My Hand in an Electric Socket

My Hand in an Electric Socket

Don't let the events of the day deter you from the work of democracy.

My Hand in an Electric Socket

By D. S. Mitchell


4,000 Days

I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’ve had my hand stuck in an electric light socket for the last 4,000 plus days. Those four thousand days roughly translating into the ten years since Donald Trump descended the golden escalator at Trump Tower amidst the cheers of a paid-to-show-crowd, and announced his run for the presidency of the United States. Of course it wasn’t Trump’s first run; he had gone after the presidency in 1999 as a Reform Party candidate, but this time he was going to run as a Republican.

Shame on Them

Trump’s escalator announcement came on June 16th, 2015. Since that day, Donald Trump’s lies, misogyny, xenophobia, isolationism, conspiratorial theories, Putin love, and bombastic rhetoric have altered our national political discussion and, quite honestly, that of the world. We as a nation had  consciously been working toward kindness and civility in our speech to one another; since Trump’s emergence as a big voice for roughly 30% of the country, tough talk and gun waving, have emerged as acceptable. The acceptance of the minorities “right” to use violence when they are unhappy with the results of an election is terrifying. This is not a good thing and is unacceptable in a democracy. Death threats and mafioso tactics now define how things get done in the Republican Party.

Done With George

Unpredictability, narcissism, and other despotic traits are things our Founding Fathers rejected. The American Revolution began on April 19, 1775. The next year the colonies jointly declared independence from the tyrannical, tax collecting, King George the Third. Trump says he’s ready to be a dictator on day one. Well, Donald the majority of Americans reject such bullshit. Maybe you and Tucker Carlson should buy a place in Victor Orban’s Hungary and settle down over there. 

Down Memory Lane

In case you’ve forgotten, Trump like any entertainer worth his salt, managed to excite, incite, and agitate us all, everyday of the year, for four explosive years. Although seemingly impossible, the Trump administration grew more chaotic with each passing day. Diplomacy via Twitter, threats of U.S. military intervention in domestic affairs, promised “target practice” at the border, and bleach injections for those who wanted to give it a try. I was so glad to see quiet, “normal” Joe Biden, take over the reins of government from Trump; but I’m still unsure if there will ever again be such a thing as normalcy.

We Have the Numbers

An overwhelming number of Americans support a progressive agenda. Progressives want to put a stop to big money dominating elections, they want to cut drug prices, and seriously address the dangers of climate change. By large numbers Americans favor stronger gun laws, national health insurance (Obamacare), transgender rights, same sex marriage, and access to abortion. Sometimes it seems as though the Trump side is smarter, better funded, more united, and more determined, than we progressives, but I don’t believe that’s true. When I say an overwhelming number of Americans support progressivism I am talking about 75% of the population and growing. Powerful well-funded minorities are threatening our democracy and we must stand up to them. It is not okay that a minority is able to impose its will on the entire nation.

Sucking up all the Oxygen

It’s Friday February 16, 2024. Aside from the tragic news of Alexei Navalny’s death in a Russian prison camp, the news focus for today has mostly centered on the many trials of Donald Trump.  It looks like Trump has just been hit with over $453,000,000 in fines for a civil fraud case brought against the Trump Organization by New York Attorney General, Letitia James. Furthermore, Trump and his two sons, Erik and Don Jr will be unable to conduct real estate in New York for at least two years. Between the civil fraud case, and the E. Jean Carroll defamation case, it looks like Donald Trump will be required to pay over half a billion dollars in fines and damages in just these two cases. Yikes, that ought to take a bite out of his “billionaire” status.

The End Result

It will probably take fully a generation to measure the damage Trump  and Trumpism has done to America; but that is a job for the historians, not humble writers. A lot depends on whether Trump can get his ass re-elected. If Trump succeeds in winning the presidency in 2024, America will go down the same road as Brazil, Russia, China, Hungary, and Venezuela. If however, the United States can resist the lure of neo-fascism we have a chance to recover from Trump’s terrible vision for the country, but it will take time to heal. It will take working together, participating in collective action.

