OPINION:Horrible Language, Horrible Intent

OPINION: Horrible Language, Horrible Intent

It's a dog fight, and it will be playing out near you as the 2022 Midterms approach

OPINION: Horrible Language, Horrible Intent

By D. S. Mitchell

It’s Ugly Out There

It’s a dog fight. The language is vitriolic. Hundreds of millions of dollars spent on campaign ads, showing candidates brandishing AR-15’s and going so far as to call their opponents “groomers” and “pedophiles”. Numerous Republican candidates have made claims that their liberal opponents are “grooming” children by pushing for LGBTQI+ rights; claims repeated by Tucker Carlson every night on the FOX channel. The radical language is not just for the opposition party, but these hyped-up right-winger’s are threatening members of their own party who they feel are not obscene, or disgusting enough, labeling them “RINO’s (Republicans in name only).”

Dangerous Topics

These ads filling our TV and PC screens are pushing some highly dangerous topics, one of the more dangerous and disgusting, is the current monster under the bed, the ‘great replacement theory’ and other similar racially and religiously charged conspiracies. According to America’s Voice, a progressive immigration advocacy group, hundreds of GOP ads specifically mention “replacement theory,” “migrants,” and “invasion.”


The airwaves are filled with Republicans accusing Democrats of deliberately encouraging migrants to cross the southern border illegally so they can “replace white voters”. They further claim Democrats are trying to indoctrinate children with fake history lessons about systemic racism against blacks. Of course it isn’t just blacks; it’s browns, Mexicans, Muslims, Jews, Asians and anyone that isn’t ‘really’ white- Christian. In a country like ours, the “real” white guys are pretty far and few between. Apparently, the neo-Nazi, white supremacist group, the Proud Boys, couldn’t find enough of those ‘real white guys’ and were forced to enlist  Enrique Torrio, a man of Afro-Cuban ancestry, whose parents came as immigrants from Cuba, to act as their front man. What a joke. Only, it’s not a joke.

Highly Combustible

The language is dangerous and highly combustible. In my view, the hateful language is fodder for inevitable violent consequences. Hate crimes are up 339 per cent! The shooter in Buffalo, referenced the racist replacement theory 10 times in writings before his killing rampage at a Top’s Food Market. The gunman called his victims “replacers” of white Americans. While there’s no direct one-to-one connection between one campaign ad and a person or group carrying out a crime, “there is a really clear relationship between the hateful speech of politicians and hateful acts,” Sophie Bjork-James, an expert on racism, said recently. Ms Bjork-James went on to say that there seemed to be a disturbing pattern between a string of violent incidents across the United States and an increase in “dangerous” highly charged language from Republican candidates and sitting GOP members of Congress in ads, social media posts, and speeches.

Systematic Replacement

“They will not replace us,” was the rallying cry at the Charlottesville riot in 2018. This replacement conspiracy theory has anti-Semitic origins. This baseless belief theorizes that Jews are behind a systematic program to replace ‘white people’ with immigrants and black people, with the intent to  overwhelm American elections. When challenged to stop promoting such hateful speech the noise only  intensifies. Despite the outcry, Republicans refuse to step away from the hateful language. Recently 32 GOP members of Congress repeated “invasion” language in a letter to Joe Biden, demanding the president “protect America from invasion.” When surveyed, 7 in 10 Republicans believe the heated rhetoric. In fact, 7 out of 10 Republicans believe Democrats eat the bodies of small children, are actually, lizard people, and who the hell knows what else?

A Trumpian Call

J.D. Vance, a Republican U. S. Senate candidate in Ohio, said back in February, the only way President Joe Biden could win reelection in 2024 “is to replace the citizens of his own country with illegal foreigners. The invasion he’s allowing to happen at the border is about power for democrats and nothing more.” The fear mongering ramps up as we close in on the 2022 midterms. Traditionally the party out of power wins seats in the midterms. So, why are the Republicans going to the most base and deplorable extremes when they are almost guaranteed to  to flip the House, and perhaps even the Senate.

It’s not just liberals, immigrants, or trans kids, in the cross hairs. Republican candidates and lawmakers who are not aggressive enough are also are being targeted. Former Missouri governor, a candidate for  the U.S. Senate, released a video of him smashing into a residence, carrying an assault rifle, backed-up by a group of individuals in combat attire, also carrying long guns, and announced, “Today, I’m going RINO hunting.” The RINO’s are corrupt and cowardly, get a “RINO hunting permit. There’s no bagging limit, no tagging limit, and it doesn’t expire until we save our country.” Holy Moly. This is how he treats his allies? Facebook removed the ad and Twitter flagged it. Wimps.

