OPINION: Trump Is No Jesus

OPINION: Trump Is No Jesus

Trump is a destroyer not a builder and he certainly is no Jesus.

OPINION: Trump Is No Jesus


By D.S. Mitchell


Hard to Imagine

When I was a kid I never imagined we would one day have a president of the United States that would shamelessly rent rooms for profit to Saudi princes and Chinese spies, at a hotel he owned, just down the street from the White House. While Trump was overcharging international dictators and oligarchs for hotel accommodations, his daughter Ivanka was in China securing profitable trademarks for her many high ticket items. And, that’s just the small stuff. The X-president’s son-in-law seems to have pulled off the biggest grift of the Trump era. When Jerad Kushner, who served in the Trump administration as a senior adviser, walked away from public service he had a 2 billion dollar check in his  pocket from the Saudi’s to fuel his private equity firm. Of course that 2 billion does not include the 100’s of millions of dollars handed over to Kushner by the rich and powerful leaders of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates for that same equity firm.

Now and Then

Since Trump has been out of office he has continued the grift. The fact that the former president of the United States is willing to hold up a bible in one hand, he’s selling for $59.99, and a  pair of gold lame high top sneakers he’s selling for $399.99 in the other hand, is an embarrassment to the office he once held and is once again seeking.

Sold Out

If you somehow missed out on the limited number of the gold high tops he was hawking, you still have a chance at the regular red and white sneakers for $199.  Trump ‘Victory’ perfume and the cologne version come boxed for the small pittance of $99. The made in China, dime store quality rubbish just doesn’t stop. He’s got the Trumpy bear for $40 bucks and believe it or not, you can pick up a Trump Chia head for $19.99. And holy cow, the MAGA hats are selling for $50 at Trump’s on line store; and they’re not even autographed. I know for a fact, you can pick up one of those red baseball caps for $12.99 on Amazon. And, wait for it-they even have gold colored ear buds. Because next to green the Donald is all about the gold.

Beware the False Prophet

For those who think Trump is doing God’s work, even as he spews hate and lies, attacks immigrants, and women, I say, get thee to a closet and study the word. AI created images of Trump with Jesus hovering over him, or sitting next to him, have been showing up on the internet for months. Now, these heretics are merging Christ’s image with that of Trump, depicting them as a single entity. Such images were once a rarity, now they are becoming commonplace.

I‘m Angry

I can tolerate the grift, when we are just talking about Chia heads and gold sneakers, but damn it-this whole recent nonsense of Trump pretending to be a Christian to suck up to the evangelicals is D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G.  The very thought of that Godless, lying, rapist, bigot, wrapping himself in the glory of Jesus, is unforgivable. He is a heretic, a blasphemer, and a false Messiah. Where are the pastors, the priests, and the people who know the words of the bible? Wherever you are, I am calling on you to take a stand against this abomination. It is time to speak up and speak out against this outrage.


Way Past Time to Halt Netanyahu’s War


Way Past Time To Halt Netanyahu’s War

What is going on in Gaza is heartbreaking and it must stop.


Way Past Time To Halt Netanyahu’s War

By D.S. Mitchell


Both Sides Of Their Mouths

With all the anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ, anti-Latino, and anti-POC rhetoric coming from the 2024 Republican candidate for president, Donald Trump, I was amazed to see the recent uproar from the Republicans over Chuck Schumer’s frontal attack on Benjamin Netanyahu.  Seriously, I mean seriously? I wonder how anyone from the right wing MAGA  crowd dares to even open their mouths.

Raise Up

Who are these hypocrites that now raise up on their hind legs and call Schumer an ‘Israel hater’ and even a ‘Jew hater’? Chuck Schumer is the highest elected person of the Jewish faith in this country and has given unrestrained support for the country of Israel for decades. But since Schumer’s anti-Netanyahu speech on the Senate floor ex-president Trump has been peppering his rally tirades and imbecilic tweets with attacks against Schumer as an ‘Israel hater’. Trump has said that any American Jew that votes for a Democrat should be ashamed.’ Remember, Trump  is the same guy who identified the Charlottesville Neo-Nazi Jew haters who rallied with torches, screaming “Jews will not replace  us,”  as “really fine people.”


