No Worries. Are You Kidding Me?

No Worries. Are You Kidding Me?


Worry is my middle name and I have good reason to be worried

No Worries. Are You Kidding Me?

By D. S. Mitchell


Closet Worrier

I never considered myself a worrier; however I have  probably always been a closet worrier. I was the one that would call twice to confirm a reservation and of course I made sure that we always took two of everything (just in case). Now that I’m an elder, and retired, I have found an abundant amount of time to worry and an endless supply of issues to worry about. I have thrown off my shackles and emerged into the light as an admitted worrier.

Growing Louder

What used to be occasional whispers in my busy working mind have grown louder now that I am free of the time clock. I worry about the mutating COVID virus, and do I need another booster? I worry that I forgot to rotate my tires at 5,000 miles. When did I last check the air pressure, I fret. Did I remember to send my forever best friend from high school a card on her birthday? Then there’s climate change, and the rising ocean levels, Russian aggression in the Ukraine, the rape and murder of Israelis on 10/7,  the death of 33,000 Palestinian civilians in Gaza. And we can’t forget the threat of nukes in space, the Chinese on Mars, the speeding up of the Jet Streams, an alien invasion, an AI takeover, nuclear war, and the possibility of an asteroid impact. And what about all those conspiracy theories; are they all wrong; or just partly wrong? Will we ever find Jimmy Hoffa’s bones?

Did You Hear?

Did you see that there was a massive die off of honeybees in the United States in 2023, killing over 51% of the honeybee hives. Furthermore, in case you missed it on the news, the biggest iceberg in history is now floating somewhere in the open ocean south of Australia. I have at my disposal an endless spool of worry; replaying events over-and-over in my head; each exchanging their places in turn, as I worry about each new threat.

I Love Joe

I have recently begun transferring all of these concerns to an off planet storage facility-I think its called the cloud. I want to have plenty of space in my head for election year worries. Don’t misunderstand; there isn’t a single day that goes by that Joe Biden doesn’t prove he’s a better man than Donald Trump ever thought of being. Not one day of Donald Trump’s life, has he ever thought of anyone but himself. As General John Kelly confirmed, Trump “is the most flawed person (I’ve) ever met.” Unfortunately, for the United States, Trump is once again being allowed to run for president; and with the Electoral College system he could easily win.

Not Long Ago

There was a time in the recent past when a candidate for the highest office in our land was not a criminal, a grifter, or wanna-be tyrant; that was of course before Donald Trump came on the scene. Since Trump’s  emergence as a right wing demagogue he has been setting law breaking records; amazing even those who know him best. I realize there are many in the electorate who may have forgotten the list of outrages this one man crime wave has committed. For those amnesic individuals I offer Seth Meyers.

Early to Bed, Ready to Worry

I go to bed early, so, sadly, I miss all the late night comedy shows. But, this is 21st century America and I have YouTube. A recent Seth Meyer’s monologue turned up the heat on my worr-ia-tor. Listen folks, a quick review of the recent past is reason enough to worry about what criminal tactics Trump will use to guarantee his winning the 2024 election. That’s right, folks, I truly believe Trump and his crime associates will try to once again overthrow an election. That would be two in a row. The loss of public morality is shocking and should be a worry for all of us who haven’t been drinking the Kool-Aid or who aren’t looking for a Mango Mussolini to worship.

Seth Meyers Made a List

After coming out on top as the presumptive Republican nominee for president Trump was eviscerated by Late Night host, Seth Meyers. In a near two minute opening monologue, Meyers reeled off a list of outrageous things Donald Trump has done, or has been accused of doing.  Here in Seth’s own words: “Presumptive GOP nominee for president, again, for a third time, despite the fact he is a twice-impeached, four-time criminally indicted and racist who’s been found liable for fraud and sexual abuse. Banned from doing business in the state of New York for three years. Owes over half a billion dollars in fines and judgments. Took millions from foreign governments while he was president. Tried to extort a foreign country to interfere in the 2016 election and encouraged another to help him win in 2020.”

No Stopping Him

Meyers, however, did not stop there. Trump “actively undermined our nation’s response to a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic and let a deadly disease spiral out of control. (He) is about to go on trial for breaking campaign finance laws by paying hush money to cover up an affair during the 2016 campaign. He orchestrated a months-long coup attempt that culminated in a violent insurrection to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power and install him as an unelected dictator. (Trump) stole classified documents and obstructed attempts to get them back. (The man) has never won the popular vote and has been routinely rejected by a majority of Americans in election after election.”