Indefinable and Immeasurable

The effect of Trump and MAGAism, is probably, at least as yet, unmeasurable.  The effect Donald Trump has had on the American body politic has been horrifying and terrifying. For the sake of the country, I hope the love affair with Trump and MAGAism is about over. Hopefully, we don’t have to wait until he’s dead.

What’s Joe Biden Done? Plenty. . .

What’s Joe Biden Done? Plenty…

Joe Biden has done a lot in four years and it looks like he's going to have to keep telling the people, cause so far, it's a running into a severe case of ageism.

What’s Joe Biden Done? Plenty . . .

Editor: Over the last couple weeks Joe Biden has taken a bashing from all sides. If I were him I’d be giving the media, the MAGA’s, Robert Hur, and the Mango Mussolini, the big middle finger. JOE BIDEN IS SMARTER ON HIS WORST DAY THAN TRUMP IS ON HIS BEST DAY. Dum, dum, dum, Donald. Let’s take a look at the accomplishments of Grandpa Joe, without a doubt one of the most successful presidencies of the last couple hundred years, at least since FDR. I love, Joe, Jill, Kamala, and Doug. Let’s keep these amazing people working for us.  VOTE BLUE. VOTE BIDEN-HARRIS.

By Cate Rees-Hessel

Good Policies

For those asking what President Biden has done since he took office, my question is what hasn’t he done? Joe Biden has accomplished a great deal in the last three years. The benefits for the American people have been enormous and his policies continue to better our nation. Below is a short list of Joe Biden’s many accomplishments. Four more years of Biden-Harris is just what our country needs.

1.The Biden’s have brought dignity, decorum, and class back to the White House. We have a wonderful “working First Lady” with a Doctorate of Education. My relief is obvious, I no longer have to worry that my overseas friends think of the White House “as a stripper bar.” Unlike the loser, President Biden is not being indicted or found guilty of rape and defamation. Joe is a man of God that actually prays, knows Scripture, and attends church, as opposed to the one holding a Bible upside down, in front of a church he does not attend, and who if asked cannot tell you the meaning of Easter. I remember with gladness Joe bowing his head in prayer during his inaugural speech, an image of a man that has a heart felt faith and gentle demeanor – that’s President Biden. Never lewd, crude, rude, or disrespectful; dignity personified. Well, I have heard an F-bomb dropped now and then, but otherwise we’re good.
2. Passage of the much needed infrastructure bill to repair and rebuild our roads and bridges. It had become a running monthly gag with Trump, but Joe and the Dems made it happen.
3. The lowest unemployment rate in years. Joe’s bringing back ‘Made in America,’ creating countless good jobs in the rust belt and other hard hit areas of the Midwest. More people are working than ever before.
4. His policies have lowered the cost of living for families across the country and raised 40 million children out of poverty.
5. Altered the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, and provided vaccines and at home virus tests free of charge.
6. Rescued the economy from a catastrophic free fall and his sound economics will continue to make the U.S. economy the envy of the world. Like Joe says, “build the economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not from the top down;” not the nonsense of Ronald Reagan’s  trickle down economics.

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Please, Don’t Do It-Call 988

Please, Don’t Do It – Call 988 for Help

In 2022, nearly 50,000 Americans took their own lives

Call 988-Help Is Out There

By D. S. Mitchell

Scary Statistics
More than 1 in 5 Americans suffer from a diagnosed mental illness and an unknown number of Americans suffer from an undiagnosed mental illness. World wide 80% of the population suffers from a mental illness at some point in their lives; some disorders as benign sounding as nail biting and bed wetting. The most familiar and the most catastrophic in their effects on the lives of sufferers are depression, anxiety, PTSD, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. In 2022, 49,449 Americans died by suicide with at least another 1.2 million Americans attempting suicide. Misunderstanding and negative attitudes toward mental illness breed misconceptions and prevent many tortured individuals from seeking help.
Holidays are Dangerous Times
The holidays are a particularly dangerous time for a suicidal person.  If you, or someone you know, are experiencing any of the following symptoms please seek help.
Symptoms of suicidal ideation include:
  • Talking about self harm, wanting to die, or kill oneself
  • Describing life as “hopeless” without purpose, being “trapped”
  • Talking about being a burden to others
  • Increased use of alcohol or drugs
  • Noticeably agitated, anxious or reckless
  • Expressing feelings of unbearable pain
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Displays of rage
  • Plans to “get revenge”
  • Sleeping too little or too much
  • Withdrawing from normal relationships, isolation
  • A suicide plan
Call 988 For Help
Please, if you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, or are showing any of the listed signals, tell someone.  Call for help. There is a new national suicide Hot Line. Call 988 if you are thinking about suicide. Life has so much to offer, explore it. Stick around. Suicide is permanent.