The labeling of an individual as “anti-Semitic” because they have the courage to question the correctness of supporting a government that denies human rights every day to Palestinians within their borders is wrong. We need to get past the idea that Israel is above criticism and condemnation for its actions. There is no reason for confusion. It is easy to separate the country of Israel from the religious philosophy of Judaism.  Israel is a government, no better or worse than any other. Well, maybe worse than many, would be a better description. At some point we must separate Judaism the religion from the political state of Israel. When Israel takes action, it takes action as a country, not as a religion.  The decisions it’s leaders  makes are not agreed upon by every citizen anymore than the citizens of America are consulted on important issues.  Currently, Israel is experiencing sharp divisions between left and the right political factions, just like in the United States. That division has allowed Netanyahu to cobble together a government of radical right wing extremists; and its these folks who are directing the war.

State of Confusion

Confused persons are attacking the most powerful elected Jew in the United States, Chuck Schumer, because he challenged Netanyahu’s war plan. The state of Israel is a fair target for criticism. Period, dot. Netanyahu’s government is pursuing  inhumane policies, and needs to be called out by everyone that sees this abomination. But criticism of him does not equate to anti-Semitism. But the winds are blowing against Netanyahu. Most Americans are outraged and disgusted at the suffering they are witnessing everyday on their TV, whether the observer be Jew or Gentile. I know I am, and so is every single person I have spoken to about the issue. Joe Biden is a good man. He needs to break with Netanyahu for no other reason than his own moral compass demands he do so.

An Apartheid State

Israel under “Bibi” Netanyahu is no place for the non-Jew. So, upfront the United States has been supporting an oppressive regime dehumanizing and disenfranchising the Palestinians on the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza for years. The Netanyahu Israel is, as far as Palestinians are concerned, an apartheid state, no different than the segregated south of the United States or South Africa of the 1900s.

Billion Dollar Support

The United States has supported the state of Israel since its inception in 1948.  The United States provides billions of dollars in aide to Israel every year. In fact, I would say the United States is and has been the spine of Israel for decades. It is the unwavering support of the United States, that has allowed Israel to wear big-boy pants and swagger around the Middle East waving U.S. made weapons in all directions.

Spoils of War

In 1967 Israel won a decisive victory in the Six Day War against an Arab coalition force led by Egypt.  In that conflict Israel took control of the Sinai Peninsula (which was returned to Egypt per the Camp David Accords in 1978), the West bank of the Jordan River, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. Despite fifty plus years of war and negotiation, Israel has refused to return to its pre-1967 borders.

Expansion Extremists

Israeli expansionists have opposed the return of the captured lands and have aggressively built Jewish settlements, in defiance of international law. In fact, last week; while U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, was in Israel the Netanyahu government insulted Blinken and the United States by announcing the biggest land seizure in the West Bank since 1993. It can only be described as an illegal land grab; “from river to the sea,” Netanyahu recently declared. Interestingly when the matter was brought up to Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, he said that, “soon Israel will be able to clear away all the rubble and develop miles of water front property.” Like I said earlier, this is one of the biggest land grabs in history, at an unimaginable cost of human life.

Believe Your Eyes

My question is; why shouldn’t we challenge the relationship of our government and that of Netanyahu? Since when is any foreign policy topic too sensitive to have a conversation about? My God, since 10/7, close to 32,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed, more than 12,000 are believed to be children. Nearly every building has been demolished. There are no schools, there are no apartment buildings, there are no mosques. There is little doubt that Israel’s war against Hamas is a convenient excuse for genocide. Harsh words, but what else can a shocked world believe. It looks like the Palestinian’s are facing a 21st century  Holocaust.


The situation was untenable-unstable-and unsatisfactory long before the Israel-Hamas war. Until Palestinians gain equity in their own state taken from the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem there will be no real security for either side. Without a Palestinian state there will continue to be flareups between the parties. Joe Biden has said it multiple times. The answer is obvious, there needs to be a two state solution, nothing else makes sense.


Mushroom Spirituality

Mushroom Spirituality

Mushroom Spirituality

Bill Cook visited the CalamityPolitics studio for Episode 3 of the Mushroom-Cannabis Chronicles. Bill joined Dave Shadrick to explore the spirituality of mushrooms. The boys are smiling as they discuss the centuries old experience.

