Don’t Do It-Suicide Is Permanent

Don’t Do It-Suicide Is Permanent 

Depression is treatable, suicide is not. Please stay.

Don’t Do It-Suicide Is Permanent

Editor: This is an updated version of an article first posted on this site on 12/06/2021. Depression is on the increase in the United States and right along with it suicide. If you are in distress, reach out, ask for help, call a friend,  or dial #988, the National Suicide Hot Line.

D. S. Mitchell

Just The Facts

If you are between 15-35, suicide is the second leading cause of death for your age group.  For all age groups, suicide is responsible for more deaths than murder and natural disasters, combined.  Men take their own lives four times as often as women. Many men sadly would rather be dead than seem ‘weak.’ In 2020, 17 veterans committed suicide every day.

Those Left Behind

As you can see by the statistics, suicide is not a rare, or in any way an isolated event. It is very real and definitely permanent, and it leaves those who are left behind, in utter despair. For them the suicide event is plagued by stigma, guilt and self-recrimination. The most common question from those left behind is, “what could I have done differently?”

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No Worries. Are You Kidding Me?

No Worries. Are You Kidding Me?


Worry is my middle name and I have good reason to be worried

No Worries. Are You Kidding Me?

By D. S. Mitchell


Closet Worrier

I never considered myself a worrier; however I have  probably always been a closet worrier. I was the one that would call twice to confirm a reservation and of course I made sure that we always took two of everything (just in case). Now that I’m an elder, and retired, I have found an abundant amount of time to worry and an endless supply of issues to worry about. I have thrown off my shackles and emerged into the light as an admitted worrier.

Growing Louder

What used to be occasional whispers in my busy working mind have grown louder now that I am free of the time clock. I worry about the mutating COVID virus, and do I need another booster? I worry that I forgot to rotate my tires at 5,000 miles. When did I last check the air pressure, I fret. Did I remember to send my forever best friend from high school a card on her birthday? Then there’s climate change, and the rising ocean levels, Russian aggression in the Ukraine, the rape and murder of Israelis on 10/7,  the death of 33,000 Palestinian civilians in Gaza. And we can’t forget the threat of nukes in space, the Chinese on Mars, the speeding up of the Jet Streams, an alien invasion, an AI takeover, nuclear war, and the possibility of an asteroid impact. And what about all those conspiracy theories; are they all wrong; or just partly wrong? Will we ever find Jimmy Hoffa’s bones?

Did You Hear?

Did you see that there was a massive die off of honeybees in the United States in 2023, killing over 51% of the honeybee hives. Furthermore, in case you missed it on the news, the biggest iceberg in history is now floating somewhere in the open ocean south of Australia. I have at my disposal an endless spool of worry; replaying events over-and-over in my head; each exchanging their places in turn, as I worry about each new threat.

I Love Joe

I have recently begun transferring all of these concerns to an off planet storage facility-I think its called the cloud. I want to have plenty of space in my head for election year worries. Don’t misunderstand; there isn’t a single day that goes by that Joe Biden doesn’t prove he’s a better man than Donald Trump ever thought of being. Not one day of Donald Trump’s life, has he ever thought of anyone but himself. As General John Kelly confirmed, Trump “is the most flawed person (I’ve) ever met.” Unfortunately, for the United States, Trump is once again being allowed to run for president; and with the Electoral College system he could easily win.

Not Long Ago

There was a time in the recent past when a candidate for the highest office in our land was not a criminal, a grifter, or wanna-be tyrant; that was of course before Donald Trump came on the scene. Since Trump’s  emergence as a right wing demagogue he has been setting law breaking records; amazing even those who know him best. I realize there are many in the electorate who may have forgotten the list of outrages this one man crime wave has committed. For those amnesic individuals I offer Seth Meyers.

Early to Bed, Ready to Worry

I go to bed early, so, sadly, I miss all the late night comedy shows. But, this is 21st century America and I have YouTube. A recent Seth Meyer’s monologue turned up the heat on my worr-ia-tor. Listen folks, a quick review of the recent past is reason enough to worry about what criminal tactics Trump will use to guarantee his winning the 2024 election. That’s right, folks, I truly believe Trump and his crime associates will try to once again overthrow an election. That would be two in a row. The loss of public morality is shocking and should be a worry for all of us who haven’t been drinking the Kool-Aid or who aren’t looking for a Mango Mussolini to worship.