Kamala Harris, An American Story

Kamala Harris, An American Story

Kamala Harris, fulfillment of the American dream. Vote Blue 2024 Biden/Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris: An American Story


By D. S. Mitchell

Preparing For The Challenge

Kamala Harris is a leader. You see it in her demeanor, in her confidence. Her story, her views, and how her education and work have prepared her for the challenges of her job as the first female vice president of the United States should be explored and written about. An attorney,  a fierce prosecutor, California Attorney General, senator, social leader, best selling author, and Vice President of the United States; all by the age of 58.

Early Examples

Harris grew up watching her parents forge ahead into unknown territory, and—by her own admission—her yearning for something meaningful started at a young age. Harris’s mother Gopalan immigrated from Chennai, India, to study at the University of  California-Berkeley for her doctorate in nutrition and endocrinology. She met and fell in love with Donald Harris, a Jamaican-born economics major earning his Ph.D. Rather than returning home to marry someone of her family’s choosing, Gopalan stayed in the United States. Together Harris and Gopalan had two daughters. They raised their daughters immersed in their two combined cultures in a new land and instilled in them respect for activism and academia.

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Protective Actions To Take With A Shooter

Protective Actions To Take With A Shooter There are more guns than people in the United States. It has become hazardous to go to the store or the movies, we must do something to stop the carnage.

Tips From Homeland Security:

Protective Actions To Take With A Shooter

The FBI has not set a minimum number of casualties to qualify an event as a mass shooting, but U.S. statute (the Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012) defines a “mass killing” as “3 or more killings in a single incident.” 

By D. S. Mitchell


A Lovely Dinner

I think it was 2001. My husband and I were having dinner on the sidewalk service area of a popular restaurant & bar at the corner of SE Milwaukie Ave and Powell Blvd in Portland, Oregon. It was about  10:30 pm. We were having fun, lingering over a glass of wine and laughing and chatting with other diners.

Running In All Directions

Several loud “cracks” caused me to look around curious, but certainly not frightened. Several more “cracks” echoed in the night. By that time, I realized the sound was coming from the AM/PM gas station across the street. People in the gas station parking lot were screaming and running in various directions. It was only then, I saw flashes of light coming from the driver’s window of a small red  sports car, stopped on Powell Blvd.

In The Leg

More shots rang out and a man thirty feet to the left of me, in the restaurant pavilion area fell to the ground screaming. He had fallen to the sidewalk clutching a leg wound. The time between the first shot and my realizing I was in an active shooter situation was probably an entire minute. Realization time. If the bullet had been 30 feet to the right either my husband or I could have been shot; probably in the head since we were sitting and the injured man had been standing.

Little Red Sportscar

The shooter revved the engine, popped the clutch, and sped away. I’m an RN and I have a duty to give aid,  so I raced across the street to help. The Portland Police were on site at the same time as I got there. Several ambulances arrived, sirens screaming. Two young men were wounded, one with a bullet in the upper arm and the other fellow with a bullet in the shoulder.  In addition to the three wounded two others lay dead. All the dead and wounded at the AM/PM were young- most likely high school age.

“There He Is!”

While the cops were asking questions, I saw the perpetrator’s red sports car slow down and slowly drive past the crime scene, again. They say criminal frequently return to the scene of the crime, but this guy was unbelievably stupid. I raised my arm and pointed toward the car and screamed, “There he is, there’s the shooter!” The wounded young man sitting on the asphalt, that I had been helping, chorused, ‘There’s the son of a bitch! There’s the shooter!!!”

