Kamala Harris, An American Story

Kamala Harris, An American Story

Kamala Harris, fulfillment of the American dream. Vote Blue 2024 Biden/Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris: An American Story


By D. S. Mitchell

Preparing For The Challenge

Kamala Harris is a leader. You see it in her demeanor, in her confidence. Her story, her views, and how her education and work have prepared her for the challenges of her job as the first female vice president of the United States should be explored and written about. An attorney,  a fierce prosecutor, California Attorney General, senator, social leader, best selling author, and Vice President of the United States; all by the age of 58.

Early Examples

Harris grew up watching her parents forge ahead into unknown territory, and—by her own admission—her yearning for something meaningful started at a young age. Harris’s mother Gopalan immigrated from Chennai, India, to study at the University of  California-Berkeley for her doctorate in nutrition and endocrinology. She met and fell in love with Donald Harris, a Jamaican-born economics major earning his Ph.D. Rather than returning home to marry someone of her family’s choosing, Gopalan stayed in the United States. Together Harris and Gopalan had two daughters. They raised their daughters immersed in their two combined cultures in a new land and instilled in them respect for activism and academia.

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By D. S. Mitchell

This is the strongest reprimand I have seen from any GOP Senator. It took awhile to wrestle the rebuke from the Senator, but he looked in the mirror and knew he could not continue to remain silent. Thank you @MittRomney for your strong words.