Seth Meyers Made a List

After coming out on top as the presumptive Republican nominee for president Trump was eviscerated by Late Night host, Seth Meyers. In a near two minute opening monologue, Meyers reeled off a list of outrageous things Donald Trump has done, or has been accused of doing.  Here in Seth’s own words: “Presumptive GOP nominee for president, again, for a third time, despite the fact he is a twice-impeached, four-time criminally indicted and racist who’s been found liable for fraud and sexual abuse. Banned from doing business in the state of New York for three years. Owes over half a billion dollars in fines and judgments. Took millions from foreign governments while he was president. Tried to extort a foreign country to interfere in the 2016 election and encouraged another to help him win in 2020.”

No Stopping Him

Meyers, however, did not stop there. Trump “actively undermined our nation’s response to a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic and let a deadly disease spiral out of control. (He) is about to go on trial for breaking campaign finance laws by paying hush money to cover up an affair during the 2016 campaign. He orchestrated a months-long coup attempt that culminated in a violent insurrection to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power and install him as an unelected dictator. (Trump) stole classified documents and obstructed attempts to get them back. (The man) has never won the popular vote and has been routinely rejected by a majority of Americans in election after election.”

There’s More?

At this point you may think Meyers had covered it all, but that’s when he reminds us of many other bizarre Trump moments. Meyers called Trump “the single weirdest, most off-putting human being on the face of the f****** planet. Trump spews deranged conspiracy theories about everything from climate change to immigration, from vaccines to windmills. Stumbles on three syllable words, two-syllable words and one-syllable words, cheats at golf, calls our dead soldiers suckers and losers, forgets who he’s running against.” At this point, Seth brings up a screen in the studio displaying  examples of Trump’s spelling errors.  “(He) can’t spell his own name, his wife’s name (or even remember it), the words “indicted,” “education,” “unprecedented,” stolen,” “Denmark,” “Kentucky” or “tap,” all spelled wrong, and many more.

Gamer Vocabulary

Myer’s summed up Trump in the following manner, “I’m sorry, but this guy is not a real person, he’s a glitching, (stumbling) NPC from a video game,” Meyers declared. **For the non-gamers out there; Seth’s reference to “NPC” (“Non-Player Character”) is used by him as a metaphor to describe someone he perceives as lacking independent thought.


Its Disgusting and Shocking

I worry that any group of people that would support a criminal and insurrectionist as their presidential candidate are likely to break any and all laws to get him back into the White House. Perhaps even “terminate the Constitution.” Bad actors, like Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea are lining up to run misinformation campaigns against Biden and the Dems. Sounds like criminals and thugs sticking together. The fact that the Republican Party is willing to hand over power to a man of  such obvious low character as Donald Trump is both outrageous, and demoralizing. Make no mistake the GOP will be running a ‘dictator for life’ candidate not a presidential candidate.


If you want to see the original Seth Meyers rant go to YouTube and put in Trump crimes-Seth Meyers on the search bar and you can watch Seth eviscerate Trump in a two minute rant. Everything he says is alarming and we should all be worried as hell.

Grandma, Unhoused in America

Grandma, Unhoused in America

Grandma, Unhoused in America

By D.S. Mitchell

Face of the New Homeless

The lack of housing for low-income people or those on fixed incomes is a big problem and experts are working on it but there is no one size fits all solution to alleviating homelessness; certainly, more affordable housing units and additional housing vouchers are needed, but many of the homeless need specialized housing. Housing that offers wheelchair ramps, roll in showers, grab bars, single level units and other accommodating features to assist the many older and disabled individuals now facing homelessness.

55 and Over

As baby boomers age into senior citizens, a series of recessions and the lack of a strong social safety net have pushed more and more elderly people into homelessness — a number that’s only expected to rise. Jeff Olivet, executive director of the U.S. Interagency Council of Homelessness tells us that “Seniors over the age of 55 are the fastest growing group of people experiencing homelessness and for many of them, it is first-time homelessness.”

Why is this Happening?

Like with most things there is no simple explanation; the reasons are complex. Most obviously, the U.S. has an aging population. With aging, people are more at risk of poverty, more subject to traumatic events, such as the death of a parent or a spouse, and more likely to suffer with chronic illness, such as diabetes and heart disease,  and at increased risk for falls and other physical injury.