The Morning Oregonian

The cops were on it and I read in the morning Oregonian, two 16 year old Cleveland high school students, members of a notorious local gang, were arrested on suspicion of murder and were being held in jail as adults. I tossed the paper on the breakfast table. What a waste. Two funerals and potentially two life sentences for the perpetrators.

Unready, Unprepared

All situations are different. I think one of the reasons it took so long for me and other diners to realize there was a shooting in progress was because we were across the street from the center of the events, with lots of traffic and noise between us. It wasn’t until a fellow diner was shot by a ricocheting bullet that any of us realized there was even a shooting. Another factor, I believe, may have something to do with the fact that in 2001 mass shooters were not quite as common as today. Whatever the reasons, we were stupidly unprepared for this deadly situation.


The Department of Homeland Security offers Americans several suggestions that might save your life if you are caught in an Active Shooter Situation.


If you can get out of the situation, do it. Run toward the first escape route you can find. Leave your belongings and just get away. Once safe, dial 911 and give the police all the information you can.

Play Dead (this is NOT on the DHS list)

I have added this suggestion. I have heard several survivors of mass shootings tell of rubbing blood from victims on themselves and hiding in plain site among the dead as the shooter moves away to find new victims.


If you can’t escape; take cover, find a place to conceal yourself. You want to be out of sight, with some offered protection, between you and the shooter, such as a locked door. If you can blockade the door with furniture-do it. Be smart, turn off your cellphone as an unexpected call could alert the shooter to your location.


Take action against the shooter only as a last resort. Throw items and improvise weapons in an effort to disrupt and incapacitate the shooter.

When Law Enforcement Arrives

When the cops arrive, immediately put down any weapons or items you have in your hands. Keep your hands visible and raise your arms. Follow instructions. Refrain from making quick movements toward the officers.


OPINION: Mass Shootings Terrorizing America


Mass Shootings Terrorizing America

No other country in the world has the gun violence seen in the U.S. It could be because there are more guns than people.


Mass Shootings Terrorizing America

By D. S. Mitchell


Nothing New

Only four months into 2023 and there have been 195 mass shootings in America. The recent rash of mass shootings has shaken the nation. Rightfully so, such a wanton loss of life is unacceptable in a civilized society. Sadly though, it is difficult to be surprised. Spree killings have been as much a feature of American culture as baseball and apple pie, reaching all the way back to the days of Howard Barton Unruh.  Howard  was an American mass killer, sometimes classified as a spree killer. Unruh  shot and killed 13 people (including three children) during a 12-minute walk through his neighborhood in the fall of 1949, in Camden, N.J. He was 28 years old.

A Couple Years Later

Charlie Starkweather is another twentieth century mass murderer that blazed across the pages of American newspapers with his 14 year old girlfriend, Caril Ann Fugate.  Charles Raymond “Charlie” Starkweather went on a multi-state killing spree killing eleven people in Nebraska and Wyoming between December 1957 and January 1958. He was 19 years old. He killed ten of his victims between January 21 and January 29, 1958, the date of his arrest. I just wonder how many victims Charlie would have had if he’d had access to an AR-15? The point being, America has a gun problem and it is nothing new.

Powerful NRA Lobby

The latest Fox Gun Poll showed more than 75% of Americans support banning assault weapons and many other gun restrictions. The primary opposition to gun control laws in the United States are the gun manufacturers. The NRA has served as an arm of gun manufacturers for years, successfully masquerading as a citizen 2nd Amendment right’s group. The NRA and its bought and paid for wing of the Republican party have formed a powerful voice in Congress, effectively shutting down nearly all efforts to legislate gun control. One of their more ridiculous cries has been the case of “what-aboutism”

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HUMOR: Let’s Find Something To Smile About

 HUMOR: Let’s Find Something To Smile About

Times are tough, sometimes you just need to make time to smile

HUMOR: Let’s Find Something To Smile About

By D.S. Mitchell


Back At the Computer

I am back at the computer working on a new post for my website.  Before I started this website, I worried that I wouldn’t have enough to scream about, but I’m finding that I could probably do half a dozen posts a day related to the B.S. and dangerous misinformation but I thought, before I start a fresh rant on the collapse of American democracy and other issues of importance to Western Civilization I should deliver something positive and uplifting.