There’s More?

At this point you may think Meyers had covered it all, but that’s when he reminds us of many other bizarre Trump moments. Meyers called Trump “the single weirdest, most off-putting human being on the face of the f****** planet. Trump spews deranged conspiracy theories about everything from climate change to immigration, from vaccines to windmills. Stumbles on three syllable words, two-syllable words and one-syllable words, cheats at golf, calls our dead soldiers suckers and losers, forgets who he’s running against.” At this point, Seth brings up a screen in the studio displaying  examples of Trump’s spelling errors.  “(He) can’t spell his own name, his wife’s name (or even remember it), the words “indicted,” “education,” “unprecedented,” stolen,” “Denmark,” “Kentucky” or “tap,” all spelled wrong, and many more.

Gamer Vocabulary

Myer’s summed up Trump in the following manner, “I’m sorry, but this guy is not a real person, he’s a glitching, (stumbling) NPC from a video game,” Meyers declared. **For the non-gamers out there; Seth’s reference to “NPC” (“Non-Player Character”) is used by him as a metaphor to describe someone he perceives as lacking independent thought.


Its Disgusting and Shocking

I worry that any group of people that would support a criminal and insurrectionist as their presidential candidate are likely to break any and all laws to get him back into the White House. Perhaps even “terminate the Constitution.” Bad actors, like Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea are lining up to run misinformation campaigns against Biden and the Dems. Sounds like criminals and thugs sticking together. The fact that the Republican Party is willing to hand over power to a man of  such obvious low character as Donald Trump is both outrageous, and demoralizing. Make no mistake the GOP will be running a ‘dictator for life’ candidate not a presidential candidate.


If you want to see the original Seth Meyers rant go to YouTube and put in Trump crimes-Seth Meyers on the search bar and you can watch Seth eviscerate Trump in a two minute rant. Everything he says is alarming and we should all be worried as hell.

OPINION: Trump Is No Jesus

OPINION: Trump Is No Jesus

Trump is a destroyer not a builder and he certainly is no Jesus.

OPINION: Trump Is No Jesus


By D.S. Mitchell


Hard to Imagine

When I was a kid I never imagined we would one day have a president of the United States that would shamelessly rent rooms for profit to Saudi princes and Chinese spies, at a hotel he owned, just down the street from the White House. While Trump was overcharging international dictators and oligarchs for hotel accommodations, his daughter Ivanka was in China securing profitable trademarks for her many high ticket items. And, that’s just the small stuff. The X-president’s son-in-law seems to have pulled off the biggest grift of the Trump era. When Jerad Kushner, who served in the Trump administration as a senior adviser, walked away from public service he had a 2 billion dollar check in his  pocket from the Saudi’s to fuel his private equity firm. Of course that 2 billion does not include the 100’s of millions of dollars handed over to Kushner by the rich and powerful leaders of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates for that same equity firm.

Now and Then

Since Trump has been out of office he has continued the grift. The fact that the former president of the United States is willing to hold up a bible in one hand, he’s selling for $59.99, and a  pair of gold lame high top sneakers he’s selling for $399.99 in the other hand, is an embarrassment to the office he once held and is once again seeking.

Sold Out

If you somehow missed out on the limited number of the gold high tops he was hawking, you still have a chance at the regular red and white sneakers for $199.  Trump ‘Victory’ perfume and the cologne version come boxed for the small pittance of $99. The made in China, dime store quality rubbish just doesn’t stop. He’s got the Trumpy bear for $40 bucks and believe it or not, you can pick up a Trump Chia head for $19.99. And holy cow, the MAGA hats are selling for $50 at Trump’s on line store; and they’re not even autographed. I know for a fact, you can pick up one of those red baseball caps for $12.99 on Amazon. And, wait for it-they even have gold colored ear buds. Because next to green the Donald is all about the gold.

Beware the False Prophet

For those who think Trump is doing God’s work, even as he spews hate and lies, attacks immigrants, and women, I say, get thee to a closet and study the word. AI created images of Trump with Jesus hovering over him, or sitting next to him, have been showing up on the internet for months. Now, these heretics are merging Christ’s image with that of Trump, depicting them as a single entity. Such images were once a rarity, now they are becoming commonplace.

