OPINION: Equal Opportunity Offense

We spend a lot of time arguing about conservative vs liberal

OPINION: Equal Opportunity Offense

By I. B. Freely 

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” Voltaire

Changing Definitions

Things aren’t always as they seem, particularly with definitions changing over time. Nowhere is this truer than in politics. Hardly a week goes by without a ‘no true Scotsman’ fallacy being hurled at one side of the aisle or the other. At least part of the problem is one of definition.


The modern understandings of ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative’ are, slightly bastardized, adaptations of neutral descriptors, as in a ‘conservative wager’ and a ‘liberal sprinkling.’ The former generally used to denote restraint and the latter excess. Whether it is positive or a negative depends on the situation, an excess of freedom generally considered a good thing. An irony coming into play when one considers that those calling themselves ‘conservative’ advocate for the excesses of a free market economy and those labeling themselves ‘liberals’ support restraint in terms of access to firearms.

Us and Them

Another example of conflict comes in the forms of identity politics and who it is ‘okay’ to criticize. My fellow liberals aren’t going to like to hear this but the idea of ‘protected classes’ shows restraint as reflected in functional conservatism. What we are saying in terms of merging social equality with protected classes is “we are all equal, except for them, don’t dare even criticize them.” An attitude very much in line with the most staunch monarchists who, at least historically, have been in stark opposition to those calling themselves liberals.

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I’m A Liberal–And Here Is Why

I’m A Liberal, And Here Is Why

D. S. Mitchell

The resurrection of the GOP attack on Health Care, Trump’s UN speech, and a nasty Twitter exchange with a rabid Trump supporter, or maybe, a Russian troll, has caused me to sit down and pout for a few minutes, kick my feet and wonder if the fight is worth it.  I, like many of you, get so tired.  Some days it seems like Trump, in 10 short months is on the precipice of destroying the backbone of this country, our laws and our media. In the midst of my pout, I remember what President John F. Kennedy said about his core values and I perked up and finished calling my list of potentially five persuadable Republican Senators; in an effort to stop the GOP effort to repeal the ACA. 

The JFK quote has been seen a million times, but it is worth another view.  If you are a liberal and are taking a breath, forget it. The GOP and all their ‘effing money are out to screw us all. So get up, dust yourself off, drag the sign out of the basement, and hit the streets. Or, the phone. You can have a big impact if you make those Senate office phones ring.

So, my sweet liberal friends, gather courage from the words of one of our greatest presidents, “If by a ‘liberal’ they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reaction, someone who cares about the welfare of the people–their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties–someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what it means to be a ‘liberal’ then I’m proud to say, I’m a liberal.”

Keep up the fight, the road will be hard and the results slow in coming, but a determined heart will protect health care and the social contract our government has with its citizens.

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25 More Things to Make You Smile

25 More Things To Make You Smile

D. S. Mitchell

Sunday Is Play Day

It’s not that the news stops on Sunday, but Sundays are my private, quiet, centering myself days. I reserve Sunday to nap, snack, read, think, and remember the good times.  I also take a few minutes on Sunday to write a list of the things that make me smile. Here are 25 reasons that I wrote down this morning that make me smile.

1.) Being a vegetarian, nobody had to kill an animal to feed me 2.) Homemade soup 3.) Loving wherever I am 4.) Standing tall, like Mom told me to 5.) Cookie dough 6.) Dancing in the dark 7.) Sock puppets 8.) Sci-fi novels 9.) Autumn  leaves 10.)Things that come easy 11.) Yellowstone 12.) Potato soup and cheese bread 13,) Christmas in Palm Springs 14.) Sailing 15.) Art Walks 16.) Silence 17.) Electric pencil sharpeners 18.) Neil Young 19.) Bringing left overs home for the dog  20.) Clematis growing on a porch  21.) White picket fences 22.) WWE ringside  23.) My mother’s smile  24.) High desert country 25.) Suspenders

Calamity News and Politics, is known for its examination, analysis and comment on the news headlines and the U.S. political scene. I will be back with all that tomorrow. Today I think we should lean back, take a breath and smile.

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Pulling the Scab Off

Pulling The Scab Off

D. S. Mitchell

Morning Coffee

I’m ready this morning to have a cup of coffee, eat an apple and reflect on why the American people would pick a man like Donald Trump to lead this country?  Calamity News and Politics is a progressive political blog, written from my home office at Surf Pines, Oregon. My intent is to point out bits and pieces of the ever evolving political scene to curious readers. From the last several days I’ve scratched these juicy, gossipy, tidbits on Trump from several sources.

The Habit Of Corruption

Trump is no stranger to corruption. He has been embedded in it for many  years. As President, he’s just taken it to a new level. The Trump administration is without a doubt the most corrupt presidency in American history. No wonder he keeps screaming “fake news”.  DJT has so much to hide.  If the public believed even a small amount of the truth that the press publishes every day  the White House would be surrounded with torches and pitchforks. Truth matters, and Trump couldn’t find truth with both hands. Just to refresh the reader on Trump’s history:

1.) Donald and his father blatantly participated in housing discrimination against people of color and they were sued by the Justice Department.
2.) The Mafia and Donald worked together through the construction trades in N.Y.C.
3.) He hired undocumented Polish workers to rehab the Trump Tower and then refused to pay them.
4.) Trump was fined $750,000 for anti-trust violations during his attempt to take over a rival casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

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Trump Sucker Punches His Voters

Trump Sucker Punches His Voters

D. S. Mitchell

It’s freaking Cold

It seems to have been a colder than usual winter. I’m not talking about climate change at the moment, more a comment on how a string of seventy days of freaking’ cold days, ran both my electric, and my gas bills to unimaginable heights. Natural gas prices are low, but my consumption went through the roof. I wore sweaters and sweats continuously and haven’t gone to bed in the buff, since last December. So, I’m out of bed, fireplace is going and the chill is slowly being driven off. I’m about to check out the morning political shows and plan on getting to Calamity News and Politics after I brew a cup of coffee.

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Basement Hideaway?

Basement Hideaway

By D. S. Mitchell

Here at Calamity Politics I try to be proactive. In that sense of proactivism, I wrote the following letter to Mitch McConnell on the subject of health care:


Dear Senator McConnell,

If you have a new health care plan, let us see it.  It’s our lives, our health care, that is on the line, not yours.  You by reports, have great health care. If it is a respectable bill, show it.  If it is a worthy replacement of for the Affordable Care Act, bring it out into the light.  Don’t hide in a darkened room in the Senate basement.  Show your work.  Let’s talk.

D. S. Mitchell

Let’s see if I get an answer. I have my doubts, that I will receive a response from the leader of the Senate. He prides himself in being the “grim reaper”. Unfortunately, on health care that is a sad and sickening title. I am ready to talk. Lets stop all the political bantering and have a real discussion. I don’t want to hear McConnell’s typical rhetoric. I want to hear real discussion, real bi-partisan discussion. Health care is a right. Everyone deserves to be healthy. Health care should not be tied to the size of your wallet or the quality of your employer’s health care plan. Let’s fix this broken system. Let’s move toward Medicare for all.

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