So, dear hearts here are twenty-five things to make you smile:

  1. Touching toes in the night
  2. Sunsets over water
  3. Wraparound sunglasses
  4. The Science channel
  5. Kite flying contests
  6. The Muppets
  7. Astronauts on Mars
  8. Blowing the paper wrapper off the straw
  9. Winning at Poker
  10. A dog’s cold nose on your hand
  11. Barhopping on a Saturday night
  12. Old jeans that fit just right
  13. Your lover’s voice
  14. The clatter of skis being loaded for vacation
  15. The rumble of a train as it passes
  16. Walking in the rain
  17. The imagination of a six year old
  18. Margaritas at midnight (or any time, for that matter)
  19. Finishing the Sunday crossword without cheating
  20. A morning walk
  21. The smell of a new car
  22. Roller skating
  23. Your First grade teacher
  24. A sexy book
  25. Daddy’s smile

Back to the Fight

Now that we’ve had five minutes of smiles its time to get back to the fight. We have lots of work to do; stop the relentless gun violence, end state’s whittling away of our voting rights, stop anti-democratic gerrymandering that provides power to those who do not have voter support. We must halt the actions of John Robert’s  monumentally corrupt Supreme Court. Time to impeach Clarence Thomas and any other Justice that is in bed with the billionaires. And closest to my heart, the restoration of a woman’s right to choose, by the codification of Roe. We can do it all, we just need boots on the ground working toward these goals. Join the fight for democracy.

Clarence & Ginni Thomas Bad For SCOTUS

Clarence & Ginni Thomas Bad For SCOTUS

Clarence & Ginni Thomas Bad For SCOTUS 

How much longer before we take action against this most egregious and corrupt court in the history of the Republic? Time to introduce legislation that would require supreme court justices to adhere to the same ethics standards as other judges in this country. Clarence & Ginni Thomas are bad for SCOTUS.

By D. S. Mitchell

Low Public Approval of Supreme Court

According to recent Gallop polling the Supreme Court has its lowest public-approval rating in history—in part because it is viewed as being both overly politicized and corrupt. The 6-3 supermajority conservative court is facing ugly public backlash to numerous recent court decisions, most notably of course, the overturning of Roe. Clarence & Ginni Thomas are partly responsible for that low public opinion. It is becoming obvious Clarence & Ginni Thomas are bad for SCOTUS. The activities of Ginni Thomas are outrageous and are at last coming under scrutiny.

Chief Robert’s Defiant Versus Pro-Active

In December 2022, John Roberts in his Year-End Report on the federal judiciary defended the court. Robert’s rather than seek measures to improve the court and its public image Robert’s got belligerent, defensive, and down right defiant. According to Robert’s,  “The Judiciary’s power to manage its internal affairs insulates courts from inappropriate political influence.” The problem Mr. Chief Justice is that you and your court are not managing your internal affairs effectively or appropriately.

Conservative Supreme Court Justices Deny Partisanship

For at least the last year, member’s of the conservative wing of the court have been crisscrossing the country giving speeches defending the court against accusations that the justices have become legislators in black robes. These folks can talk till they are blue in the face, but it won’t change the fact that there is a back door to the Supreme Court that is open to ultra conservative activists and locked to the rest of us.

No Ethics Rules Or Regs For Supreme Court Justices

The Supreme court has no ethics rules or formal means of monitoring the behavior of individual justices or their spouses. There is a shadow world in which the conservative justices meet and greet with  conservative individuals looking for access to the court and their decision makers; a world where powerful and influential wives, such as Ginni Thomas hover over the court’s decisions.

Ginni Thomas’ Political Activism Has Become A Serious Concern

Certainly one of the most active political voices in the conservative world whose activities are highly questionable are those of Ginni Thomas, wife of Clarence Thomas. Ginni Thomas is giving the SCOTUS a black eye.The long voiced claim that the Justice’s opinions are politically neutral is getting harder and harder to swallow. In the case of Clarence Thomas the activities of his right wing activist wife Ginni Thomas  has become a serious issue of concern for the legitimacy of the court.