January 6th Threats

Adam Kinzinger, is one, of only two Republicans, on the January 6th Committee. Kinzinger also voted to impeach former President Donald Trump. Kinzinger has been threatened, along with his wife and newborn son. Trump has labeled Kinzinger as a RINO. Kinzinger, predicts, “There is violence in the future, and we can’t expect any different.”

Pissed Off And Ready To Shoot Someone

The Department of Homeland Security is also warning of a “heightened threat environment” due to  domestic terrorism and ‘a politically charged environment.’ The agency pointed out a large number of false narratives and racist conspiracy theories in a recent report. DHS Secretary, Mayorkas, said the department is keeping close tabs on extremist groups, “Individuals spurred by ideology of hate, false narratives, personal grievances, (are likely) to act out violently.”

No 400 Pounders

The theories the Republicans are vocalizing aren’t coming from 400 pounders knocking out posts in their basement, but the rhetoric and the absurdities are coming from people who have real power. The continued hateful, divisive rhetoric, has gotten out of control. It is time to tap this shit down. Extremist thought is being elevated to a level of legitimacy unheard of, at least in the last fifty years. Words, and speech we may have heard at a card game, or in a bar-and certainly on the fringes of politics-but not spoken aloud by major players.


Those never said descriptors now part of 2022 campaigning. Is it working? I’m sure it is with a certain part of the electorate, I’m hoping that there are enough outraged women in the country to put  a stop to the Republican plan. However, if the Republicans take back the House and the Senate, I expect the rhetoric and the violence will become a larger, and larger. factor in our daily lives. We are headed for a new Jim Crow, a new repression of women, and LGBTQ suppression. I predict; chaos is coming, unless there is a blue wave; previously unseen in history. A huge Democratic turn out, that runs the Republicans out of office, is the only thing that could turn this whole thing around.


David Shadrick “Ponders The Future Of The GOP”

David Shadrick “Ponders The Future Of The GOP”

Dave is ba-a-a-c-c-k-k! In this week’s videocast Dave takes a look at the GOP. The GOP has over the last several years identified itself with white supremacists, big money, voter suppression,  and an anti-government movement. How much longer can a political party supporting such an offensive platform continue as a viable force in U.S. politics.

Mass Shootings, A Terrorism Problem

Mass Shootings, A Terrorism Problem

By James Moore

A Borderline Distraction Won’t Help 

I live a few short miles away from where the Borderline mass shooting took place. Some people say it hurts more when it happens so close to home. I guess that depends who you are. For me, every mass shooting hits home.  Sandy Hook was gut wrenching.  Columbine devastating. But then so have all the others which consists of a list so long the names are becoming a blur. This is what happens when our leaders brainwash the ignorant into thinking we are under a terrorist attack from horrible things like caravans that must be stopped by building a wall. No border wall would have stopped the carnage in Thousand Oaks or any of our other mass shootings because the killers were all made in America.

Facts Are Pointless  

In the two decades since Columbine, the mass shootings have not stopped. We have all seen the statistics.  If you are of reasonable mind, they do  more than concern you; they make you demand we see changes made to decrease their likelihood in the future. If you aren’t, you think the Second Amendment  the most sacred words ever written and believe the only way to stop gun violence is by arming more good guys. 

Another Gun For A Good Guy

Our most recent mass shooter was a good guy. A decorated ex-marine who came home unable to cope with what he saw in battle. It’s safe to say if an NRA controlled congress can find the funds to build a border wall, they can find the funds to protect the likes of the innocent who were gunned down at the Borderline. Ah, but the GOP is not about compassion nearly as much as they are about fear and solving any problem with a show of force. No wonder mass shootings keep increasing. Our top down leadership is one that says if 300,000,000 guns are not enough to curb gun deaths, then we need to arm more people.

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On-Line Bullying, Trump Style

By Megan Wallin

Melania Reflects On Her “Be Best” Campaign

Tom Llamas’ recent interview with Melania Trump  revealed several important facts:  (1) On-line bullying is a serious and growing problem  (2) She believes herself to be “one of” the most bullied people in the world (3) She is willing to speak on camera about controversial topics, with no questions off-limits.

