My Hand in an Electric Socket

My Hand in an Electric Socket

Don't let the events of the day deter you from the work of democracy.

My Hand in an Electric Socket

By D. S. Mitchell


4,000 Days

I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’ve had my hand stuck in an electric light socket for the last 4,000 plus days. Those four thousand days roughly translating into the ten years since Donald Trump descended the golden escalator at Trump Tower amidst the cheers of a paid-to-show-crowd, and announced his run for the presidency of the United States. Of course it wasn’t Trump’s first run; he had gone after the presidency in 1999 as a Reform Party candidate, but this time he was going to run as a Republican.

Shame on Them

Trump’s escalator announcement came on June 16th, 2015. Since that day, Donald Trump’s lies, misogyny, xenophobia, isolationism, conspiratorial theories, Putin love, and bombastic rhetoric have altered our national political discussion and, quite honestly, that of the world. We as a nation had  consciously been working toward kindness and civility in our speech to one another; since Trump’s emergence as a big voice for roughly 30% of the country, tough talk and gun waving, have emerged as acceptable. The acceptance of the minorities “right” to use violence when they are unhappy with the results of an election is terrifying. This is not a good thing and is unacceptable in a democracy. Death threats and mafioso tactics now define how things get done in the Republican Party.

Done With George

Unpredictability, narcissism, and other despotic traits are things our Founding Fathers rejected. The American Revolution began on April 19, 1775. The next year the colonies jointly declared independence from the tyrannical, tax collecting, King George the Third. Trump says he’s ready to be a dictator on day one. Well, Donald the majority of Americans reject such bullshit. Maybe you and Tucker Carlson should buy a place in Victor Orban’s Hungary and settle down over there. 

Down Memory Lane

In case you’ve forgotten, Trump like any entertainer worth his salt, managed to excite, incite, and agitate us all, everyday of the year, for four explosive years. Although seemingly impossible, the Trump administration grew more chaotic with each passing day. Diplomacy via Twitter, threats of U.S. military intervention in domestic affairs, promised “target practice” at the border, and bleach injections for those who wanted to give it a try. I was so glad to see quiet, “normal” Joe Biden, take over the reins of government from Trump; but I’m still unsure if there will ever again be such a thing as normalcy.

We Have the Numbers

An overwhelming number of Americans support a progressive agenda. Progressives want to put a stop to big money dominating elections, they want to cut drug prices, and seriously address the dangers of climate change. By large numbers Americans favor stronger gun laws, national health insurance (Obamacare), transgender rights, same sex marriage, and access to abortion. Sometimes it seems as though the Trump side is smarter, better funded, more united, and more determined, than we progressives, but I don’t believe that’s true. When I say an overwhelming number of Americans support progressivism I am talking about 75% of the population and growing. Powerful well-funded minorities are threatening our democracy and we must stand up to them. It is not okay that a minority is able to impose its will on the entire nation.

Sucking up all the Oxygen

It’s Friday February 16, 2024. Aside from the tragic news of Alexei Navalny’s death in a Russian prison camp, the news focus for today has mostly centered on the many trials of Donald Trump.  It looks like Trump has just been hit with over $453,000,000 in fines for a civil fraud case brought against the Trump Organization by New York Attorney General, Letitia James. Furthermore, Trump and his two sons, Erik and Don Jr will be unable to conduct real estate in New York for at least two years. Between the civil fraud case, and the E. Jean Carroll defamation case, it looks like Donald Trump will be required to pay over half a billion dollars in fines and damages in just these two cases. Yikes, that ought to take a bite out of his “billionaire” status.

The End Result

It will probably take fully a generation to measure the damage Trump  and Trumpism has done to America; but that is a job for the historians, not humble writers. A lot depends on whether Trump can get his ass re-elected. If Trump succeeds in winning the presidency in 2024, America will go down the same road as Brazil, Russia, China, Hungary, and Venezuela. If however, the United States can resist the lure of neo-fascism we have a chance to recover from Trump’s terrible vision for the country, but it will take time to heal. It will take working together, participating in collective action.

Indefinable and Immeasurable

The effect of Trump and MAGAism, is probably, at least as yet, unmeasurable.  The effect Donald Trump has had on the American body politic has been horrifying and terrifying. For the sake of the country, I hope the love affair with Trump and MAGAism is about over. Hopefully, we don’t have to wait until he’s dead.