It Appears Ginni Thomas Has Her Thumb On The Scale

Mrs. Thomas is a lawyer that runs Liberty Consulting,  a political-lobbying firm. Until her emails to Mark Meadows on January 6th were made public, few Americans had ever heard of her. Those who had heard of her, dismissed much of her lobbying as harmless activities. However, it appears the Court is happily giving her allies major wins—on abortion, affirmative action, and gun rights.

A “Stench” Of Partisanship Permeates The Supreme Court 

In 2016 the Republicans, in an unprecedented move blocked President Obama’s nominee to the Court.  As a result  Trump was able to push through the appointment of three extreme right wing Justices. The Democrats have recently attempted to impose some ethics standards on the Justices—a response, in part, to what Justice Sonia Sotomayor has described as the “stench” of partisanship on the Court.

Ginni Thomas Hides In The Shadows Directing Radical Wing Causes

While Ginni Thomas tries to hide in the shadows she is kept busy working with many right wing activists who have brought numerous hot button issues in front of the Court. Ginni Thomas was once a director of CNP Action, a dark-money wing of the Council for National Policy. The Council of National Policy is a pressure group that connects wealthy donors with the most radical right-wing individuals in the United States. Ginni Thomas was formerly on the Turning Point USA advisory board. The Turning Point USA is a pro-Trump student group, whose leaders have boasted of sending busloads of protestors to D.C. on January 6th.

Many Think Ginni Thomas’s Behavior Is Appalling


OPINION:Horrible Language, Horrible Intent

OPINION: Horrible Language, Horrible Intent

It's a dog fight, and it will be playing out near you as the 2022 Midterms approach

OPINION: Horrible Language, Horrible Intent

By D. S. Mitchell

It’s Ugly Out There

It’s a dog fight. The language is vitriolic. Hundreds of millions of dollars spent on campaign ads, showing candidates brandishing AR-15’s and going so far as to call their opponents “groomers” and “pedophiles”. Numerous Republican candidates have made claims that their liberal opponents are “grooming” children by pushing for LGBTQI+ rights; claims repeated by Tucker Carlson every night on the FOX channel. The radical language is not just for the opposition party, but these hyped-up right-winger’s are threatening members of their own party who they feel are not obscene, or disgusting enough, labeling them “RINO’s (Republicans in name only).”

Dangerous Topics

These ads filling our TV and PC screens are pushing some highly dangerous topics, one of the more dangerous and disgusting, is the current monster under the bed, the ‘great replacement theory’ and other similar racially and religiously charged conspiracies. According to America’s Voice, a progressive immigration advocacy group, hundreds of GOP ads specifically mention “replacement theory,” “migrants,” and “invasion.”


The airwaves are filled with Republicans accusing Democrats of deliberately encouraging migrants to cross the southern border illegally so they can “replace white voters”. They further claim Democrats are trying to indoctrinate children with fake history lessons about systemic racism against blacks. Of course it isn’t just blacks; it’s browns, Mexicans, Muslims, Jews, Asians and anyone that isn’t ‘really’ white- Christian. In a country like ours, the “real” white guys are pretty far and few between. Apparently, the neo-Nazi, white supremacist group, the Proud Boys, couldn’t find enough of those ‘real white guys’ and were forced to enlist  Enrique Torrio, a man of Afro-Cuban ancestry, whose parents came as immigrants from Cuba, to act as their front man. What a joke. Only, it’s not a joke.

Highly Combustible

The language is dangerous and highly combustible. In my view, the hateful language is fodder for inevitable violent consequences. Hate crimes are up 339 per cent! The shooter in Buffalo, referenced the racist replacement theory 10 times in writings before his killing rampage at a Top’s Food Market. The gunman called his victims “replacers” of white Americans. While there’s no direct one-to-one connection between one campaign ad and a person or group carrying out a crime, “there is a really clear relationship between the hateful speech of politicians and hateful acts,” Sophie Bjork-James, an expert on racism, said recently. Ms Bjork-James went on to say that there seemed to be a disturbing pattern between a string of violent incidents across the United States and an increase in “dangerous” highly charged language from Republican candidates and sitting GOP members of Congress in ads, social media posts, and speeches.

