How About Some Enthusiasm, Folks?

How About Some Enthusiasm, Folks ?


Time to jack up the enthusiasm for the Biden-Harris team.

How About Some Enthusiasm, Folks?

By David L. Shadrick

Why don’t Democrats support Biden the way Republicans support Trump?

Con man, grifter

I watch a lot of cable news programs; MSNBC, Newsmax, CNN, BBC World News, Fox, and whatever captures my attention on the internet. Quite frankly, I don’t understand it. In Joe Biden we have one of the most effective presidents of all time and the Trumpsters are more excited to see their 4-time indicted, conman, grifter, loser, running for office than Democrats are to see Joe Biden start his campaign. MAGA’s may be crazy but they support their man despite everything he has done and continues to do, no matter how destructive it may be for this country.

I’m Not Asking for a Cult

It’s not that way for Biden. I’m not suggesting Dems join some weird ass cult, but let’s give Joe a break. When I watch what many consider to be “liberal” stations all I hear is how old ‘Old Joe’ is. It doesn’t matter how old Joe is. He is wise, he is experienced. He has been tested during his nearly fifty years of government service.

The Electoral College

 Trump is a dangerous opponent, mostly because of the arcane Electoral College system and his unending attack on our voting system. The last thing we need right now is a bunch of handwringing and bedwetting. What we need is some excitement about a really good man who is doing a terrific job during one of the most divisive periods in our history. It doesn’t matter how old Joe is, he should have the total support of the Democratic Party. He’s earned it.

Biking and Swimming

Let’s take a look at that age issue. Biden is healthy and looks great. He bikes regularly, lifts weights, and swims. Trump is only four years Biden’s junior; wears weird orange makeup, uses a golf cart instead of walking, lives on hamburgers and Diet Cokes, and quite honestly has a profile that resembles a stack of Pancakes. Every time someone mentions Biden’s age Dem’s should bring up Trump’s pancake profile to counteract the attack. There is an argument to be made that Trump is in a lot more danger of passing away while in office than Joe Biden is.

Both of Trump’s Parents Had Dementia

If we’re talking about dementia, in my opinion Trump hasn’t made sense for years. Both his mother and his father suffered from dementia. There does appear to be a genetic component to Alzheimer’s disease. But, it’s more than dementia. Most normal people realize that Trump has only a tenuous grasp on reality. So, are his mental lapses symptoms of his mental illness or his dementia?  Maybe a combination of the two. Whatever it is, America doesn’t need it. We had four years of Trump’s chaos and corruption. I’m sure as hell ready to put that nightmare behind me.

Excitement Over Joe

 Let’s get excited about Joe Biden. He is a man that this country should be excited about. Hopefully, Joe will live long and prosper, but if he dies or succumbs to some disability while in office, Kamala Harris is ready to take over the presidency in any situation. She has a lifetime of public service. She is immensely qualified; she served as San Francisco DA, Attorney General of California, Senator, and now incumbent Vice President. The only thing, well two things, she’s a woman and she’s a black and Asian woman, is that the same kind of disqualifier as Joe’s age? Let’s hope not.

Big Flags Flying From Big Trucks

Where are the Biden rallies? Where are the giant pickup trucks covered with Biden signs, and flying one or two of those oversized American flags as they drive up and down the parkway? Although many of us find the Trump supporter’s behavior obnoxious these rolling advertisements for Trump have a powerful impact on observers.

Another, I Saw it on the Internet

Another, I Saw it on the Internet


I Saw it on the Internet

By D.S. Mitchell


Picture Perfect

A philosopher once said, ” A picture is worth a thousand words.” Well, the X prez is a liar, a thief, and a fraud; and here’s pictures to prove it. The man who tried to topple the U.S. government in 2020 is still at it. My question is why do so many MAGA followers believe anything this criminal narcissist says? I can almost understand why politicians like Cruz, Graham, and Hawley, who benefit both financially and politically, continue to cling to Trump’s coattails. What I don’t understand, however, is how so many common sense Americans have been hornswoggled  into believing this fat toad, with his elevator lifts, his mango makeup,  and his self-aggrandizing rhetoric, is working for them. Everything Trump stands for is in sharp contrast to what the average American needs; simple things like, work safety, clean water, safe food and drugs, ethical government, affordable health care, a strong social safety net, equal rights for all. So what is it? What is the hook that keeps the minions swimming with him?