Inhale and Exhale to Call His Name

Inhale and Exhale to Call His Name

The sound of God's name is like breathing in and out
Editor’s Note:
This is not a religious posting, but rather an acceptance that there is something greater than all of us in this universe-D. S. Mitchell

Inhale and Exhale to Call His Name

The Sound of God’s name is like breathing in and out YHWH

Author Unknown
“There was a moment when Moses found the courage to ask God his name. God was gracious enough to answer, and the name he gave is recorded in the original Hebrew as YHWH.
Over time we’ve arbitrarily added an “a” and an “e” in there to get YaHWeH, presumably because we have a preference for vowels.
But scholars and Rabi’s have noted that the letters YHWH represent breathing sounds, or aspirated consonants. When pronounced without intervening vowels, it actually sounds like breathing.
YH (inhale): WH (exhale).
So a baby’s first cry, his first breath, speaks the name of God.
A deep sigh calls His name – or a groan or gasp that is too heavy for mere words.
Even an atheist would speak His name, unaware that their very breath is giving constant acknowledgment to God.
Likewise, a person leaves this earth with their last breath, when God’s name is no longer filing their lungs.
So when I can’t utter anything else, is my cry calling out His name?
Being alive means I speak His name constantly.
So, is it heard the loudest when I’m the quietest?
In sadness, we breathe heavy sighs.
In joy, our lungs feel almost like they will burst.
In fear we hold our breath and have to be told to breathe slowly to help us calm down.
When we’re about to do something hard, we take a deep breath to find our courage.
When I think about it, breathing is giving him praise. Even in the hardest most difficult moments!
This is so beautiful and fills me with emotion every time I grasp the thought. God chose to give himself a name that we can’t help but speak every moment we’re alive.
All of us, always, everywhere.
Waking, sleeping, breathing, with the name of God on our lips.”



Adoptee tells story that contradicts the standard antiabortionist rhetoric.


Adoption Is Not the Alternative to Abortion*

*An earlier version of this article was published here July 12, 2022.

By Megan Wallin-Kerth

Ludicrously Simplistic

With the overturning of Roe many conservative talking points have come to the forefront; for, let’s just say, reconsideration. Most of these I’ll leave for others to debate, but one really gets under my skin, because—unlike the hundreds of other thoughts, some more sensible than others—this refrain is ludicrously simplistic and yet very familiar to me. You’ve probably heard it too, at least a hundred times. Here’s a hint: What’s the oh-so-wonderful alternative to abortion?


Always. Without fail. Rarely a dissenter. And yet, how many people shouting this have actually adopted a child? And of those, how many adopted the kids who are considered “difficult to place?”

For those willing to admit that they know diddly-squat about the adoption process or the foster care system, I’ll give more context.

Color Preference

Most infants, particularly white infants from healthy but low-income mothers (think high school or college students), are placed easily into homes that are generally also white, generally middle class or upper middle class, and have usually passed several levels of intensive screening (varying in different states) prior to becoming a parent through adoption. Those are the facts. White babies usually get sent to somewhat affluent white homes. Babies from other backgrounds sometimes linger for longer times, or often get adopted into homes where their culture of origin is, if anything, a sidenote. Add identity crisis to abandonment issues.

Age Matters

However, infants of any monetary, cultural or ethnic background truly have it much easier than children: The children who are taken away from their natural parents after they’ve already started to reach the stage of being toddlers or even older children have a more challenging path ahead.

Loss and Grief

First, they have the grief and loss that comes with being torn from the parents and family system to whom they are already well acquainted, as well as the customs, traditions, sense of belonging and additional factors that make up one’s feeling of being “home.” They lose it all, and yet they are expected to accept the culture of a new household, family structure, and repeatedly relay their trauma to a constant barrage of social workers and therapists who make it clear that the events which occurred “need to be discussed.” (That need, mind you, is more to provide quotes for said figures to use while testifying about the child’s best interests in court, quite ironically.) What’s not always clear to those kids is that none of it is their fault. Not a single bit of it.

Ill Prepared

Many of those kids are there because their parents were ill-prepared, young, poor, or impacted by trauma or drug-abuse. Some of them were likely told not to get an abortion, because that would be throwing away the “gift of life.” Not all of them wanted their children, but most of them probably wanted to do right by them. However, wanting to do the right thing and being able to successfully carry out the responsibilities of parenthood are entirely different.