Systematic Replacement

“They will not replace us,” was the rallying cry at the Charlottesville riot in 2018. This replacement conspiracy theory has anti-Semitic origins. This baseless belief theorizes that Jews are behind a systematic program to replace ‘white people’ with immigrants and black people, with the intent to  overwhelm American elections. When challenged to stop promoting such hateful speech the noise only  intensifies. Despite the outcry, Republicans refuse to step away from the hateful language. Recently 32 GOP members of Congress repeated “invasion” language in a letter to Joe Biden, demanding the president “protect America from invasion.” When surveyed, 7 in 10 Republicans believe the heated rhetoric. In fact, 7 out of 10 Republicans believe Democrats eat the bodies of small children, are actually, lizard people, and who the hell knows what else?

A Trumpian Call

J.D. Vance, a Republican U. S. Senate candidate in Ohio, said back in February, the only way President Joe Biden could win reelection in 2024 “is to replace the citizens of his own country with illegal foreigners. The invasion he’s allowing to happen at the border is about power for democrats and nothing more.” The fear mongering ramps up as we close in on the 2022 midterms. Traditionally the party out of power wins seats in the midterms. So, why are the Republicans going to the most base and deplorable extremes when they are almost guaranteed to  to flip the House, and perhaps even the Senate.

It’s not just liberals, immigrants, or trans kids, in the cross hairs. Republican candidates and lawmakers who are not aggressive enough are also are being targeted. Former Missouri governor, a candidate for  the U.S. Senate, released a video of him smashing into a residence, carrying an assault rifle, backed-up by a group of individuals in combat attire, also carrying long guns, and announced, “Today, I’m going RINO hunting.” The RINO’s are corrupt and cowardly, get a “RINO hunting permit. There’s no bagging limit, no tagging limit, and it doesn’t expire until we save our country.” Holy Moly. This is how he treats his allies? Facebook removed the ad and Twitter flagged it. Wimps.

January 6th Threats

Adam Kinzinger, is one, of only two Republicans, on the January 6th Committee. Kinzinger also voted to impeach former President Donald Trump. Kinzinger has been threatened, along with his wife and newborn son. Trump has labeled Kinzinger as a RINO. Kinzinger, predicts, “There is violence in the future, and we can’t expect any different.”

Pissed Off And Ready To Shoot Someone

The Department of Homeland Security is also warning of a “heightened threat environment” due to  domestic terrorism and ‘a politically charged environment.’ The agency pointed out a large number of false narratives and racist conspiracy theories in a recent report. DHS Secretary, Mayorkas, said the department is keeping close tabs on extremist groups, “Individuals spurred by ideology of hate, false narratives, personal grievances, (are likely) to act out violently.”

No 400 Pounders

The theories the Republicans are vocalizing aren’t coming from 400 pounders knocking out posts in their basement, but the rhetoric and the absurdities are coming from people who have real power. The continued hateful, divisive rhetoric, has gotten out of control. It is time to tap this shit down. Extremist thought is being elevated to a level of legitimacy unheard of, at least in the last fifty years. Words, and speech we may have heard at a card game, or in a bar-and certainly on the fringes of politics-but not spoken aloud by major players.


Those never said descriptors now part of 2022 campaigning. Is it working? I’m sure it is with a certain part of the electorate, I’m hoping that there are enough outraged women in the country to put  a stop to the Republican plan. However, if the Republicans take back the House and the Senate, I expect the rhetoric and the violence will become a larger, and larger. factor in our daily lives. We are headed for a new Jim Crow, a new repression of women, and LGBTQ suppression. I predict; chaos is coming, unless there is a blue wave; previously unseen in history. A huge Democratic turn out, that runs the Republicans out of office, is the only thing that could turn this whole thing around.


OPINION: ‘Eff the Supreme Court

OPINION: ‘Eff the Supreme Court

I have something to say about the SCROTUS and it is not nice.