Slurping Kool-Aid

“It’s a cult,”  the commentators are all saying. Whatever it is the folks, those of us who have not been slurping the Kool-Aid need to beat this authoritarian movement into submission. Despite the obvious inequities of the Electoral College process, partisan gerrymandering, and **third party candidates supported by right wing interests, the many can prevail in this battle, but it won’t be easy. I do not want to see young women forced to bear dead or unwanted babies, I do not want the U.S. military shooting U.S. citizens on U.S. streets, I do not want Christian leaders behaving like the ayatollah’s of Iran, I do not want Social Security or Medicare to end, and I most definitely do not want a phony TV huckster playing king at the head of the U.S. government.

Big Country

Talk to people; remind them of the real issues, not the political BS; such as: bodily autonomy, common sense gun control, ethics in government, the social safety net, religious freedom, LGBTQ+ rights, separation of church and state, national health care, housing the unhoused. I could go on. The list is long but we are a big country and our population has significant needs. Truthfully, in a country of 365,000,000 people and the world’s largest GDP the suggestion of “small government” is an outdated and ridiculous idea. When you hear that phrase think, “service for me and not for thee.” What really the Republicans are saying with the ridiculous notion of ‘small government,’ in this day and age, is we’ll pay for my needs and not yours. Everyone has a need, not just the few; and the federal government has a moral obligation to do the most, for the most. with our tax dollars, including collecting those tax dollars from the wealthy not just the poor.

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Donald Trump Wants His Daddy Back


Donald Trump Wants His Daddy Back

Fred Trump came in multiple times and rescued his son from his business mistakes. Donald wishes Fred were here today to clean up after his son at least one more time.


“I Want My Daddy.” “I Want My Daddy.”

Donald’s father, Fred Trump, was an extremely wealthy real estate developer, who supported Donald’s business ventures with hundreds of millions of dollars over his lifetime. Fred Trump died in 1999, but his money has kept Donald Trump and his siblings financially comfortable since the old man’s death. That comfort may now be in jeopardy.

By D. S. Mitchell

Despite 45’s claims of being a self-made man, a NY Times investigation several years ago showed that Fred Trump gave Donald at least $413 million from his own successful real estate business over the years. The Times also reported that Fred transferred some of this wealth through dubious tax schemes. Much of what Fred provided Donald seems to be unravelling as the ex-president battles fraud charges in New York state.

On Tuesday, Donald Trump, the twice impeached former U. S. president, and faux billionaire, was found guilty of repeatedly violating New York fraud laws by New York Supreme Court Justice, Arthur Engoron. In what is known as a summary judgment Engoron, days before the trial, found that Trump persistently participated in business fraud— and that Mr. Trump was liable for his lies and misrepresentations. Next week’s trial will be all about settling the money damages and penalties Trump & Co. will owe.

The civil case, was brought by New York State Attorney General, Letitia James. James is demanding $250 million dollars from Trump and the The Trump Organization for multiple decades of fraud. Engoron ordered the business certificates for all of Donald Trump’s holdings in New York be canceled.

The potential damage to Trump’s New York business empire is staggering. Iconic properties like 40 Wall Street, Trump Tower on 5th Avenue, and his Westchester county estate, Seven Springs, is to be, within 10 days, put into the hands of three independent receivers. The “receivers will manage the dissolution of the canceled” LLC’s associated with Trump and the Trump Organization.