I‘m Angry

I can tolerate the grift, when we are just talking about Chia heads and gold sneakers, but damn it-this whole recent nonsense of Trump pretending to be a Christian to suck up to the evangelicals is D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G.  The very thought of that Godless, lying, rapist, bigot, wrapping himself in the glory of Jesus, is unforgivable. He is a heretic, a blasphemer, and a false Messiah. Where are the pastors, the priests, and the people who know the words of the bible? Wherever you are, I am calling on you to take a stand against this abomination. It is time to speak up and speak out against this outrage.


The Electoral College Stinks

The Electoral College Stinks

If we want real democracy in this country we need to get rid of the Electoral College

The Electoral College Stinks

Support the National Popular Vote compact, it makes sense if you believe in democracy.

By D. S. Mitchell

Losing While Winning

I believe whoever wins the most votes should become president of the United States. Unfortunately, with the Electoral College system that is not what happens. Twice in the last five elections the candidate that became president of the United States lost the popular vote. Donald Trump, won by less than 80,000 votes in four key electoral college states. He simultaneously lost the national popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. That means the guy who came in second was elected in 2016 (Trump), 2000 (Bush), 1888 (Harrison), 1876 (Hayes), and 1824 (J.Q. Adams), thereby altering history. Does anyone doubt that a Hillary Clinton presidency would have looked very different than the Trump presidency that we got.

The GOP Solution

The Electoral College system has become a powerful tool for the Republicans in their effort to lock in one party control of government. Elie Mystal, in an Editorial from a couple of years back, in The Nation magazine, wrote the GOP’s ultimate solution to the country’s changing demographics is to “forge a new theory of government where the rule by a white minority can withstand the popular will.” The nature of that effort was clear during Trump’s first impeachment trial. Republicans desperate to acquit Trump married themselves to a group of discredited legal theories, perhaps appropriate in a banana republic, but certainly not fitting for one of the world’s longest surviving democracies. The Senators embraced a view of executive power and privilege, that ultimately denies our democracy and anoints a king; which coincidently meshes nicely with Trump’s “permanent immunity claims.”

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Another, I Saw it on the Internet

Another, I Saw it on the Internet


I Saw it on the Internet

By D.S. Mitchell


Picture Perfect

A philosopher once said, ” A picture is worth a thousand words.” Well, the X prez is a liar, a thief, and a fraud; and here’s pictures to prove it. The man who tried to topple the U.S. government in 2020 is still at it. My question is why do so many MAGA followers believe anything this criminal narcissist says? I can almost understand why politicians like Cruz, Graham, and Hawley, who benefit both financially and politically, continue to cling to Trump’s coattails. What I don’t understand, however, is how so many common sense Americans have been hornswoggled  into believing this fat toad, with his elevator lifts, his mango makeup,  and his self-aggrandizing rhetoric, is working for them. Everything Trump stands for is in sharp contrast to what the average American needs; simple things like, work safety, clean water, safe food and drugs, ethical government, affordable health care, a strong social safety net, equal rights for all. So what is it? What is the hook that keeps the minions swimming with him?

Slurping Kool-Aid

“It’s a cult,”  the commentators are all saying. Whatever it is the folks, those of us who have not been slurping the Kool-Aid need to beat this authoritarian movement into submission. Despite the obvious inequities of the Electoral College process, partisan gerrymandering, and **third party candidates supported by right wing interests, the many can prevail in this battle, but it won’t be easy. I do not want to see young women forced to bear dead or unwanted babies, I do not want the U.S. military shooting U.S. citizens on U.S. streets, I do not want Christian leaders behaving like the ayatollah’s of Iran, I do not want Social Security or Medicare to end, and I most definitely do not want a phony TV huckster playing king at the head of the U.S. government.

Big Country

Talk to people; remind them of the real issues, not the political BS; such as: bodily autonomy, common sense gun control, ethics in government, the social safety net, religious freedom, LGBTQ+ rights, separation of church and state, national health care, housing the unhoused. I could go on. The list is long but we are a big country and our population has significant needs. Truthfully, in a country of 365,000,000 people and the world’s largest GDP the suggestion of “small government” is an outdated and ridiculous idea. When you hear that phrase think, “service for me and not for thee.” What really the Republicans are saying with the ridiculous notion of ‘small government,’ in this day and age, is we’ll pay for my needs and not yours. Everyone has a need, not just the few; and the federal government has a moral obligation to do the most, for the most. with our tax dollars, including collecting those tax dollars from the wealthy not just the poor.