Stagnant Income

While their income is limited, rent costs have skyrocketed across the country. Housing protection and assistance available during the COVID-19 pandemic have expired, leaving many people on the street. In addition, many of these folks with stagnant incomes are of retirement age, but are still working part-time, at low pay hourly jobs with no chance of a raise, just to supplement their Social Security check.

Federal Action

On December 19, 2023, President Biden, alarmed at the unprecedented number of people with no place to live, across all age groups, released an ambitious federal plan to strategically reduce homelessness by 25% by 2025. The plan will address the lack of affordable housing, aid people in crisis, and prevent people from losing their homes to foreclosure in the first place. Focus of the action are those most seriously effected: people of color, veterans, the disabled, and the elderly.

Statistics On the Growing Problem

From 2009 to 2017, HUD statistics indicate the number of unhoused individuals aged 51-61 grew from 14% of the total homeless population nationally to nearly 18%. The percentage of people 62 years or older living on the street has nearly doubled. Predictions indicate that by 2030 the number of unhoused individuals over the age of 65 will triple compared with 2017.

From the 1990s                                                

The younger half of the boomer generation have long been the dominant group among unhoused adults. In 1990, on average those folks were 30 years old; today their average age is 62. But it isn’t just the long time homeless, many are newly unhoused; people tossed out of houses and apartments for the first time. These people often experiencing a total shattering of their lives.

Nothing New

The shortage of affordable housing in the United States goes back at least 40 years; Ronald Reagan’s war on “welfare queens” did incredible damage to the social safety net and it has never been repaired. This long-time problem has been exacerbated by a number of factors. Large corporations are buying up apartments and single-family homes and charging whatever the market will bear. In fact, rent and home prices have skyrocketed, while the country has recently experienced exceptionally high inflation on basics like food and gasoline. However, economics are only part of the explanation for the dire straits many elders find themselves in.

Growing Numbers

In 2023, homelessness shot up by more than 12%, with an estimated 653,104 unhoused individuals living on American streets and in her parks. I personally have a hard time accepting these numbers, because of the large number of displaced persons I see everywhere in my small southern Oregon town. All that aside, these numbers represent the sharpest increase ever in homelessness, leading to the largest unhoused population ever recorded in the United States.

Graying of the Unhoused

Recent HUD data shows that nearly 1 in 5 people in the United States (that’s ‘effin 20% of the population) have no permanent place to live and a good share of those people are 55 years or older. Some are calling the spike in unhoused older citizens the “graying of America’s homeless.”

 Intervention and Prevention

Advocates for the homeless preach intervention and prevention. For example, it might be better to pay for a seniors medication or arrange for meals than allow them to become homeless because they have had to choose between the landlord and the pharmacy.

Bigger Than the Finances

As already suggested, the issues are often more than just financial. Recent studies indicate that older unhoused people have problems performing daily activities and have greater difficulty with walking, seeing, and hearing. Furthermore, they are subject to falling, and their overall health is significantly worse than those of the same age in the general population. Importantly many of the identified individuals also have significant cognitive impairment.

In San Francisco

The problem is so significant that in San Francisco they are planning for at least one shelter set up specifically for older adults and those with disabilities. Similar shelters are being planned for New York, Washington, D.C., Chicago, and Boston.


Exposure to the elements, poor diet, lack of sleep or fitful sleep, failure to take prescribed medication, shunning of professional services with doctors or dentists are commonplace among the homeless. Their physical circumstances trigger anxiety and depression, leading some to self-medicate with drugs and or alcohol. Such problems create a need for low barrier shelters, and housing, which are few and far between.

New Approach                                                  

Many experts are suggesting several types of shared housing situations that might be good solutions for the graying homeless population.  A homeowner takes in a tenant, cohousing (where there is a cluster of private mini homes with communal spaces or a large central building with separate bedrooms and shared kitchen and living room) or the immensely popular backyard Accessory Dwelling Units. ADU’s are springing up in neighborhoods across the country where zoning laws allow them. ADU’s are usually built on the lot of a single-family residence.


I wish I could conclude with a happy ending, but I see no happy ending here. As baby boomers age into senior citizens, a series of recessions and the lack of a strong social safety net have pushed more and more elderly people into homelessness — a number that’s only expected to rise over the next few years before common sense tells us it will drop off, probably after 2030, as the boomers die.

