Racial Bigotry: Center Post Of Trump Immigration Policy

Looking Bigotry In The Eye

By D. S. Mitchell

Concentration Camps

I’m watching “A.M. Joy”. The primary focus of the discussion this June 23rd, 2019 morning is the deplorable treatment of children in Trump’s concentration camps on our southern border. Where getting a bar of soap, a tube of toothpaste, a clean diaper, or a bath is not on the Border Patrol agenda, at least for the first month.

Cries In The Night

The cruelty and immorality of border separations and detainment should enrage us all. The images of children being ripped from their mother’s arms or the unanswered screams of, “papa” are alarming.  The trauma of these events will affect these people the rest of their lives. People are suffering. People are also dying. Six children have died over the last year while in Border Patrol custody. At least twenty-two adult immigrants have died in ICE custody over the last 24 months.

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Sad And Stupid

Sad And Stupid

D. S. Mitchell

Really Stupid

On Tuesday, comedienne Kathy Griffin posted a video of herself holding up a catsup covered fake head. The fake head represented Donald J. Trump, president of the United States. Why Ms Griffin thought that such a stunt would be funny is beyond me, but, she did. Satisfied with her work, she sent the video  out to the world. An angry Trump world slapped back. The slap back included job loss. She was fired from her regular New Year’s Eve gig with Anderson Cooper. There may have been some other show cancellations that I didn’t hear about.

Don’t Worry Kathy

My first reaction was to tell Kathy not to worry. I think she will be fine, these things blow over. For God sakes, Melania Trump is laying naked with other women in photo layouts spread all over the internet. Donald is on tape saying he grabs women by their pussy. Jared Kushner is meeting with Russian bankers and Russian government officials secretly. Steve Bannon wants to de-construct the government. And, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Kathy’s severed head stunt was ugly, dumb, stupid, and inappropriate. However, I believe Kathy, who apparently is socially clueless, is still entitled to her right of free speech. And, I would like to remind everyone that Kathy Griffin apologized. Which she should have done.

Keep Showing It

Keep in mind, Trump glorifies in his refusal to apologize, and his followers don’t apologize. Does that mean Kathy is being held to a different or unrealistic standard? I don’t know. I’m just talking, like a lot of us do. Quite honestly, I think it is amazing to watch the GOP scream about the horrible picture of Kathy Griffin holding Trump’s severed head, while choosing to show it repeatedly in a quickly assembled campaign ad directed against Democrat Jon Osloff. Osloff is in a tight special election race against Republican Karen Handel for Georgia’s vacant sixth district seat.

Tea Party Comedienne

Donald Trump is a bully who NEVER apologizes and thinks its ok to insult people, whole countries, and religions. So, why is it such a big deal to make fun of this bathtub bully? It doesn’t seem much different from what I saw after President Obama won election in 2008. Those Tea Party crazies had their freedom of speech. I thought their antics were horrendous and appalling, but I heard no apologies. Those rude, loud and offensive folks paraded all over the country with effigies of President Obama. I remember vividly seeing folks walking around with effigies of President Obama that had a lynch man’s rope wrapped around Mr. Obama’s neck. There were pictures on the internet showing President Obama hanging by his neck from a rope and being lighted on fire by some ‘comedienne’.

Recent History

The lynching of a black man in America is a very recent part of our history, and those Tea Party protest scenes, to me, were absolutely appalling. It would have been less offensive if they had held up a fake severed head of Barack Obama. The reference to lynching of a black man in America is about as ugly as it gets. So, what am I saying? I don’t know, exactly. Maybe that the Tea Party activities numbed my senses. Why should the sight Donald Trump’s severed head be any worse than the image of a lynched Barack Obama?

My Mission

My mission is to connect with the angry and the outraged liberals of our country who are fucking sick of the Republicans and their war on every vulnerable element of our society.

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Twitter Madness

Twitter Madness

D. S. Mitchell

It was me, not Trump.  I admit it.  I went on a Twitter rant to several Senators and cable news channels this morning.  Central to the rant was outrage over Trump’s unprecedented $3.6M weekends at Mar-a-Lago, but no Medicaid, no Meals On Wheels, no TIGER, no PBS, no Muppets.  Just ANOTHER million or two burned up while Trump and his entourage parade around like Louis the XVI.  I’m waiting for Melania Antoinette to suggest we, “eat cake.”

With the severe budget cuts this president is recommending many of his most devoted voters will be hurt the most.  Some of these folks are barely hanging on.  With the damage Trump and his cronies are planning,  many of his supporters will be on the street, living with relatives, or dead.

How can a newly elected president, who is an Electoral College President, not a Popularly Elected President, hurt so many of his supporters, mostly elderly, rural poor, in such a devastatingly malevolent way.  Many of these seniors can’t make it without the ACA (Obama Care), Medicaid, rural hospitals and clinics, and Food Stamps. From the looks of it, TRUMP LIED AGAIN.  He is a master of the con, and has, over the years, fucked just about everybody, in one way, or another; at one time, or another.

I’ve written an average of two posts a day for my political blog, Calamity Politics for at least the last two months. There is so much going on with the U.S. political scene. I can’t stay quiet. So, if it seems sometimes like I might be screaming, I just may, be.

I  intend to add, probably a third post to my daily political blog journal for just, today. I have a need. A need to comment when I see an outrage.The Fire Around Trump is white-hot. The Trump discussion is white-hot and I plan on keeping the fires stoked, with nothing more than a reporting of the outrages that Trump and his chorus of Trumpettes have perpetrated on the American people over the last 24 hour news cycle. We need to crank up the volume. I’m just wondering if we can light the investigatory fire in this heavily Republican government?

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