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Editorial: Stomping My Feet


Stomping My Feet and Screaming Profanities


This young lady is mad and is about to kick some ass


Stomping My Feet and Screaming Profanities

By D. S. Mitchell


What the Hell?

Fuckin’ Zeus. What the hell is going on in this country? From the minute I wake up in the morning I am besieged by anger and hate from every direction. It comes via my cell phone, Facebook and Tik-Tok, texts and emails, the cable TV pundits, from family, neighbors, and co-workers. It never stops. Truthfully, it has me all ginned up, like most of the country; consumed with  outrage at one group or another. All the vitriol has me in a hammer swinging mood.

Makes no Sense

The mindless call for civil war is however, unsettling. Anyone with a high school education understands that war, civil or otherwise, destroys economies and communities. All you have to do is look to Syria or that distant memory, Mogadishu. People die, all because the political forces in the country were so desperate for total power they chose to support one man rule, no matter how flawed the man.

Orange Blimp Landing

Last night, Monday, November 13th, or maybe it was the 12th, 2023; CNN was showing clips from the latest Trump rally with children (where the the f’ is child protective services?) holding up Trump 2024 signs while the bloated mob boss harangued for a couple hours. The rant was reminiscent of the 1930’s and Nazi Germany, using Hitler’s recycled slurs against Jews and Gypsies to modern day “undesirables”.  “Undesirables” in Trump’s mind is anyone, anywhere, at any time, who opposed him. Watch out Hillary Clinton and Bill Barr. Watch out Jeff Sessions and Mitch McConnell. Watch out Ruby Freeman.

Trump’s Promises Can’t Be Ignored

Trump’s promise to institutionalize judges and prosecutors, imprison migrants, execute generals, eliminate the civil service, and suspend the Constitution; should make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. It does mine. Internment camps for undocumented aliens to start with, later whoever the orange demagogue points his finger at. That band of crack pots and corrupt grifters that filled the White House offices during Trump’s last administration will be gone, replaced by people whose only qualification for employment is that they say ‘yes’ to whatever DJT says, no matter how crazy or illegal.


Every ethical journalist in this country is calling out Trump for his outrageous conduct and disgusting recent rhetoric. Free speech be damned, this demented extremist is firing up his followers to violence. The mango menace is no longer just a bad joke, but rather a clear and present danger to the Republic. This man is an immediate threat to our already disabled democracy. Trump and Mitch McConnell packed the Supreme Court, creating a dangerous situation at the top of the Judicial Branch. With an autocrat at the top of the Executive Branch, Trump would have control of 2/3rds of the government. With the Insurrection Act to back his authority, Trump would assume control of the military. Coup complete.

What Say You?

Do you want control of your own body?

Do you want religious freedom?

Do you want the right to read anything you choose?

Do you want the right to marry who you love?

Do you support ease of voting?

Do you support reasonable gun laws?

If your answer was yes, to any of the above questions, please support Democrats up and down the ballot in 2024 and forward. Just because you’ve voted Republican since Nixon doesn’t mean you need to continue to support a political party that now supports, a national ban on abortion, a white Christian national government,  book banning, voter suppression, and an originalist interpretation of the 2nd amendment. Joe Biden is a transitional president; support him as the leads this country forward. Joe Biden’s view of the future is bright and dynamic. Donald Trump’s view of our future is dark and desperate. I choose bright, not dark. How about you?

Donald Trump Wants His Daddy Back


Donald Trump Wants His Daddy Back

Fred Trump came in multiple times and rescued his son from his business mistakes. Donald wishes Fred were here today to clean up after his son at least one more time.


“I Want My Daddy.” “I Want My Daddy.”

Donald’s father, Fred Trump, was an extremely wealthy real estate developer, who supported Donald’s business ventures with hundreds of millions of dollars over his lifetime. Fred Trump died in 1999, but his money has kept Donald Trump and his siblings financially comfortable since the old man’s death. That comfort may now be in jeopardy.

By D. S. Mitchell

Despite 45’s claims of being a self-made man, a NY Times investigation several years ago showed that Fred Trump gave Donald at least $413 million from his own successful real estate business over the years. The Times also reported that Fred transferred some of this wealth through dubious tax schemes. Much of what Fred provided Donald seems to be unravelling as the ex-president battles fraud charges in New York state.