Please, Don’t Do It-Call 988

Please, Don’t Do It – Call 988 for Help

In 2022, nearly 50,000 Americans took their own lives

Call 988-Help Is Out There

By D. S. Mitchell

Scary Statistics
More than 1 in 5 Americans suffer from a diagnosed mental illness and an unknown number of Americans suffer from an undiagnosed mental illness. World wide 80% of the population suffers from a mental illness at some point in their lives; some disorders as benign sounding as nail biting and bed wetting. The most familiar and the most catastrophic in their effects on the lives of sufferers are depression, anxiety, PTSD, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. In 2022, 49,449 Americans died by suicide with at least another 1.2 million Americans attempting suicide. Misunderstanding and negative attitudes toward mental illness breed misconceptions and prevent many tortured individuals from seeking help.
Holidays are Dangerous Times
The holidays are a particularly dangerous time for a suicidal person.  If you, or someone you know, are experiencing any of the following symptoms please seek help.
Symptoms of suicidal ideation include:
  • Talking about self harm, wanting to die, or kill oneself
  • Describing life as “hopeless” without purpose, being “trapped”
  • Talking about being a burden to others
  • Increased use of alcohol or drugs
  • Noticeably agitated, anxious or reckless
  • Expressing feelings of unbearable pain
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Displays of rage
  • Plans to “get revenge”
  • Sleeping too little or too much
  • Withdrawing from normal relationships, isolation
  • A suicide plan
Call 988 For Help
Please, if you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, or are showing any of the listed signals, tell someone.  Call for help. There is a new national suicide Hot Line. Call 988 if you are thinking about suicide. Life has so much to offer, explore it. Stick around. Suicide is permanent.

Prep And Roll; Artificial Turf Coming Soon

Prep And Roll;

Artificial Turf Coming To A Home Near You

Artificial turf creates a beautiful, natural, low maintenance solution to backyard weeds, watering, and mowing

Prep And Roll

From The Sports Stadium To The Neighborhood 

By D.S. Mitchell

Morning Walks

I usually go for a morning walk. The route rarely changes, so I am particularly aware of homeowner activities in the neighborhood. Recently, I have noticed a lot of changes at a particular address. First, it was a beautiful new concrete ’tile’ roof, then a lovely grey paint job with sparkling white trim, and all new rock walkways. Ahh, all the choices have been just perfect. Last Wednesday, there was a bobcat in the front yard. I could see something serious was about to happen. On Thursday, when I walked by the house, all the sod and weeds had been scraped off; scalping the topsoil down about 4 inches and a sub-base of gravel had been placed and compacted nicely.

Friday Morning

Friday morning, to my surprise, I saw the contractor had laid out rolls of artificial grass on top of the gravel base, like you would carpet, stretching and snugging the pieces together, securing each piece with small yellow spikes. My brain lit up; oh, wow, my neighbor had decided to stop mowing and watering the lawn and was going to join the millions of Americans who are choosing a simpler and more environmentally friendly landscape solution. Saturday morning the new front yard was installed and looking amazing.

Positives For The Homeowner

I’ve been thinking about switching to artificial turf for at least the last year and have done a bit of research on the topic.  I’m pretty much convinced it is a good investment and appropriate for an older single female. I’d love not to be dealing with the damn lawnmower every weekend, spring, summer, and fall.  I’ve spoken to several contractors and I’ve learned that the artificial grass dries quickly after it rains, making it particularly user-friendly. It’s attractive even in problem areas, those shaded pathways, under large trees, and children’s outdoor play areas. The artificial turf saves water, cuts down on dust, weeds, and bugs. And it’s beauty encourages an outdoor lifestyle.

I’ve Also Learned

I had no idea that artificial grass was available in a variety of pile heights and color tones. Here’s notes from my conversations with the experts. First, choose a manufacturer with UV protection and a multi-year warranty. The last thing you want is to pull up a lawn you laid only a year ago. Next, I was told to see what varieties of natural grass my neighbors favored for their lawns. I was told darker-shades of fescue are common in northern yards. In the south, a lighter Bermuda grass is a better choice. Manufacturers also advise their customers to think about what they like aesthetically. For a fresh cut look, try a shorter grass with a firm feel. If you want a rich, luxurious look, a longer, softer, and lower-density grass will provide that.