OPINION: ‘Eff the Supreme Court

Editor: I think this quote is a perfect response to the Supreme Court justices that want to enforce constitutional originalism on 21st century Americans. 


By D. S. Mitchell

Written on a Sign

I don’t know about you, but my outrage grows. In a recent abortion protest, I saw a young girl carrying a sign inscribed, “I hate it here.”  If you are a follower of Calamity News and Politics, you may have noticed an increased tension, and quite honestly, unbridled rage coming from this corner of the progressive community. I too have had several recent moments of, “I hate it here.”

Targeted Killings

The radical right sees no contradiction in banning abortion, for love of life, yet fuel rhetoric that has likely led to the  murder of at least 10 pro-choice physicians. The radical right tell us the Second Amendment is sacred. Sometime between my birth and today, the sanctity of the Second Amendment has taken on ridiculous, and unintended proportions.

Group Killings

Originally the Second Amendment described, “a well regulated militia.” Mind you, this was before the U.S. had a military. Out of that simple concept, it is now every Americans right, maybe duty, to load your AR-15, strap it with a bandolier of 30 shot magazines and go walk around town, terrorizing and murdering people who are just shopping for groceries, celebrating at a concert, attending class, and now a 4th of July parade. Mass murderers love it when we gather in groups.

I Said

Fuck the NRA, fuck the U.S. Senate, fuck the Second Amendment, and most of all fuck this illegitimate court. This has become a human rights issue-a public safety issue, a fucking right-to-life issue. Every American should have the reasonable expectation to go out for a walk, go the local Starbucks safely; it should not be a flip of the coin, situation.

Worse Than Roberts

John Robert’s has been Chief Justice since 2005.  He was nominated by George Bush the Younger and in my mind, Robert’s has been the spearpoint of a ruthless and relentless right-wing attack on democracy. During his tenure, the court has turned back democracy by 75 years, and privacy rights by 50. Even with Robert’s terrible record on gun control, voting rights, gerrymandering, campaign finance, abortion, and every other personal freedom imaginable, there are more dangerous and radical justices than John Roberts, and that clique is now apparently running the court.  Where as Robert’s style is to just keep chipping away at a law until over several years it vanishes into history, barely noticed. This new blatantly political court is ready to upend the apple cart, the hell with the consequences, in essence giving majority America the big middle finger salute.

Let it Go Alito, This Ain’t 1776

So, this now 6-3 ‘originalist’ court thinks it can push back all Progressive reforms since 1930. These folks are willing to snatch away Medicare and Medicaid, and the ACA of course, will fall. Gut the EPA. Ban abortions, nationwide. When you see an institution disregard established law and take up the task of writing new laws, just because they can; says to me that we are in a dangerous place. It seems apparent that swift action is necessary.

What I Think

This Thomas-Alito court seems hell bent on destroying any shred of validity this court ever had. The most recent public confidence polls show the court to be deeply unpopular.  The approval level of the court among all voters is at a jaw dropping 25%. Talk about Biden’s underwater numbers. As laws become more oppressive, affecting larger swaths of the population; enforcement may fail, in fact, it most likely will. As larger numbers of citizens commit the unenforceable crimes, police and prosecutors begin to ignore them. The overturning of Roe is so unpopular 70% of the country is in full revolt.

Anywhere, Anytime

The lawmakers just passed the first gun safety act in thirty years. My cynical side says, “a little is better than nothing.” My realistic side says, “not nearly enough.” As I said previously, the Second Amendment guarantees do not supersede those of LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.  Yet, the radical ‘originalist’ court refuses to face the reality of a heavily weaponized country that needs some serious restrictions on gun access, not an open season on all of us, anywhere, at anytime.


When extreme decisions are pronounced without the support and acceptance of the population, those decisions become unenforceable. The court has no army, no police force to back up its decisions, the only thing the court has is its standing in the eyes of the country’s citizenry, and that includes law enforcement. It is time to enlarge the court, install term limits, and codify a standard of ethics these justices must adhere to. Right now, this radical right-wing abomination calling itself the “Supreme” court of the United States,  ain’t looking so “Supreme.”


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