On Tuesday, Donald Trump, the twice impeached former U. S. president, and faux billionaire, was found guilty of repeatedly violating New York fraud laws by New York Supreme Court Justice, Arthur Engoron. In what is known as a summary judgment Engoron, days before the trial, found that Trump persistently participated in business fraud— and that Mr. Trump was liable for his lies and misrepresentations. Next week’s trial will be all about settling the money damages and penalties Trump & Co. will owe.

The civil case, was brought by New York State Attorney General, Letitia James. James is demanding $250 million dollars from Trump and the The Trump Organization for multiple decades of fraud. Engoron ordered the business certificates for all of Donald Trump’s holdings in New York be canceled.

The potential damage to Trump’s New York business empire is staggering. Iconic properties like 40 Wall Street, Trump Tower on 5th Avenue, and his Westchester county estate, Seven Springs, is to be, within 10 days, put into the hands of three independent receivers. The “receivers will manage the dissolution of the canceled” LLC’s associated with Trump and the Trump Organization.

Engoron’s order, according to Trump’s lawyers will be appealed. If the appeal fails Trump will lose all financial authority over Trump Organization properties in New York. A representative for Trump’s attorney, Melissa Cintron, noted that not only could the businesses be placed under the control of a receiver, but “the receiver will sell off the assets of the businesses and wind up affairs” such as paying creditors.

“Without a corporate charter, you can’t operate as a corporation. You can’t get loans, you can’t apply for a government contract,”  financial crimes prosecutor Diana Florence told reporters outside the courthouse. “It’s comparable to once a person dies. A dead person can’t sell property. Only the executor of the estate can do that — or in this case, the receiver.”

From the early 1980’s through today, Donald Trump has been making headlines as a business phenom. Gold towers and blonde beauties, all the glitz and glamour of a rich real estate tycoon, all in one well crafted package. The “reality” TV show, “The Apprentice,” ran for 14 years and cemented the image of  Trump as a successful businessman.

But we see now, it was all a lie. It was make believe. It was a grifter’s slight of hand. Donald Trump’s career was built on his father’s money. Donald has been a daddy’s boy; who has, his entire life, lived off the money his father had made. The only thing Donald knows about money is how to spend it. He especially likes spending other people’s money.

I just want to say to all the small donors who support Trump, think before you write Daddy’s Boy another check.


GOP Eagerly Embraces Trump


The GOP Embraces Trump

Trump is a criminal. He is dangerous man. Stop him.


Corruption, Bigotry, and Intolerance 

The last thing America needs is another four years of Trump in the White House tweeting crazy ass nonsense 24 hours a day, indicting his enemies, attacking the media, and defaming private citizens from a seat in the Oval Office. Come on America, we are definitely better than this guy.

By D. S. Mitchell


The Last Thing America Needs

Donald J. Trump, the last thing America needs in public office, has seen his poll numbers skyrocket among Republicans, as his criminal indictments mount. Trump, the forever grifter, is making millions selling his mugshot on T-shirts. The Grand Old Party of Lincoln has collapsed. What we now have in its place is total acceptance of the unacceptable.  Gun packing white supremacists, torch carrying Neo-Nazi’s, vitriolic officials denying the obvious truth, Joe Biden won the election. When Republican politicians like Liz Cheney, and Mitt Romney can’t talk sense to these crazies, and instead leave the party to become unaffiliated voices; it just proves that today’s Republican Party is not the party of your father-or your grandfather; and certainly not Lincoln.

Against The Trump Plan 

When all the votes for the 2020 presidential election were counted, Joe Biden’s ballot tally totaled 81,283,098 votes, or 51.3% of the vote. Donald Trump only garnered 74,222,958 or 46.8% of the vote. Miscellaneous other candidates captured a meager 1.8% of the vote. In other words, Joe Biden, kicked Trump’s butt, besting the Mango Mussolini by over 7 million plus votes. Go Brandon!

In MAGA World, The Biggest Flag Wins

But, those numbers were obviously out of sync with Trump’s election plan. Trump demanded recount after recount, all the while inflaming his supporters, convincing them, falsely, that he was the victim of voter fraud, mostly in the black and brown big cities of the country.  Votes were counted and recounted and lawsuit after lawsuit brought by Trump challenging the election were dismissed. Everyone from the bloated and lawless Bill Barr to Cybersecurity Director Chris Krebs called Trump’s claims of voter fraud, “bullshit.” But, three years later, I still see signs proclaiming, “Trump Won!” usually accompanied by an oversized American flag.