Another, I Saw It On The Internet #3

Another, I Saw It On The Internet #3

May be a doodle of heart and text that says 'Be careful who you hate. It could be someone you love.'

Another, I Saw It On The Internet #3

By D.S. Mitchell


Slime Pit

The internet is an unbelievable source of knowledge and social connection, but it is also the source of an incalculable amount of hate, anger, bigotry, ignorance, and downright bullshit. But every once in a while I see something that strikes at my heart and I want to share it. Today I saw the above image posted to the Josephine County Democrats on-line newsletter; I love it.

From My Heart

It is so easy to hate, so easy to blame others for our life-situation, but folks, believe me, hate does not build, it destroys. A culture based on anger, bigotry, and hate is destined for failure. Hate requires a lot of energy to keep the dynamic going. It is exhausting,. It consumes every bit of mental or emotional energy a person has, there is no energy left to create, to build, to grow. Limit the hate, expand the love.

Kamala Harris, An American Story

Kamala Harris, An American Story

Kamala Harris, fulfillment of the American dream. Vote Blue 2024 Biden/Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris: An American Story


By D. S. Mitchell

Preparing For The Challenge

Kamala Harris is a leader. You see it in her demeanor, in her confidence. Her story, her views, and how her education and work have prepared her for the challenges of her job as the first female vice president of the United States should be explored and written about. An attorney,  a fierce prosecutor, California Attorney General, senator, social leader, best selling author, and Vice President of the United States; all by the age of 58.

Early Examples

Harris grew up watching her parents forge ahead into unknown territory, and—by her own admission—her yearning for something meaningful started at a young age. Harris’s mother Gopalan immigrated from Chennai, India, to study at the University of  California-Berkeley for her doctorate in nutrition and endocrinology. She met and fell in love with Donald Harris, a Jamaican-born economics major earning his Ph.D. Rather than returning home to marry someone of her family’s choosing, Gopalan stayed in the United States. Together Harris and Gopalan had two daughters. They raised their daughters immersed in their two combined cultures in a new land and instilled in them respect for activism and academia.

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EDITORIAL: Glass Smashing Rage

EDITORIAL: Glass Smashing Rage

EDITORIAL: Glass Smashing Rage

By Dani Davis

Not So Good, ‘Ol Days

I was born in 1946. That makes me 76 years old.  The Allied soldiers had just liberated Europe from Hitler’s fascist grip, AND saved the world from the jingoism of the Japanese Empire when I was delivered kicking and screaming into the world. The boys were back to the land of the not so free. A history lesson is appropriate at this time, for those have been separated from what it was really like in those days. Let me tell you; it ‘effin sucked for a hell of a lot of people, particularly people of color, women, and the queer.

Writing Law, Not interpreting Law

On June 24, 2022, I woke up to learn that the right wing-radical SCOTUS had overturned Roe v Wade. The first thing to suffer were two wine glasses sitting on the kitchen counter, which I sent flying across the room in an angry rage.  We all knew it was coming, since the ‘leak’ of Sam Alito’s draft opinion nearly two months ago.  I am furious. I am shocked. I am dismayed. But, more than that, I am deeply saddened for our country; and the meaning of law, and justice.

Pretzel Time

I am saddened and alarmed that the six ideologues chosen by the Federalist Society, who now sit on the highest court in the land, seem to have no brakes. It is clear they intend to smash through anything that gets in their political way. These isolated radicalized folks are willing to ignore 50 years of established precedent, twist themselves into pretzels looking to 15th century doctrine to support an outrageous 21st century decision. The justices, despite the wishes of 70% of the American people, overturned Roe. They could have chipped away at the law, which they have been doing since 1993, instead they are so brazen they did not hesitate in wiping Roe off the legal landscape.  Greatly emboldened they do not intend to let anything stop them. I am convinced nothing we call sacred in our society, is safe from this out of control court.

Mitch McConnell Is The Cause 

This “Catholic-Christian” majority Supreme Court just tossed out 50 years of progress and has sent this country into a very dark place. Lest not forget how we got to this imbalance on the court. Republican Mitch McConnell, when he was Majority Leader in the Senate, denied Barack Obama a chance to install his choice for Supreme Court Justice, Merrick Garland. In 2020, Mitch again, went against all Senate history and jammed through Amy Cony Barrett as Trump’s 3rd appointee, during the last days of the Trump administration.  Those two actions by McConnell have resulted in the current imbalance of conservative justices on the court.