More Things To Think About

Will your grass see heavy use, moderate use, or little to no use? Are there pets and kids? What about a swimming pool? If the grass will see heavy traffic you will need a denser product to ensure longevity. An 80 ounce product is a good choice for high traffic areas. If traffic is moderate a 62 ounce product will do the job while a 46 ounce product is the most economical for low traffic areas. There are even pet friendly grasses with short dense blades, making turds easy to clean up. If pets are a consideration choose a turf with a “fully permeable backing” which allows urine and other fluids to drain properly. A product with a permeable backing is also recommended for areas around pools and other spaces that water habitually splashes.

Easy Care, Doesn’t Mean No Care

Artificial grass is easy care, but, like with everything, there are some simple steps you can take to keep your new lawn beautiful for years to come. A leaf blower will become a good friend as it is important to remove fallen leaves or branches as soon as possible, before they become ground into the fabric. It is a good idea to rinse the turf regularly with a garden hose to clean off dust, pollen, and debris. Soda and other spills should be cleaned up promptly using a towel to blot the spot and rinsing with a mixture of soap and water. Let solid pet waste dry before picking it up, then rinse the area with water. Pet urine will drain out but it is suggested that such areas should be rinsed off with water. Brushing the grass against the grain in high traffic areas every couple weeks is promised to keep your artificial ground cover beautiful for years to come.

How About Weeds?

Sometimes, when the conditions are just right your artificial turf may nurture moss and weeds. Birds and wind deliver seeds and other plant matter and as such things go, rain and sun cause germination.  If you begin to see unwanted weeds pull the little buggers out by hand or eliminate them with a vinegar and water mix.



Tips to Stay in Style in this Economy

Staying In Style In This Economy

Anna Hessel offers common sense ideas to save money in these inflationary times

Editor’s Note: Anna Hessel with a little help from hubby, Wes, will be offering up for the next seven weeks, 10 tips a week on How to Stay In Style In This Economy. Watch for it every Tuesday.

How to Stay in Style in this Economy…

By Anna Hessel with Wes Hessel

Inflation is being beaten back but basic costs are still high, and service providers are charging more, but there is hope out there. Saving money has always been a challenge but in this current economic climate saving money can be get a bit tricky,  but there are certainly ways to shave your budget without losing out on things you need and want, here are today’s suggestions:


Save Me…

Saving money in this current economic climate can be a bit of a challenge, but there are certainly ways to shave your budget without losing out on things you need and want:

  1. Take advantage of after holiday or seasonal clearances. I buy toys, non-perishable gifts, clothing, and decor items for the following year at significant discount.
  2. Extended warranties on electronics and other major purchases can be worth the nominal costs. Check the ratings on the warranty provider to see how good (or bad) their track record is, and read their terms and conditions carefully. While it isn’t always the case, good companies are out there. We recently noticed two small white dots on the screen of our TV, which showed up no matter what program source – the extended warranty refunded our entire purchase price on the television. Suddenly, those two dots are a lot less bothersome…
  3. Check out the numerous travel discount sites, but choose a well-known or at least well-rated one to protect yourself. My husband and I saved big money on a whirlpool suite for our anniversary.
  4. Discount movie theaters with second run films are a source of entertainment at a fraction of the cost of first run films. Of course, streaming services are a great value, many offer a free trial week or longer, or discounts upon sign-up for a specific period of time. Streaming that is commercial-supported can offer even more savings.
  5. Take advantage of gift with purchase offers or discounted collections in department stores for cosmetics, and politely ask for samples.
  6. Beauty schools for haircuts, manicures, pedicures and the like are often cost effective, and the work is overseen by the instructors.
  7. Clearance cosmetics are fine as long as you check expiration dates and don’t buy open items.
  8. Your own at-home hair color, mani-pedis, and facials can work just fine. Choose quality products and that does not always mean most expensive ones – do your homework to compare…
  9. Watch carefully if buying cosmetics and toiletries in dollar stores or other deep discount outlets – many are made in China (PRC) and are not regulated. (Even major big box stores may carry these products, and some are better known brands.) Don’t sacrifice safety for savings. Food items made in China also are not regulated, and safety is in question.
  10. Clearance racks are great places to find deep discount apparel (or other items, as well). You might need to trim a thread or sew a button but it’s worth it. Remember there is a big difference between fashionably distressed and a mess…