A Classic On-Line Bully

Melania seems to understand that her husband is a classic example of an on-line bully, but she claims that her stance on bullying is neither ironic, nor clandestine. She did not describe Donald as supportive of her “Be Best” campaign, but she claimed that, “He didn’t say not to do it”.

Buffering her earlier statement she explained “He understands that he is very tough on Twitter,” but likewise “he also understands that I want to help the next generation.”

She reiterated, multiple times, that she wants to do “the right thing” regardless of public perception.

Is She A Resource?

In the ABC interview FLOTUS claimed that she was influential in Donald’s reversal of his zero tolerance immigration policy. This cruel administration policy separated children from their parents at the Mexican border. If she actually effected the reversal of such cruel policy then surely we should start tapping into this neglected resource!


On-line bullying, when confined to the comment section of YouTube, although inappropriate, does little damage. On the other hand when President of the United States attacks it can be cruel and damaging. Nearly all his tweets are attacks against political opponents, foreign leaders, and women. If the First Lady could influence her husband, perhaps she could start by directing her “Be Best” campaign at him.

The Worst Offense Is A Bad Defense

Donald Trump uses name-calling to shift the focus away from his responsibility, and place that responsibility squarely on someone else. When Trump isn’t bragging about his accomplishments to laughing UN leaders, he’s vigorously defending any perceived lack of competence by throwing insults and jabs at his detractors via Twitter. What’s strange is that it seems to work for him. His incessant mocking, degrading and name-calling does not offend his supporters.

Put Downs and Insults Ignite Supporters

If the media gives him a negative report, he cries “Fake News” or “enemy of the people.” There is no limit to his crass put-downs of his political rivals, or his demeaning nicknames. His endless repetition of phrases like “very sad” and “total loser” to describe those with whom he disagrees has no ill effect on his base support.  The New York Times has a website devoted to documenting all of Trump’s Twitter insults. The Washington Post has a running total of Trump lies and misrepresentations, since taking office. The lie counter has surpassed 5,000 events. These main stream media sources are apparently not where the Trump boosters receive their information, otherwise the daily fact checking by credible news sources should have negatively affected his popularity long ago.

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I’m Back, And I’m Optimistic

I’m Back, And I’m Optimistic

D. S. Mitchell

The last post written by me specifically directed at Donald Trump was written on October 14, 2017. Since that date, I have mostly been writing about environmental issues, domestic problems and the American health scene. The reason quite honestly, is that after completing my 7 part series, Trump: Behind The Curtain, I was so disgusted and repelled by the revelations that I felt I needed to step back, and take those proverbial deep breaths. But, I am back now, and I am feeling hopeful.

The elections across the country on Tuesday November 7, 2017, the one year anniversary of the election of Donald J. Trump as president of the United States, brought out a lot of  people who are madder than hell at the direction that Trump and the GOP are taking this country. Women, people of color, immigrants, the college educated, suburbanites, the LGBT community, came together to vote for decency and inclusion.

Our history is imperfect, but our direction toward inclusiveness and decency has been ongoing and progressive.  The results of Tuesday’s elections make it clear that the American people want to continue on the road forward and not turn backwards to a time when a person was defined by their race, their sex, their wealth; not their intelligence, their creativity, their courage and their moral character.

If you are part of the Resistance, you can be proud and happy for Tuesday’s victories, but I believe that very success will lead to greater efforts by the 1% donors, Russian meddlers and old line Republicans to suppress the vote, demoralize and discourage participation by Democrats and Independents.

Turn out is the key. Voting for what you believe in and not staying home because you feel powerless. Your vote is America’s future. It is easy to leave it up to someone else to make those decisions, but if you are committed to progress then you must take responsibility for your actions.  If you want change, if you want progress, you must speak up, you must speak out. No bystanders allowed.

Calamity Politics is an active, progressive on-line political news magazine that proudly admits to a Progressive agenda. Join us weekly for opinion and analysis of the national political scene.

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An Obligation To Preserve Health Care

The Obligation To Preserve Health Care

D. S. Mitchell

The Trump administration seems bent on destroying health care in America. Despite promises to “guarantee health care for all” while on the campaign trail, Trump has moved back to the GOP corner, now calling for Repeal and Destroy.

Open enrollment for the ACA (ObamaCare) starts on November 1st and extends through December 15, 2017 for health care policies starting January 1, 2018.  I would wager that a large part of Americans are unaware of these important approaching dates.

