Basement Hideaway?

Basement Hideaway

By D. S. Mitchell

Here at Calamity Politics I try to be proactive. In that sense of proactivism, I wrote the following letter to Mitch McConnell on the subject of health care:


Dear Senator McConnell,

If you have a new health care plan, let us see it.  It’s our lives, our health care, that is on the line, not yours.  You by reports, have great health care. If it is a respectable bill, show it.  If it is a worthy replacement of for the Affordable Care Act, bring it out into the light.  Don’t hide in a darkened room in the Senate basement.  Show your work.  Let’s talk.

D. S. Mitchell

Let’s see if I get an answer. I have my doubts, that I will receive a response from the leader of the Senate. He prides himself in being the “grim reaper”. Unfortunately, on health care that is a sad and sickening title. I am ready to talk. Lets stop all the political bantering and have a real discussion. I don’t want to hear McConnell’s typical rhetoric. I want to hear real discussion, real bi-partisan discussion. Health care is a right. Everyone deserves to be healthy. Health care should not be tied to the size of your wallet or the quality of your employer’s health care plan. Let’s fix this broken system. Let’s move toward Medicare for all.

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