Reduce, reuse, repurpose, and recycle to maximize savings and stay in style…


Simplify Your Way to Wellness

Simplify Your Way to Wellness

Reduce stress and improve life

Simplify Your Way to Wellness

Getting rid of things taking up too much space in your home and mind and you will regain calm and improve your health

By D. S. Mitchell

I was flipping through a four-year-old Prevention magazine waiting for my name to be called at the women’s clinic when an article caught my eye. I’m a retired RN and I love finding articles about health and wellness, and tips on how to improve everyday life that I can pass on to my Calamity News readers.

According to this 2019 article by Kate Rockwood, more than half of the country’s population felt “lonely” and “40%” were more anxious than the previous year.  Wow, I thought to myself, this is all pre-COVID-19 information. I can only imagine what the loneliness statistics are today, off the charts, I’m sure.

Ms. Rockwood tells the reader that mental states such as anxiety and loneliness can affect us physically as well. Anxiety and loneliness can increase cortisol levels. Elevated cortisol levels have been linked to an increased risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

Outside of seeing a therapist, she suggests the following.

Get Busy.  Smart Phones, Zoom,  PC’s and other technologies are great, but such technologies cannot replace in person interaction. Join a garden club, a book club, or volunteer. Volunteering 2 hours a week results in decreased loneliness and social isolation. Check out for local opportunities that fit your interests and skill set. Set a regular lunch date with an old friend. Touch, hug.

Organize Anxiety. To keep “worries” under control start by jotting down specific worries that are stuck on repeat. Then set a specific time to focus on that list of “worries”.  This little trick can help keep those “worries” from hijacking your brain at unwanted times. When the scheduled time to focus on the “worry” list comes around it is possible that the worries are no longer an issue.

Sweat Shop. We all know that physical exercise is important for good physical health, more and more evidence support the notion that physical exercise is good for mental health as well. Thirty minutes of walking can equal the effect of medication or psychotherapy at lifting mild to moderate symptoms of depression.

Clearing the Environment. Environmental disorder can seriously increase our stress level. Studies have linked cluttered environments to decreased self-control and increased anxiety. Pros suggest that you do not try to tackle the whole house at once. Start with one messy area of your home. Snap a before picture. Set the timer for 20-30 minutes. Begin straightening and cleaning. I find it best to start in one corner and just work my way around the room. When the timer dings force yourself to stop for at least 10 minutes, or the whole day if you feel like it. It is imperative to swap open ended cleaning sessions for a specific time window. It is far less overwhelming. Comparing the before photo to the post cleaning picture is solid proof that a little effort can make big dents in seemingly overwhelming projects.

Move Things Around. Want to lose a few pounds, take on a kitchen redo. Hide the cookie jar and bring out a bowl of fruit for your table’s center piece. In your panty move healthy staples like nuts, quinoa, to the front of eye level shelves and put unhealthier snacks and sweets on the top shelf where they are harder to see or reach.

Return to a Former Passion. Re-engaging with an activity you once loved-a sport, an instrument, a hobby-can bring you fun and and new people into your life.

Change it Up. Consider pursuing that sport or hobby in a more social way. An example could be, you as a life long gardener, take a neighbor under your wing and teach her the joys of working in the garden.

Reconnect.  Do you find yourself reminiscing about old friends? If you do, it  may be time to reach out to them (social media is a great resource) and attempt to reconnect. Sometimes it will be like you never had a disconnect, in other instances there will be no re-blossoming of the relationship, but you made the effort and that’s the important part.

I hope you found a couple of tips to help undo the side effects of stress in your life.

Vaccine Basics: The Truth About Vaccines


The strength of the anti-vaxxer movement in the U.S. is dangerous to the public health.

Vaccine Basics: The Truth About Vaccines

The Chinese were using inoculation over a 1,000 years ago in an attempt to protect people from the scourge of small pox. Those early physicians would make a scratch on a person’s arm or leg and then rub fluid from the pox pustules into the broken skin. Another method involved blowing infected dust from scabs into the nostrils of a healthy individual. The first record of an injection of a weakened form of small pox was by a British physician, Edward Jenner, in the 18th century. 