Mental Health Conditions

It should be no surprise these kids are more likely to be diagnosed with a slew of mental health conditions, ranging from attachment disorder to ODD (oppositional defiance disorder) to ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder) and PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). They are more likely to have trouble regulating their emotions. They are more likely to come from families with histories of trauma or self-medication with drug-use. They are more likely to have been witness to domestic violence. And they are all victims of a system that is primarily run by well-intentioned but vastly undertrained and overworked case managers, many of whom get burnt out quickly if they truly care about the children under their broadly defined supervision.

Sad Outcomes

Lastly, the longer a child stays in foster care, the more they face several unfortunate facts: Adoption rates are lower, foster homes are increasingly scarce (and often resort to abusive or coercive methods to control trauma-based behaviors), and it’s not uncommon at all to age out of the system with no solid support. It’s also likely that those with severe trauma—and corresponding behavioral issues stemming from a lack of care—will end up incarcerated, filling jails and prisons. And let’s not even get into the number of failed adoptions, where families commit to adoption and change their minds (this happened to me and another family member), sometimes going so far as to relinquish parental rights after the whole matter has been legally confirmed.

Not So Fast

This is the true nature of the so-called alternative to abortion. People do not understand what they are presenting. It is not a world of lollipops and s’mores. It is not the fairytale full of compassion and hope that we have been indoctrinated to believe when we hear the word “adoption.” It is rather a dysfunctional and overburdened system.

When The Time Is Right

Furthermore, those stating that they would “love to be foster parents once the time is right for their family” should also take heed of the fact that doing so is a sacrifice to any children already in your home, whether biological, adopted or foster. It requires everyone in that household to possibly shift expectations, routines, etc.—and to frequently practice more emotional regulation if the child coming in has some emotional struggles themselves (and spoiler alert: many of them will).

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FOX Attacks 10-Year-Old Rape Victim

FOX Attacks 10-year-old Rape Victim 

FOX Attacks 10-year-old Rape Victim 


By D. S. Mitchell


Channel Surfing

I started off the morning watching Sam Stein filling in for Velshi on MSNBC.  I switched over to Smerconish, when the commercials came on, to see what was top of the conversation at CNN.  Both CNN and MSNBC were featuring lead stories on the tragic case of a 10-year-old Ohio child who was raped and impregnated by her attacker. Since we are in a post-Roe world, she was denied an abortion in her home state of Ohio, and was forced to travel to Indiana to undergo treatment.

Out of the Blue

When the story went viral a whole lot of anti-abortion agitators opened fire on the girl, her family and the MD who provided her care. Out of the blue, the Indiana Attorney General, Todd Rokita (R), said on the FOX channel, of course, that his department intended to investigate the doctor who did the abortion. On air, he quite plainly accused Dr. Bernard of malfeasance and overt criminality, suggesting that although abortion is legal in Indiana, this particular doctor, “most  likely committed a crime.” He went on to say “she often fails to submit required notifications and documents” to the state of Indiana regarding abortion procedures. Dr. Bernard’s attorney returned fire sending a Cease and Desist notice to Rokita, advising him he is likely to be the target of a lawsuit for defamation.

Political Provacteurs

This came after a week of right-wing bloggers, pundits, and political provacteurs, the likes of Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, assailing this tragic story as a falsehood; arguing that it was a “story searching for confirmation.” Sadly, it was not a made-up story by the crazy liberals, attempting to win public support for abortion. The perpetrator, 27 year-old Gershon Fuentes has been arrested, and he has confessed. It was a true story about a real person, a child, no less, and a doctor trying to make life better for someone who’s life would be forever altered. But, over at FOX there will be no apologies, no retractions, just a quick jump to another hot button issue.

Really, Laura?

Maybe Laura Ingraham can’t remember being a 10 years old little girl, but I can.  I was still playing with dolls for ‘effin sakes. Playing with dolls. . .so instead of dolls, I should have been suckling an infant for the state? Barbaric. What will the next horrific decision be from the Robert’s SCOTUS? Forced state female circumcision? That may sound outlandish, even outrageous, but in the old days a woman wasn’t supposed to enjoy sexual relations, so better make sure she doesn’t.

In any Universe

I don’t know much about god (s) but I do recognize unbelievable cruelty when I see it; and I am convinced there is no god in this or any other universe,  blessing the behavior of FOX and its clones on the pulpits of “Christian” churches, across the United States. My hope is that all the evil done in the name of god, hopefully has harsh punishments, for those who use His name to facilitate their own worldly agenda.