More To Come

Abortion is not the only ‘right’ under attack. There is much more to come. All you need to do is read Clarence Thomas’s opinion. Frankly, with the court’s decision to overturn Rue, came with a threat to end many long established rights. Clarence Thomas, in his assenting opinion foreshadowed many rights he was willing to take the judicial hammer to. It looks to me like, we have an over-active, ‘law-creating’ court that will soon be targeting many cherished privacy rights. The right to contraceptives, same sex marriage, and the right to decide the race of your sexual partner may be in the cross-hairs of this politically active court.

Most Egregious

It seems a bit odd that ‘Uncle Tom’ Clarence Thomas has forgotten that his right to marry a white woman isn’t many steps away from the topics he suggests were decided egregiously.  I’d like to remind Clarence and Virginia (Ginni) Thomas, that it wasn’t until June of 1967, when I was a senior in college, the Earl Warren Supreme Court issued it’s landmark opinion in Loving v Virginia. Let me repeat that, it wasn’t until 1967, that Clarence and Ginni could have even traveled together, much less gotten married in nearly a third of the states in these good old United States. Looking backwards might not be the best choice for this duo.

The United States Is Not A Christian Country

The United States was founded as a secular republic, not a ‘Christian’ country. What unites us is a common Constitution, not a common religion, or a common culture. The U.S, Constitution is meant to protect the rights of us all; not just the rights of the “believers.” Nobody is supposed to be burned at the stake anymore; yet Sam Alito had to reach back to the time of the witch trials to find basis for his anti-abortion ruling. Please, it is 2022 and it is fucking time a woman should be allowed to make the decisions that effect her, and her family. Literally, a woman could be pregnant 3/4 of every year, for 35 plus years, producing potentially a child a year.  Without contraception, or abortion a single woman could if forced to produce 35 kids. Really? This is what the conservatives want for 21st century women? Total crap.

Lawless Abandon

The Catholic-Christian majority that has been jammed onto the Supreme Court have decided that they can wield their 6-3 voting power with near lawless abandon. Don’t just clutch your pearls ladies; these six SOB’s want to impose their religious beliefs onto the rest of us; it is time for action, not whining and moaning. We are a country of 330, 000,000 people, from different religions, different cultures and backgrounds, each of us with different dreams. The recent Supreme Court actions on voting rights, gun rights, the EPA, and Roe v Wade are total BS. The idea that the Founding Father’s believed that every citizen, no matter how crazy, should be able to openly carry a weapon of war is total absurdity. I think Ben and the boys would have put the kibosh to that idea quickly and decisively.  The eighteenth century philosphosper/revolutionary was part of his world, and for a court to suggest that the eighteen century and the twenty-first century are equivalent is patently ridiculous.

A Fraudulent Court

The fact that the last three of the nine justices, were appointed illegitimately, thanks to Mitch McConnell, by a twice impeached, one-term president, makes any of this court’s decisions suspect. Furthermore, from taped testimony, it looks like Barrett, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh may have misled, or perhaps committed perjury during Senate questioning. I would go so far as to suggest this is a fraudulent court. There is no way we can wait forty years for this court to die of old age; while it destroys the fabric of our society.  These folks were not elected, yet they are sitting in lifetime positions, making decisions that effect the most basic of our rights; privacy. Outrageous.

My Final Days

I will not be silent. I may be 76 years old,  but I can still march, I can still vote,  I can still vocalize my anger. I’m not dead yet, and until that final day comes I will be working for a re-do of the ‘third’ branch of government. The idea that you can remove court decisions from the time and place of the decision is absurd.  The Founding Fathers were a part of their time.  When Ben, Tom, Jimmy and George were imagining a new country, they sure as hell had no idea that the country of 2.5 million would eventually spread from to sea to shining sea, with a  population  nearly 10 and a half times the size of the original country. There were no cars, no cell phones, no railroads, no astronauts, no AR-15’s, no female CEO’s, no black legislators. For the ‘purists’ on the court who want to take us back 245 years let’s remember that the Ninth Amendment offered flexibility and growth. The FF knew that the constitution could grow and stretch to the needs of the country, not contract and penalize the many.  We can grow past 1619. We can grow past 1776 It is 2022, time for a new perspective, not an old and outdated one.