D. S. Mitchell

An Army

Any regular reader of this website knows that I am a retired RN. And as such, health and wellness issues are an important part of the information I share on this site. The COVID-19 pandemic brought out an army of anti-vaxxers, led by a-holes like RFK, Jr. There’s a guy despised by his family and recognized world wide as a “nut cake,” but even someone as despised and discredited as Kennedy has followers. Just because his dad was famous and cool does not mean he passed any of that charisma, intellect, or personality on to his children, particularly junior, in this case.

A Veritable Quandary

I don’t understand it. During my life time vaccines have nearly caused us to forget the severe outbreaks of “childhood diseases” including polio, tetanus, hepatitis A and B, rubella, mumps, whooping cough, rotavirus, smallpox, measles, and more. Vaccines save money. If you don’t care about the human cost, there is the financial cost of infectious diseases on our country. The CDC estimates that inoculation against measles has saved the United States $295 billion in hospital costs and $1.4 trillion in societal costs over a 15 year span, according to an article in the August 2020  Prevention magazine, by Jennifer Wolff


Fear, misinformation, and superstition are all drivers of the anti-vax movement. Because of all the screaming and hollering and the threats against Dr. Fauci, I thought now might be as good a time as any to provide a short refresher course on what vaccines are and what they are not.

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OPINION: 46 Is Marvelous

OPINION: 46 Is Marvelous

Joe Biden is a Marvelous #46

OPINION: 46 Is Marvelous

46 Marvelous Things our Marvelous 46th President Has Done


By Anna Hessel

While some viciously attack Joe Biden I’ve been counting what #46 has done for America.

  1. Joe beat Trump’s butt with the most votes received by any U.S. presidential candidate in U.S. history.
  2. Joe’s working at saving the soul of our nation from MAGA and other far-right Republicans, he’s gotta ways to go, if you ask me, but he’s on it.
  3. #46 has continued President Obama’s legacy of inclusive diversity.
  4. As Vice President under President Obama, Biden spearheaded the fight to bring affordable healthcare to more people. President Biden continues to fight for affordable healthcare, expanding and improving the program whenever possible.
  5. Together, back in 2008, Obama and Biden saved the U.S. auto industry.
  6. joe sponsored, and has continued to fight for and strengthen the Violence Against Women Act.
  7. On Joe’s first day in office he re-entered the Paris Climate Agreement.
  8. Our average Joe from Scranton, PA met with King Charles III and billionaire philanthropists regarding financing climate change measures.
  9. The brand new president Biden rehired Dr. Fauci and worked tirelessly to get COVID vaccines in the arms of millions of Americans, helping to end the pandemic.
  10. Joe gave Americans a COVID relief package immediately upon taking office, and (actually) worked to send out stimulus checks. Thanks, Joe, I bought a set of desperately needed tires for my car.
  11. Our Joe gave us our first female Vice President a woman of color and our first Second Gentlemen.
  12. 46 has come out fighting for student loan relief, and despite SCOTUS’ rejection of his administration’s first attempt to erase some portions of student debt he is working on a different method of loan relief.
  13. Class and dignity have returned to the White House with a beautiful Doctor of Education as our First Lady.
  14. Joe Biden acts like an actual man of God, not someone that just holds a Bible in front of a church which he didn’t attend for a photo op. President Biden prayed for our nation during his inaugural address – his sincerity is humbling and refreshing.
  15. A mammoth infrastructure plan; a plan to fix roads and bridges, railways and airports that have been allowed to deteriorate for at least the last 50 years.
  16. Respects our military – a proud serviceman’s father-who is honored to lay wreaths and flowers on the graves of those lost in our wars, not insult them as “suckers and losers.”
  17. An empathetic Joe gave his personal cell phone number to a little boy that stutters, an affliction that has plagued the president and told the boy to call anytime just too talk.
  18. He has lowered everyday expenses for U.S. families with the Inflation Reduction Act and the Child Tax Credit legislation.
  19. U.S. veterans who have been exposed to toxic situations, like the Iraq burn pits, and contaminated water at Camp LeJeune, are receiving services and benefits like no other time in history.
  20. Bidenomics have rescued the U.S. economy from  disaster without padding the pockets of the 2%.
  21. Made in America means more than ever.
  22. Unemployment is at an all-time low – more people are employed than ever before.
  23. President Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act, providing statutory authority for same-sex and interracial marriages.
  24. Lower prescription drug and healthcare costs.
  25. Made all vaccines under Medicare Part D free. Last year a shingles vaccine series of 2 shots cost $300. Yahoo.
  26. Joe has fought for reproductive freedom, not advocating abortion but realistically understanding the need for choice.
  27. Advocating for climate change, creating as many as nine million jobs in the process.
  28. Helping households to lower their energy costs.
  29. Joe Biden is instrumental in pulling the NATO countries together to assist the Ukraine during this Russian initiated war.
  30. Joe has the most diverse staff and cabinet in U.S. presidential history.
  31. President Biden’s is the most accomplished presidency in history, passing more bi-partisan legislation than any previous president.
  32. Joe backed and signed the strongest common sense gun safety bill to make it to a president’s desk in decades, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.
  33. 46 has made the most significant investment in mental health in three generations.
  34. Government driven sensible investment in manufacturing and industry in the rust belt, an investment not seen since immediately post WWII. The pandemic proved we need manufacturing in the United States.
  35. Postal reform to undo the damage caused by DeJoy and bring long term stability to USPS.
  36. Our guy Joe, quickly released oil from the national strategic reserve to reduce the price of gas.
  37. Established a national monument (s) honoring Emmett Till and his mother Mamie Till‑Mobley.
  38. Made Juneteenth a national holiday.
  39. CHIPS and Science Act is an effort to stimulate chip manufacture in the United States. It’s  a proactive move in case the mainland Chinese invade Taiwan; protecting the U.S. economy from a potentially devastating collapse that a shutdown in manufacture of chips would cause world wide.
  40. Brought home former Marine *Trevor Reed by sending convicted drug smuggler and Russian pilot Konstantin Yaroshenko to them. *Trevor Reed was recently wounded volunteering in Ukraine.
  41. Everyday Joe firmly stands up to Republicans with grace and dignity.
  42. Despite much vitriol President Biden concluded the conflict in Afghanistan, withdrawing all U.S. troops from harms way after 20 years in that country.
  43. Joe will never stop fighting to preserve voting rights for all citizens.
  44. Joe is patient and steady and is working hard to unify the American people.
  45. The Biden’s have brought adorable pets back to the White House. A cat and a dog.
  46. And lastly, let’s face it, Dark Brandon is sexy…