Adoption Is Not the Alternative to Abortion


Adoption Is Not the Alternative to Abortion

It is time to worry about the health and well-being of children already born and recognize that adoption is not answer to abortionhildren


Adoption Is Not the Alternative to Abortion


By Megan Wallin-Kerth


With all the news about Roe V. Wade, many conservative talking points have come to the forefront; for, let’s just say, reconsideration. Most of these I’ll leave for others to debate, but one really gets under my skin, because—unlike the hundreds of other thoughts, some more sensible than others—this refrain is ludicrously simplistic and yet very familiar to me. You’ve probably heard it too, at least a dozen times. Here’s a hint: What’s the oh-so-wonderful alternative to abortion?


Always. Without fail. Rarely a dissenter. And yet, how many people shouting this have actually adopted a child? And of those, how many adopted the kids who are considered “difficult to place?”

For those willing to admit that they know diddly-squat about the adoption process or the foster care system, I’ll give more context.

Most infants, particularly white infants from healthy but low-income mothers (think high school or college students), are placed easily into homes that are generally also white, generally middle class or upper middle class, and have usually passed several levels of intensive screening (varying in different states) prior to becoming a parent through adoption. Those are the facts. White babies usually get sent to somewhat affluent white homes. Babies from other backgrounds sometimes linger for longer times, or often get adopted into homes where their culture of origin is, if anything, a sidenote. Add identity crisis to abandonment issues.

However, infants of any monetary, cultural or ethnic background truly have it much easier than children: The children who are taken away from their natural parents after they’ve already started to reach the stage of being toddlers or even older children have a more challenging path ahead.

First, they have the grief and loss that comes with being torn from the parents and family system to whom they are already well acquainted, as well as the customs, traditions, sense of belonging and additional factors that make up one’s feeling of being “home.” They lose it all, and yet they are expected to accept the culture of a new household, family structure, and repeatedly relay their trauma to a constant barrage of social workers and therapists who make it clear that the events which occurred “need to be discussed.” (That need, mind you, is more to provide quotes for said figures to use while testifying about the child’s best interests in court, quite ironically.) What’s not always clear to those kids is that none of it is their fault. Not a single bit of it.

Many of those kids are there because their parents were ill-prepared, young, poor, or impacted by trauma or drug-abuse. Some of them were likely told not to get an abortion, because that would be throwing away the “gift of life.” Not all of them wanted their children, but most of them probably wanted to do right by them. However, wanting to do the right thing and being able to successfully carry out the responsibilities of parenthood are entirely different.

Unsurprisingly, these kids are more likely to be diagnosed with a slew of mental health conditions, ranging from attachment disorder to ODD (oppositional defiance disorder) to ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder) and PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). They are more likely to have trouble regulating their emotions. They are more likely to come from families with histories of trauma or self-medication with drug-use. They are more likely to have been witness to domestic violence. And they are all victims of a system that is primarily run by well-intentioned but vastly undertrained and overworked case managers, many of whom get burnt out quickly if they truly care about the children under their broadly defined supervision.

Lastly, the longer a child stays in foster care, the more they face several unfortunate facts: Adoption rates are lower, foster homes are increasingly scarce (and often resort to abusive or coercive methods to control trauma-based behaviors), and it’s not uncommon at all to age out of the system with no solid support. It’s also likely that those with severe trauma—and corresponding behavioral issues stemming from a lack of care—will end up incarcerated, filling jails and prisons. And let’s not even get into the number of failed adoptions, where families commit to adoption and change their minds (this happened to me and another family member), sometimes going so far as to relinquish parental rights after the whole matter has been legally confirmed.

This is the true nature of the so-called alternative that people don’t realize they are presenting, and it’s not the fairytale full of compassion and hope that comes to mind with the word “adoption.”

Furthermore, those stating that they would “love to be foster parents once the time is right for their family” should also take heed of the fact that doing so is a sacrifice to any children already in your home, whether biological, adopted or foster. It requires everyone in that household to possibly shift expectations, routines, etc.—and to frequently practice more emotional regulation if the child coming in has some emotional struggles themselves (and spoiler alert: many of them will).

Am I discouraging people from fostering and adopting? No, not at all. However, much like the decision to become a biological parent, it needs to be approached realistically—for everyone’s sake.