Real, True Outrage

Should a woman be forced to carry her rapists baby until birth? I say, “hell no.” What if the impregnated person were a child, carrying her father’s baby, as a victim of incest. Or perhaps, an uncle or a  grandfather; or some other relative. My fucking god, this ordeal is guaranteed to fuck up just about anybody. Let’s start thinking with our hearts. Let’s begin with love for the hopeless, for the abandoned, let’s offer them a life line, not an anchor.


It is time for court reform. If there isn’t court reform I  predict that people will just stop listening to anything that comes out of their biased mouths. At least 90 attorney generals and state prosecutors have stated for the record they will not prosecute any abortion cases. The Robert’s Court has already damaged the public view of the court. I  think the last time I looked, the Supreme court approval rating was about 20%.   It is time to enlarge the court, institute term limits, and come up with a code of ethics, to reign in the likes of Clarence Thomas and his anti-democratic wife.


Gay In America


Trevor K. McNeil

Not Ashamed

Shame is one of the strongest human emotions. It has long been a key weapon used by the powerful, particularly those in religious authority. The Catholic Church was a prime offender. Popes even stooped so low as to peddle Papal Indulgences.   Papal Indulgences were basically ‘Get Out of Hell Free Cards’ for so-called infractions the church decided were “sinful.” Queer behavior was often targeted as “sinful” by religious leaders.

Targets Of Shame

Two of the biggest targets of shame through the eons have been women and members of the Queer community (or LGBTQ+ if you prefer). As with all unjust behavior comes opposition, injustice inflaming those who fight to bring about change. That push for change culminated recently when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that civil right’s law protect gay and transgender individuals, making it illegal to dismiss individuals from their employment for being homosexual.

Death Sentence

All has not been rosy for our dear friends of Dorothy. For a sickeningly long time, in even the alleged “land of the free”, it was illegal to be gay. Punishments ranging from torture and death to imprisonment, depending if it was the courts, or a posse who decided an individual were “deviant” as it was then called. Prison often being the best of the options available.

Kenneth Anger

A 2oth century warrior against gay discrimination was filmmaker Kenneth Anger. Anger is an open Luciferian (he has the word LUCIFER tattooed across his chest). He is a life-long contrarian with a near-suicidal need to thumb his nose at oppressive authority. The fact that Anger (still kickin’ at 93) is also gay is actually the least interesting, or controversial, thing about him.  He was used to being hated and knew his life was at risk for speaking out.  But still, Anger had no qualms and pulled no punches in terms of overtly gay imagery in his films, knowing full well he could be arrested or even killed.

They Said What Now?

In 1968 playwright Mart Crowley’s groundbreaking play The Boys In the Band premiered off Broadway. The play focused on a group LGBTQ+ males but every one of the characters is a fleshed out human being, going well beyond the stereotypes of the time. Some of those stereotypes enforced by law, such as the section of the Hays Film Code which dictated that all gay characters be villains and/or tragic. Crowley presented neither.  The Boys has long been credited with inspiring what would come just one year later.

I Predict A Riot

There is still some disagreement about when or how the modern LGBTQ+ Rights Movement started. After years of police intimidation in the summer 1969 the gay community fought back. On the morning of June 28th police raided the Stonewall Inn. Yet another in a sustained pattern of harassment against New York City’s sizable LGBTQ+ community. On that day, years of abuse came to a head and the Stonewall Inn occupants started fighting back. What was supposed to be a routine raid, at least from a police perspective, turned into a full-on, brick throwing riot.

White Night Riots

The Stonewall riot happened four years before San Francisco politician Harvey Milk became the first openly gay man elected to public office in 1973.  The election became a bitter-sweet victory when Milk was murdered by his colleague Dan White. White, a former police officer, claimed he was in a psychotic state from eating too many sweets. According to White he killed Mayor George Moscone and Harvey Milk while on a “sugar” high.  It would later become known as “The Twinkie Defense.” White was ultimately convicted of man-slaughter, sparking off what became known as the White Night Riots in 1978. White committed suicide in 1985.

The Value of Persistence

Things are moving in the right direction for  LGBTQ+ rights. Certainly miles ahead of where they used to be. Though it is important that we not get complacent. All my Queer brothers and sisters, along with our allies and friends, must keep an eye on things to ensure that the advancements made over the last few decades remain intact.