreign leaders, and women. If the First Lady could influence her husband, perhaps she could start by directing her “Be Best” campaign at him.

The Worst Offense Is A Bad Defense

Donald Trump uses name-calling to shift the focus away from his responsibility, and place that responsibility squarely on someone else. When Trump isn’t bragging about his accomplishments to laughing UN leaders, he’s vigorously defending any perceived lack of competence by throwing insults and jabs at his detractors via Twitter. What’s strange is that it seems to work for him. His incessant mocking, degrading and name-calling does not offend his supporters.

Put Downs and Insults Ignite Supporters

If the media gives him a negative report, he cries “Fake News” or “enemy of the people.” There is no limit to his crass put-downs of his political rivals, or his demeaning nicknames. His endless repetition of phrases like “very sad” and “total loser” to describe those with whom he disagrees has no ill effect on his base support.  The New York Times has a website devoted to documenting all of Trump’s Twitter insults. The Washington Post has a running total of Trump lies and misrepresentations, since taking office. The lie counter has surpassed 5,000 events. These main stream media sources are apparently not where the Trump boosters receive their information, otherwise the daily fact checking by credible news sources should have negatively affected his popularity long ago.

Surrounded by The Like Minded

Not only does Trump do this, but he surrounds himself with others who are happy to do the same. Mitch McConnell, for instance blamed Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security for our debt problems. McConnell  insinuated that the federal deficit is due not to reckless federal spending, but rather ‘poor people’. That’s right, it isn’t the tax breaks to the rich, the military industrial complex we support (at the cost of those who actually fight our wars), the cause according to Mitch is that there are too many living on a low enough income to need government help. Instead of supporting an increased minimum federal wage he suggests cutting benefits to the most vulnerable among us.

Dehumanizing The Poor 

Mitch McConnell Blames The Poor For The Growing National Debt

Mitch Blames The Poor For The Growing National Debt

As explained by McConnell tax cuts for the wealthy are in effect an asset. The thrice debunked trickle down economic theories of the Reagan era have been once again dusted off by Republicans for a new generation. McConnell claims these tax breaks will “produce more than enough to fill the gap” created by any revenue loss. Reality check. To be clear, the wealthiest in the country just received a tax cut of over a trillion dollars.  Even the mere suggestion of “Medicare for all,” is in McConnell’s view, irresponsible governance.

Undoubtedly there is a pattern here of placing fault on those who oppose you, or those who belong to “other” groups, or tribes. It’s a common pattern, as far as human history is concerned, but it is a troubling one.

Name Calling Is A First Resort

Trump has made a career of being loud, outrageously reckless, vulgar, and shamelessly self-promoting. Trump has an offensive persona, one which he created, sharpened and refined until he has become more caricature than human, more entertainment than reality. Now transfer this if you will to politics.

Despite his limited vocabulary Trump has demonstrated an innate ability to create negative nicknames, such as “Little Marco” or “Pocahontas”  that stick to their target.  Notable catch phrases, like the recent “Jobs over Mobs,” or the 2016 “Build the wall” chant seem to flow naturally.

Hillary Clinton Was The Subject Of Multiple On-line Attacks Bu Trump

Trump Has Mercilessly Mocked His Opponents And Insulted The Media

On Line Bullying and Spoken Insults

While running for president, Trump was relentless in his use of the phrases “Crooked Hillary” and “Lyin’ Ted.” He aimed his middle-school linguistic patterns at his opponents without restraint, inventing crude nicknames and encouraging demeaning chants of “Lock her up.”

An  On-Line Bullying Campaign Against Women

Now we see the president locking horns with Diane Feinstein, mocking the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, attacking the heritage claims of Elizabeth Warren, calling Maxine Waters “low IQ’d” and even spending his valuable presidential time tweeting insults at public figures like Stormy Daniels, Susan Rice and Meryl Streep. We have a narcissist in the White House who has broken every norm of decency and civility without restraint or accountability.

Bullies and Liars

Candidates Like Beto O'Rourke Are Subjected To Malicious Trump Tweets

Candidates Like Beto O’Rourke Are Subject To Malicious Attacks

There’s one problem with executing plans that involve no real planning or reflection: Eventually, you have to lie. When you cannot accept the insecurity of an ambiguous world; a world that requires thoughtful premeditation and careful planning, you quickly learn how to redirect attention away from your own failures. This is perhaps the only area where even a disgruntled liberal can admit that our current president is impressively adept.

Not every person who throws insults around is a pathological liar, nor is every liar a bully.  PolitiFact.com and other fact checking services, show Donald Trump to be highly deceptive and downright untruthful. Combine his lying with his abusive nature, and voila an on-line bully is revealed. His aggressive and degrading comments have intensified over the past two years without political restraint. As a result, it is reasonable to expect to see an escalation of his on-line bullying.

Back In Middle School

Most of us leave name-calling back in junior high school. For those times we do use such behavior, it’s usually in private. It could be behind a locked bathroom door, or behind the wheel of our car in rush hour traffic. The average person does not refer to the co-worker they dislike as “Suspiciously Sick On Mondays Susan” or “Always-Late-To-Meetings-Tom” with other staff members.  We may chat with a trusted cohort about the offender, but we recognize that serious attacks and lies about another person are unacceptable. In fact, such behaviors could both damage our own reputation, and potentially cost us our job. Donald Trump has no guard rails. The Republicans Congress is terrified of the Trump base and that fear has resulted in the emboldened bully we see today.

Trump's On-Line Bullying Will Exact An As Yet Unknown Cost

Do We As A Nation Have The Courage To Take An Honest Look In The Mirror

What Happened To Normal?

Social media has been accused of creating  a self-absorbed generation of selfie-stick carrying youth, addicted to platforms that makes escape from targeted ridicule impossible. Statistically, on-line bullying is increasing despite heightened efforts by social media companies to stop it. However, when the chief on-line bully is the president of the United States the moral authority of the nation is seriously undermined.  Trump, used to criticism is skillfully manipulating the moral compass of the country. Where has normal gone?  What happened to basic civility? I’m beginning to believe Twitter is a warning sign that we are collectively losing it. Twitter may turn out to be the canary in the coal mine.

Mirror, Mirror, Tell Me What You See?

Twitter is the internet’s character limited equivalent of a magnifying mirror. Every pore, every pimple, every scar, every blemish is disgustingly enlarged.  Reading the president’s tweets, it’s possible that those insults and lies are the reflection of what we have become. We may be at a defining moment. It will all depend on, are we, as a country, willing to take an honest look in the mirror?


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