Forgive me if I put it all in a grim light; that’s not the intention. I’m an adoptee myself, and an adoptive parent. I also grew up in a conservative household, with a narrow, black-and-white view of matters such as abortion rights.

But now that I’m older, I look back with less tunnel vision. I’m not a one-issue voter anyways, but if I was, I would still hesitate to stake all my focus on the ill-placed show of concern people seem to have regarding the value of life before birth, as opposed to the many months and years that follow.

To be clear, I also am not convinced of something just because it’s a “women’s issue.” As a woman, I don’t see the need to coddle us, and I don’t see pregnancy as only an issue in which women should have a voice. It takes two to create life, and most cases of pregnancy are the result of consensual baby-making.

And yet facts are facts: The facts are that rape happens, unprepared parents exist, and even in the best case scenarios, pregnancy is completely a woman’s task, effecting us physically, emotionally, mentally and financially. All those prenatal visits are scheduled for a reason; There are many risks and expenses. Furthermore, giving birth, even in developed countries, can be dangerous or even life-threatening. And as women on birth control are keenly aware, even with today’s modern advances and a lot of talk about “consent,” attempts to prevent pregnancy via hormones, condoms or abstinence can all fail. (Just look at sexual assault and rape statistics.)

However, everything from birth rates to women’s healthcare access affects us all, because that adds up to how well we can provide for our citizens. And how we treat people after they’re born, breathing and making decisions should matter to the pro-life crowd, right?

Mainly, it comes down to this: Regarding adoption and foster care, I’ve seen the dark underbelly of the beast—and for every child out there who gets adopted, there are statistically at least 10 who are shifting between foster homes waiting for their chance to stay somewhere with people who understand their unique needs and can continuously care for them when their expressions of pain often push others away.

This is not the “solution” to a world with fewer abortions. It’s proof that the primary talking point of the “pro life” crowd these days clearly has nothing to do with protecting human beings, even though I believe (perhaps naively) that most pro-lifers probably insist that is exactly their logic. They believe they’re protecting babies, because the fetus grows into one. My argument is “When does life matter most to you?”

A young child in the system, already born and in the world, suffers so much more and deserves so much more protection than a 16 week fetus. But that is not where people see fit to focus their fervent “value for life.”

Coming from one of those kids who wasn’t aborted, I know it probably sounds richly elitist to that crowd. But having navigated that first five years of life without a forever kind of family, I can tell you that I wish people would do their pro-life picketing outside the DHS office with signs that beg for real life-changing improvements. Their signs could ask for more foster homes, better pay for social workers, more stringent screenings for private adoption agencies, more rights for extended biological family members of children in care, and more resources for those aging out of the system. That is the pro-life attitude this country needs right now.

I believe a true understanding of this very real perspective might also produce the realization that supporting the right to choose an abortion isn’t the same as saying you would personally find the procedure useful.

In summary, the point of being pro-life should not just be about protecting life but also seeing fit to protect the quality of life. And it should never be at the expense of a life fully formed and out in the world.

My life was not protected simply because I was born. It was not even protected after I was adopted…twice. Children who have been separated and traumatized are automatically at many disadvantages, and while name-calling and anger don’t suit either side of the political aisle, the right to abortion should be beyond politics at this point. I’m by no means a hostile person, but I’m sick of being nice in the face of willful ignorance of inconvenient facts, when some of us are in the very category that adamant pro-lifers are using to support their arguments.

While the political left could do better at not cherry-picking their cases (you really don’t need to prove your point with only rape and incest cases), the right has done nothing to alleviate their increasing reputation for being hypocritical on the topic of reproductive rights.

Being hyper supportive of the military, the NRA, and abstinence-only sexual education while being unsupportive of affordable healthcare, and holding the record for having more people on welfare (yep, look it up) makes one look not only callous, but ignorant.

Quite frankly, abortion access is not about your views, it’s not about religion, it’s not about proving when life begins, and it’s not about the unborn.

It’s about allowing for the prevention of predictable, probable, and elongated suffering of multiple human beings for the technicality and self-righteousness of protecting one not yet fully formed and out in the world. It’s about whether someone is ready to be a parent—a good parent. It’s about pregnant women (sometimes mere children or teens) choosing whether they allow their body to house, feed and produce yet another entity that will require a great deal of care and love. It’s about applying critical thought and a wide lens of compassion to situations where bringing a life into the world cannot be done safely. It’s about allowing people to make decisions that impact their bodies and livelihoods with the expertise of medical professionals.