Engoron’s order, according to Trump’s lawyers will be appealed. If the appeal fails Trump will lose all financial authority over Trump Organization properties in New York. A representative for Trump’s attorney, Melissa Cintron, noted that not only could the businesses be placed under the control of a receiver, but “the receiver will sell off the assets of the businesses and wind up affairs” such as paying creditors.

“Without a corporate charter, you can’t operate as a corporation. You can’t get loans, you can’t apply for a government contract,”  financial crimes prosecutor Diana Florence told reporters outside the courthouse. “It’s comparable to once a person dies. A dead person can’t sell property. Only the executor of the estate can do that — or in this case, the receiver.”

From the early 1980’s through today, Donald Trump has been making headlines as a business phenom. Gold towers and blonde beauties, all the glitz and glamour of a rich real estate tycoon, all in one well crafted package. The “reality” TV show, “The Apprentice,” ran for 14 years and cemented the image of  Trump as a successful businessman.

But we see now, it was all a lie. It was make believe. It was a grifter’s slight of hand. Donald Trump’s career was built on his father’s money. Donald has been a daddy’s boy; who has, his entire life, lived off the money his father had made. The only thing Donald knows about money is how to spend it. He especially likes spending other people’s money.

I just want to say to all the small donors who support Trump, think before you write Daddy’s Boy another check.


The Trump Crime Family Under Scrutiny


The Trump Crime Family Under Scrutiny

91 indictments should be enough to stop Trump's re-election, but so far the leader of the Trump Crime Family seems to feel political push back


The Scandal of the Trump Crime Family

The X-Prez has been the head of a crime family operating in full view and in defiance of law enforcement for decades. Time for the Trump Crime Family to be brought to justice. Let’s start with a Senate Investigative Committee; then we can have dueling congressional hearings. Way past time to ask tough questions about Ivanka’s patent hanky-panky in China, the Trump DC hotel, and Saudi Arabia’s billions warming Jared Kushner’s wallet.


By D.S. Mitchell

News Alert

Attention! For those in the country that haven’t gotten the news: Trump was voted out of office. Joe Biden kicked his fat, orange, ass. Trump lost by nearly 8 million votes. Period. Dot.


If Trump is allowed to appear on the ballot and potentially gain a second presidential term it will encourage him and others to continue their attack on our democracy, most likely ending the American experiment. Trump has declared repeatedly he will suspend the U. S. Constitution, he has also suggested women should face criminal charges for obtaining an abortion, and his threats to jail his “enemies” is chilling. The unhinged threats of the head of the Trump Crime Family cannot be ignored. The weaponization of the IRS and the DOJ will allow Trump to destroy the lives of anyone he choses. That’s ‘effin scary. Think about what Trump has said about judges, prosecutors, war heroes, and average citizens; seriously endangering the lives of those he targets. WTF? Since when is it okay for a man with the presidential bully pulpit to attack election workers? It’s clear. Trump’s concept of the presidency is similar to the North Korea model.

91 Felony Charges, to date

Holy shit. Trump is the first president of the United States, in 234 years, to be criminally indicted. 34 felony counts in New York, over allegations that he falsified business records to conceal hush money payments to Stormy Daniels, a porn star. 40 felony counts in Florida for hoarding classified documents and obstructing government efforts to collect them. 4 felony counts in D.C. related to his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election. In Georgia, the Fulton County DA has indicted Trump on 13 counts of election interference in that state. These are criminal charges, Trump is also facing multiple civil lawsuits. My goodness, folks, Trump is a walking crime wave. He is totally unfit for office and a group of people are trying to keep this lawless king pin off the ballot.

Groups in Multiple States

Groups in multiple states, both Republican and Democrat, are making efforts to block the twice impeached former president from running for office ever again. The basis of the strategy is to use Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to prevent Trump from running for office. The 14th Amendment is post civil war legislation intended to deal with insurrectionists in the aftermath of the Civil War. Insurrectionists and anyone who had given aid and comfort to insurgents were legally barred from running for office.   How fitting for this Twenty-First century insurrectionist.