On A Personal Note

I admit it, I’m angry. The MAGA election deniers have highjacked the American flag, as if it is their private property. Pre-MAGA I would fly the flag in front of my house every President’s Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day (my son’s birthday), the 4th of July, and Labor Day, I no longer display the flag on the above noted holidays, but instead I now keep my treasured flag in a drawer. The last thing I want is for anyone, at anytime, to assume I’m a Trumpie. I am furious that these MAGA lug nuts have so brazenly, as if they are the patriots, stolen the stars and stripes as decor for their civil disobedience. I am convinced these fake patriots are an existential threat to our democracy. It isn’t a far stretch to imagine Trump using armed militias to implement Bashar al-Assad tactics to hold on to power if he is ever returned to the White House.

As It Plays Out

Because of Trump’s lies, our country has grown even more painfully divided. Instead of the bloated orange fruit fly conceding the election, to Joe Biden, like every other loser before him has, Trump chose to create chaos, dissent, and mob violence. Authoritarians do that sort of thing, call the validity of elections into question. If Trump becomes the Republican nominee in 2024 I am sure we will see more armed election observers,  more lawsuits, more threats of violence, more white supremacist saber rattling, and more talk of Trump as a lifetime president.

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The Trump Crime Family Under Scrutiny


The Trump Crime Family Under Scrutiny

91 indictments should be enough to stop Trump's re-election, but so far the leader of the Trump Crime Family seems to feel political push back


The Scandal of the Trump Crime Family

The X-Prez has been the head of a crime family operating in full view and in defiance of law enforcement for decades. Time for the Trump Crime Family to be brought to justice. Let’s start with a Senate Investigative Committee; then we can have dueling congressional hearings. Way past time to ask tough questions about Ivanka’s patent hanky-panky in China, the Trump DC hotel, and Saudi Arabia’s billions warming Jared Kushner’s wallet.


By D.S. Mitchell

News Alert

Attention! For those in the country that haven’t gotten the news: Trump was voted out of office. Joe Biden kicked his fat, orange, ass. Trump lost by nearly 8 million votes. Period. Dot.


If Trump is allowed to appear on the ballot and potentially gain a second presidential term it will encourage him and others to continue their attack on our democracy, most likely ending the American experiment. Trump has declared repeatedly he will suspend the U. S. Constitution, he has also suggested women should face criminal charges for obtaining an abortion, and his threats to jail his “enemies” is chilling. The unhinged threats of the head of the Trump Crime Family cannot be ignored. The weaponization of the IRS and the DOJ will allow Trump to destroy the lives of anyone he choses. That’s ‘effin scary. Think about what Trump has said about judges, prosecutors, war heroes, and average citizens; seriously endangering the lives of those he targets. WTF? Since when is it okay for a man with the presidential bully pulpit to attack election workers? It’s clear. Trump’s concept of the presidency is similar to the North Korea model.

91 Felony Charges, to date

Holy shit. Trump is the first president of the United States, in 234 years, to be criminally indicted. 34 felony counts in New York, over allegations that he falsified business records to conceal hush money payments to Stormy Daniels, a porn star. 40 felony counts in Florida for hoarding classified documents and obstructing government efforts to collect them. 4 felony counts in D.C. related to his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election. In Georgia, the Fulton County DA has indicted Trump on 13 counts of election interference in that state. These are criminal charges, Trump is also facing multiple civil lawsuits. My goodness, folks, Trump is a walking crime wave. He is totally unfit for office and a group of people are trying to keep this lawless king pin off the ballot.

Groups in Multiple States

Groups in multiple states, both Republican and Democrat, are making efforts to block the twice impeached former president from running for office ever again. The basis of the strategy is to use Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to prevent Trump from running for office. The 14th Amendment is post civil war legislation intended to deal with insurrectionists in the aftermath of the Civil War. Insurrectionists and anyone who had given aid and comfort to insurgents were legally barred from running for office.   How fitting for this Twenty-First century insurrectionist.


Stopping Trump should be the major job  of every democracy loving American. We don’t need an indicted criminal running 0ur government for his personal and family profit. No to Trump. No to MAGA. Save Democracy, vote blue, vote Joe Biden and Kamala Harris 2024.