Bottom line: It’s about how well we take care of the people already in our world, and the sad truth is that we’ve got a great deal of room for improvement.


OP-ED: The Dangers of the “Shadow Docket”

OP-ED: The Dangers of the “Shadow Docket”


The conservative court is using the shadow docket to hide their partisan decisions.


The Dangers of the “Shadow Docket”

There is a fundamental danger to our democracy when the Supreme Court is allowed to hide their actions through the misuse of the “Shadow Docket.” 


The “shadow docket” references cases taken up on an ’emergency basis’, outside the scope of the Supreme Court’s normal procedural order. . . .

By D. S. Mitchell

Partisan And Controversial Decisions

Observers have noted that the current court has disproportionately used the shadow docket to authorize its most right-wing and controversial decisions. Nearly all of the SCOTUS’s Covid-19 decisions have seeped and bubbled up from the shadow docket. Specifically, both of its rulings on the CDC eviction moratorium came through this dark and enigmatic process.

An Unsigned Opinion  

In August of 2021, SCOTUS handed Biden a shocking ruling. The court ordered Biden to re-instate Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” program. Where did this ability suddenly manifest itself? The court has no authority over treaties with foreign governments. None. The outrageous ruling came in a single one paragraph unsigned opinion. This opinion (like other Shadow Docket opinions), gave no insight into the judicial history supporting the court’s decision to upend the constitutional separation of powers.  The court is now looking at the Texas abortion law. I’d call it a bit late. The heartbeat law went into effect on 9/1/2021. It is the first time a state has successfully imposed a six-week abortion ban since Roe v. Wade was decided.  The only reason is that the court has been packed with anti-abortionists. SCOTUS refused to take up the case, initially attempting to hide behind the shadow docket.

Vigilante’s Extraordinaire

As a refresher, SCROTUS said, (by initially refusing to hear the case) it was okay if Texas set up a system where vigilantes are allowed, and in fact, encouraged to pursue a woman in court for damages of up to $10,000; and anyone who assists her in obtaining an abortion.  Imagine this, it can be the cabbie that took the woman to the medical appointment, a friend who provided educational materials on termination, or the doctor who provides the abortion. Each of them under Texas law can be hauled into court and sued by someone with no standing in the case, in effect, on behalf of the state.

Dystonic Fiction

Atwood’s ‘The Handmaiden’s Tale’ in real life.

What We Expect

In the innocence of our collective minds, we fantasize the nine justices in their solemn black robes hearing robust debate in open court in front of fascinated and anticipatory spectators. Their esteemed heads taking in the well-considered arguments between opposing attorneys and ideologies, giving deliberate consideration to the legal issues of each individual case. Only after prolonged and august discussion does the court publish their venerable decisions in long verbose opinions. But, that is a faulty image of what is actually happening, folks. This heavily conservative court has slipped into a dangerous shadow zone, a place where justices lack the courage to sign their names to their own rulings, while expecting complete deference and compliance to those rulings. Somehow the two do not mesh in a democratic society.

Here’s How It Works

Here’s how it works in the SCROTUS of 2021. Lawyers are allowed to submit expedited briefs to make their “emergency” arguments, but they are not allowed to argue in person, in full view of the press and the public. These decisions don’t come after months of deliberation amongst the justices, but quickly and through whatever informal conversations the justices may have between themselves. Usually they don’t bother to explain to litigants the law or logic behind their decrees, instead issuing an order often amounting to a mere few sentences.

My Thoughts On The Matter

I believe, it is clearly evident that SCOTUS is operating in bad faith. This group of hacks is so lazy in their decisions that they won’t even take time to create legal reasons for their partisan hackery. Under the guise of “emergency” rulings this flawed and broken court is making policy. Courts do not make policy. That is not their role. Unsurprisingly the policy this court concocts melds nicely with the extremist Republican party’s political agenda. Using the “shadow docket” the court is attempting to camouflage it’s heinous actions.

Hitting The Talk Shows

Recently several of the sitting justices, hearing angry rumblings across the country have taken to the airwaves. Their recent appearances across media platforms make it clear that the justices have noted that the public view of the supreme court is at its lowest level in decades. When you have justices making speeches at colleges and going on TV claiming they “are not partisan hacks” you can damn well be assured they know the public is on to them.