Why wouldn’t they know?  The problem comes from the Trump administration’s dramatic cut backs on efforts to tell people about deadlines and other matters related to the ACA.  The strategy is to openly sabotage the national health care system. Americans should be given time to check their current coverage and make health care decisions to avoid being trapped in a policy they don’t like, or in a policy that no longer fits their needs.

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I’m A Liberal–And Here Is Why

I’m A Liberal, And Here Is Why

D. S. Mitchell

The resurrection of the GOP attack on Health Care, Trump’s UN speech, and a nasty Twitter exchange with a rabid Trump supporter, or maybe, a Russian troll, has caused me to sit down and pout for a few minutes, kick my feet and wonder if the fight is worth it.  I, like many of you, get so tired.  Some days it seems like Trump, in 10 short months is on the precipice of destroying the backbone of this country, our laws and our media. In the midst of my pout, I remember what President John F. Kennedy said about his core values and I perked up and finished calling my list of potentially five persuadable Republican Senators; in an effort to stop the GOP effort to repeal the ACA. 

The JFK quote has been seen a million times, but it is worth another view.  If you are a liberal and are taking a breath, forget it. The GOP and all their ‘effing money are out to screw us all. So get up, dust yourself off, drag the sign out of the basement, and hit the streets. Or, the phone. You can have a big impact if you make those Senate office phones ring.

So, my sweet liberal friends, gather courage from the words of one of our greatest presidents, “If by a ‘liberal’ they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reaction, someone who cares about the welfare of the people–their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties–someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what it means to be a ‘liberal’ then I’m proud to say, I’m a liberal.”

Keep up the fight, the road will be hard and the results slow in coming, but a determined heart will protect health care and the social contract our government has with its citizens.

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Karl Rove Goes On Trump Attack

Karl Rove Goes On Trump Attack

D. S. Mitchell

I have not heard Karl Rove’s name for quite sometime. When George W. Bush was in office Karl Rove dominated the news. Today he runs a SuperPac, or something.

Mr. Rove was not someone that I particularly liked when he was in the spotlight. However, in the Wall Street Journal yesterday Karl Rove took a bite at Donald Trump’s ankle. Here are a few samples of the criticism from that WSJ Op Ed.

Rove’s first nip was just another attack chorused by many Washington insiders, “He (Trump) lacks the focus or self discipline to do the basic work required of a president.”

Karl, most of us out here in the real world have known that simple observation for quite some time.  In my opinion, if Trump hadn’t inherited $300,000,000 million dollars when his father died I doubt whether he would have been able to hold a job due to his severe personality disorder.

Without his massive inheritance I can see Trump  drifting from job to job and living in his cousin’s trailer.  I think that sometimes the public believes that these rich guys are really, really smart. Yeah, some of them are really smart.  However, a whole lot of them inherited vast fortunes, have built up an inside network beginning at their private schools.  It’s nice to be an insider, it takes a lot of money and a lot of time.  It’s all about who you know and who you break bread with.

Rove continued his ankle biting attack, ” His (Trump) chronic impulsiveness is apparently unstoppable and clearly self defeating.  Mr. Trump may have mastered the modes of communication (Twitter) , but not the substance, thereby sabotaging  his own agenda.”

Pretty strong words coming from “Bush’s Brain”.  Getting fired up, Karl continues, “Mr. Trump has figured out how to tweet his way around the mainstream media.  Yet, by disregarding basic fact checking, he is deepening the already considerable doubts Americans have about his competence and trustworthiness.”

I probably shouldn’t give Karl too much credit for his Trump attack.  I assume that Karl Rove is more about saving the GOP, than Donald Trump.  My gut tells me that Karl was approached, in some way, by a group of rich Republicans who are beginning to feel the heat, and are getting nervous about Trump and want to distance themselves from the coming cataclysm.

What I find so amazing is that there are so many pans on the stove that the cook is unsure which one to take off the burner first;  Russian collusion, money laundering, bribery, self-dealing, corruption, obstruction of justice.  My hope is that Robert Mueller is able to pull the pans off the stove at the right time and produce a banquet of charges against Trump, The Trump Organization, The Trump Campaign, Jared Kushner, Mike Flynn, Jeff Sessions, Paul Manafort, Mike Pence, and everyone of those other folks who have been twisting the law for their own enrichment and holding hands with a foreign government while swearing to protect the United States Constitution and its people.

Remember, do something today to forward the Resistance. Write the letter, make the call, share a progressive tweet. Stay involved. Stay invigorated. Do not give into fatigue. We are fighting the most dangerous threat to Democracy since the founding of the Republic.


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