Stopping Trump should be the major job  of every democracy loving American. We don’t need an indicted criminal running 0ur government for his personal and family profit. No to Trump. No to MAGA. Save Democracy, vote blue, vote Joe Biden and Kamala Harris 2024.

Looking Back At Trump

Looking Back At Trump 2017

A man living in an alternate universe of madness wants another change to ruin the government

Looking Back at Trump 2017


By D.S. Mitchell and Sallie Lester

Editors Note:

The Trump Town Hall on CNN the other night, had the hair on my arms standing up and I felt a deep visceral anger and disgust I haven’t felt since Trump was president. With that disgust of everything Trump renewed, I was prompted to go back and revisit numerous articles from Trump’s first few months in office.

Listen folks, all you need to do is read the newspaper to know Trump is a bad dude. He is a shameless narcissist, a fake and a liar, a sexual predator, a grifter, a tax fraud, among many other proven things, but most importantly he is a real threat to our democracy. Now here he comes again, after fomenting an insurrection, asking us to give him a second chance to bring down the  damn government. It’s happening in Israel, Hungary, and Turkey. It could happen here. We must stop Captain Chaos. Donate to the re-elect Biden-Harris 2024 presidential campaign.

Back in 2016

Millions of people across the country were deeply disturbed and shocked in 2016 after the Electoral College determined Donald J. Trump to have been elected president of the United States. Many protested in the streets, some like me took to the computer to Resist the insanity of a TV huckster and an absurdity like Donald Trump becoming president.

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In My Opinion, Trump Is Delusional


Trump Is Delusional

D. S. Mitchell

Twitter Turds

After two days of watching Trump Turds fly this way and that from his personal Twitter account, I believe that someone; his physician, a family member, the Senate Majority leader, SOMEBODY needs to step in and get this man a psychiatric evaluation. His deteriorating mental condition has been obvious since the inauguration. Trump’s behavior over the past 130 plus days reveals a man who is in uncertain control of his mental faculties.

Delusion And Reality Separated

Most professionals agree that Donald Trump suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The chaos and confusion of the move to Washington. The incredible responsibility of the Office.  His separation from the familiar. His isolation and incredible unpopularity are challenging Trump’s tenuous grasp on reality. I believe he is telling us through his aberrant behavior that he is losing contact with reality. It seems to have become more and more difficult for him, to separate delusion from reality.

The Last 48 Hours

The Trump craziness has been on full display for the world to see for the last 48 hours. His behavior is becoming increasingly dangerous, in my opinion. This is an appeal for someone in power to investigate the president’s capacity to head our government.  We have entered unexplored territory with this president. I know I have heard that phrase before, but I’m taking it very seriously. Our existence as a country could be in the hands of a madman and it is imperative that men of stature and patriotism intervene, while they are still able.

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Calamity Politics is a progressive blog that comments, analyzes and offers opinions on the headline news of the day. Feel free to comment on what you read on this site. I appreciate your comments. I do ask that you keep your comments decent and printable. If you curse and act like a fool I will not print your opinion. Otherwise, I will be happy to present your dissenting opinion.

Join the Resistance

Trump’s Narcissistic Personality Traits

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

D. S. Mitchell

Another Sunday

It’s Sunday afternoon, and I’ve planted several trays of spring flowers, and the yard at Calamity Politics is much brighter, and much more inviting.  If you are a new visitor to Calamity Politics, we are a progressive political blog that hopefully offers relevant news and engaging political chatter.  In addition to the chatter, I try to offer intelligent analysis and commentary on the news of the day.  Hopefully, readers will find the articles topical and informative.

26,000 Mental Health Professionals

Twenty-six thousand (26,000) psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers recently signed a petition stating that Donald Trump has a “dangerous mental illness, and is not fit to lead the United States.” Dr. John Gartner, formerly of  Johns Hopkins University, now in private practice, stated that he felt he “had an ethical responsibility to warn the public of Donald Trump’s mental illness.”

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