OPINION: Trump A Criminal Candidate


Donald Trump, Criminal Candidate

Trump desperately wanted to hold onto power despite substantial loses at the ballot box.


Donald Trump, Criminal Candidate

D. S. Mitchell

The Biggest Flag Wins

When all the votes for 2020 presidential election were counted, Joe Biden won 81,283,098 votes, or 51.3% of the vote. Donald Trump won 74,222,958 or 46.8% of the vote. Miscellaneous other candidates captured a meager 1.8% of the vote. In other words, Joe Biden, kicked Trump’s butt, besting Trump by over 7 million votes. But, those numbers were obviously against Trump’s plan. Votes were counted and recounted and lawsuit after lawsuit brought by Trump challenging the election were dismissed. Everyone from the bloated and lawless Bill Barr to Cybersecurity Director Chris Krebs called Trump’s claim’s of voter fraud, “bullshit.” But, still you see signs saying, “Biden Lost!” usually accompanied by an oversized American flag.

As It Plays Out

We should be celebrating that more people turned out to vote in the 2020 election than at any other time in history. But, we aren’t. In fact, because of Trump’s lies our country is more divided than ever. Instead of the bloated orange fruit fly conceding the election, to Joe Biden like every man before him has, he chose to create chaos.

More Violence and More Lawsuits

In 2016 the Trumpers told us “elections have consequences” as we progressives huddled in our fetal positions, terrified of a Trump presidency. It is now 2023 and those same Trumpers are telling us that despite Trump’s staggering loss both in the Electoral College and the popular vote we libs should sit down and shut up, ‘because it’s obvious Trump won’. If Trump becomes the Republican nominee in 2024 I am sure we will see more armed election observers,  more lawsuits, more threats of violence, more white supremacist saber rattling, and more talk of Trump as a lifetime president.

Is It That Bad?

A majority of Americans,  especially Black, Brown, Native Americans, Asians, and other marginalized communities, who are at the mercy of this country’s historic, systemic, police abuse and seemingly incurable racism, voted Donald Trump out of office. I want us to celebrate that so many Americans voted to oust his criminal ass, but there is much need for introspection and intense soul searching about those who continue to feverishly support him in his fight to propagate the big lie. My god the brazen fucker is running for president again.

A Cup Of Coffee

I’m ready this morning to have a cup of coffee, eat an apple and reflect on why more than 74, 000,000  Americans would chose a man like Donald Trump to lead this country? His incompetence and stupidity is legendary. We’d already seen the chaos in operation, day after day, over four years in office. Some close to him have called him a “fucking moron.” These words come from those who know him best, yet these voices are ignored by his minions. Or should I be calling them cultists.

Nothing Moves His Base

For the last several days I’ve scoured old newspaper and magazine articles putting together a list of the known criminal activities of Donald Trump. Although well-known to his followers, his criminality seems to have no effect on their loyalty or their intoxicated enthusiasm. Monster flags whipping off the back of pickup trucks advertise their loyalty to Trump, not the United States. Wake up guys. Trump is a fraud and you, his small donors, are his biggest suckers. Recent reports indicate $40 million dollars of donor money has been spent so far this year on Trump defense attorneys. Get real, please, Trump and his whole crew belongs in Sing-Sing, not the Oval Office.

The Habit Of Corruption

Trump is no stranger to corruption and criminality. He has been embedded in it his entire life. As President, he took it to a new level. The Trump administration was without a doubt the most corrupt presidency in American history. No wonder he keeps screaming “fake news” when responding to reporter’s questions. Trump desperately needs to undermine the legitimacy of the fourth estate.  Donald John Trump has so much to hide.  If his devout followers would listen to the information that is available everywhere, they would drop him like the proverbial  hot potato. But, for some reason they are both deaf and blind to the truth. Truth matters, and Trump couldn’t find truth with both hands. Just to refresh the reader on Trump’s criminal history:

It All Started With Daddy Trump

1.) Donald and his father blatantly participated in housing discrimination against people of color and they were sued by the Justice Department.
2.) The Mafia and Donald worked together through the construction trades in New York city.
3.) He hired undocumented Polish workers to rehab the Trump Tower and then refused to pay them.
4.) Trump was fined $750,000 for anti-trust violations during his attempt to take over a rival casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

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