The Real Danger

The power now wielded by unelected conservative justices is unnerving to me, and should be worrisome to anyone, no matter their place on the political spectrum. Just to point out, any Executive Order signed by this president (or any other president), any law passed by Congress, can be undone in the dark of night, without reason or explanation. Since this administration lacks the spine to proceed with court reform we can expect the six conservative judges to hold veto power over the Democrats entire political agenda.  Not just this year, or next, but for decades to come. It is time in the opinion of this writer to expand the court. The number of justices has been changed five or six times. Such action is not new, but it sure as hell looks like it is necessary.

The Old Testament Is Not A Christian Book

The Old Testament Is Not Christian Book

We must be careful when accepting the dogma of a group that seems to have a confused understanding of the message of Jesus.


The Old Testament Is Not A Christian Book

By I.B. Freely

God Hates You

There seems to be a particular reputation which Christians have gotten over the last few decades. One that has lead several disaffected youth to “go atheist.” Nothing wrong with being atheist if that is what you want, but going against “The Rules” because they are there is just another kind of conformity. Particularly considering that anyone who would claim to be Christian and then judge, let alone hate, anyone for “religious reasons” are doing it wrong.

Thou Shalt Not

Christian Conservatives can quote the Old Testament chapter and verse all they like, a bit ironic considering their general attitude to our Jewish friends, but it won’t make a lot of difference. Not least because, stay with me here, THE OLD TESTAMENT IS NOT A CHRISTIAN BOOK! Forgive me the shouting but few things bend my wand like so-called “Christians” who don’t seem to realize that the Old Testament (otherwise known as the Torah), was mostly the Bible as background for Jesus. It is part of the Christian story but not the main plot. Including that bit in Exodus, 22:18 to be exact, about not suffering a witch to live.

Cool Guy Christ

Jesus was nothing but clear on his opinion when it came to accepting others. Unafraid to sit with outsiders he made friends and disciples of the dregs of society at the time. Lepers, both social and literal, accepted by him. Jesus making friends and even disciples  of prostitutes and tax collectors. He is mostly known for driving money changers from the temple but that was a special case.

Choice Quotes

Some of J-man’s most famous and memorable quotes are on this theme.  “Judge not lest ye be judged” could not be any clearer.  The “treat thy neighbor as they self” also seems pretty cut and dry.  Apparently the judgmental and pious among us are just as open to the same sort of treatment. Otherwise they would be massive hypocrites.  The clearest indication of what Jesus really meant, particularly for those who take the bit about being made in God’s image to mean they are literally God, is the bit about stones.

Sticks & Stones

The clearest indication that the rules had changed between Testaments is “let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”  Stoning was a popular mode of punishment before the arrival of Christ, used for “infractions against the lord” from adultery to working on the Sabbath and mixing fabrics.  What Jesus was helpfully pointing out is none of us are perfect.  So if you are going to punish someone for their sins, you’d better make darn sure you don’t have any yourself. The general idea being that judgement properly lies with God.  As does vengeance as it turns out.  The full quote on which the phrase vengeance is based is “vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.”  Judgement, punishment and vengeance are not for humans to take.  At least for those who call themselves Christians.

Wise Words

Someone who laid things out in a cogent, and funny, way was Frank Zappa. In reaction to the attempts by the Christian Republicans at the Parent’s Music Resource Center to label records they didn’t like, Zappa opted to apply his own warning sticker to his 1985 album Frank Zappa Meets the Mother of Prevention:

“WARNING GUARANTEE: This album contains material which a truly free society would neither fear nor suppress. In some socially retarded areas, religious fanatics and ultra-conservative political organizations violate your First Amendment Rights by attempting to censor rock & roll albums. We feel that this is Un-Constitutional and Un-American. As an alternative to these government-supported programs (designed to keep you docile and ignorant). Barking Pumpkin is pleased to provide stimulating digital audio entertainment for those of you who have outgrown the ordinary.


This guarantee is as real as the threat of the video fundamentalists who use attacks on rock music in their attempt to transform America into a nation of check-mailing nincompoops (in the name of Jesus Christ). If there is a hell, its fires wait for them, not us.”

The Loudest Voices

That’s it. Don’t let religious fundamentalists take away the right of free speech (guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution) in the name of Jesus, when those folks keep proving they are taking their message from the wrong book.