What Would You Do With An Extra Hour A Day?

What If You Were Given An Extra Hour Per Day?

5 Time Management Skills To Help You Be More Productive in less time

What Would You Do With An Extra Hour A Day?

Seriously, if you had an extra hour each day, how would you use that time?

5 Time Management Skills To Do Just That

By D. S. Mitchell

A friend and I were having lunch when she looked at me, and asked, “What would you do if you were given an extra hour a day? My first thought was, sleep; but I realized she was looking for a well-thought out response, not my first flippant thought.

“Wow. That’s deep,” I said.

“365 hours a year,” she emphasized, “That’s like another 15 days plus, a year; a two week vacation.”

I started adding fast in my head, “Over ten years, that’s like 150 extra days. Could that be possible? That’s like five months. Over 20 years that’s an extra ten plus months. Damn near a year,” I volunteered.

“Compounding is an amazing thing,” she giggled, “It’s the cumulative effect of just one hour, multiplied day after day, month after month, year after year.”

“Unfortunately, I’m afraid, I’d end up wasting most of it,” I forecast.

“I doubt it, I think you would find lots of worthwhile projects.”

I looked at my friend and laughed before saying, “Since there is no magic extra hour per day, I guess I won’t be challenged.”

“The reason I brought up the imaginary extra hour a day was that very reason, all my wasted hours.”

“You’re so organized. I can’t imagine you wasting a lot of time,” I objected.

“You are my friend, so your expectations are suspect,” she laughed.

“Okay. Your point?”

“I’ve been taking a time management course on line. What I’ve learned already is changing my life, making me more productive, with seemingly less effort. Giving me that extra hour every day.”


“Yes, absolutely.”

“Tell me,” I asked, curious, “so I don’t have to take the class,” I joked.

“Okay, I can do that. I’ve learned that no matter what you do, time management is really important. Here’s the basic 5 time management tips I’ve learned.”

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