Get Up and Get Moving

Get Up and Get Moving

According to the experts, it doesn't really matter what you chose to do, just do it. Sitting is killing us.

Get Up and Get Moving

D. S. Mitchell


Getting Fatter

We hear it every day, our society is becoming more sedentary and with that comes obesity. Many of us spend hours behind a desk at our jobs.  We drive our cars to the fast food drive thru, then the bank drive thru, and the pharmacy drive thru, we never even have to get out of our cars.  We use our computers to shop, (I love Amazon), without ever leaving the house.  With decreased activity people are increasingly complaining of multiple issues including aches and pains, bad knees, obesity, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

Too Much 

Just like we enjoy eating and drinking too much, we enjoy sitting too much. We are surrounded by cars, snacks, elevators, sugary drinks and fast foods. The problem has become serious enough that the World Health Organization has a new agenda focused on encouraging physical activity. Things are serious when WHO recognizes the problem as a world wide health issue.

Improving Mental Health

A “Black Dog Institute” of Australia study found that 1-2 hours of exercise per week can prevent depression. In addition to improved mental health multiple world-wide studies have shown that vigorous movement can stave off heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, fatigue, diabetes, and even cancer. That should be a hell of a motivator, but sadly it doesn’t seem to be. There could be many reasons for that; but to combat the sitting disease it is necessary to drop all the excuses, find your tennis shoes and go for a walk, sign up for Pickleball at the local park, take a water aerobics class.  This exercise thing can be a fun thing.

Sitting Addiction

Our country, and most of the industrialized economies are suffering from a “sitting addiction” which leads in turn to “sitting disease”.  Physical inactivity is one of  the top 10 causes of disease and disability according to a recent UK government study. That study attributed 1 in 6 deaths to “sitting” which is equal to smoking in that country.

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Diagnosis: Diabetes

Diagnosis: Diabetes

A diagnosis of diabetes can be a scary thing, but with life-style changes the condition can be improved, or even reversed. Patients do not need to face years of fear, guilt, and drugs.

Diabetes is a scary diagnosis. Make some life style changes and change the prognosis.

Diagnosis: Diabetes

By D.S. Mitchell

A Public Health Emergency

One in ten Americans is living with Type 2 diabetes; that’s approximately 38 millions people. Some might call that a public health emergency. With diabetes comes other life altering diseases; cardio-vascular disease, kidney failure (dialysis), stroke, neuropathy, blindness, and lower limb amputation.

Medical Treatment

Many diagnosed diabetics are on high doses of injectable insulin and multiple oral anti-diabetic medications. Insulin is a hormone that transports sugar out of the blood and into the body’s cells. With diabetes the body can’t manufacture the hormone (Type 1-sometimes called childhood diabetes) or the more common Type 2 diabetes, where the body becomes resistant to insulin’s effects. In both cases, insulin injections are the standard fallback treatment.

Change Your Tactics

It doesn’t have to be this way. Instead of accepting the “inevitable” some patients decide to implement strategic behavioral tactics that have shown to improve the condition and even reverse it. Said more simply, if you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, you can turn it around. What follows are seven behaviors that can make a difference in your life and your battle with diabetes.

  1. Lose Weight: Do not under estimate the impact of gaining, (or losing), even a few pounds. The physiology of diabetes causes the body to ineffectively regulate blood sugar levels because at the heart of diabetes is “insulin resistance.” With insulin resistance the pancreas is forced to manufacture more and more insulin in an effort to transport sugar from the blood to the cells. What is often misunderstood is that insulin whether manufactured in the body or taken as a medication promotes fat storage and weight gain. It becomes a vicious circle, gain a few pounds and the weight gain will force the body to produce more insulin which in turn causes more weight gain-and so it goes. The good news, however, is that even a 10% weight loss can improve insulin sensitivity by 60%.
  2. Keep Up Your Fluid Intake: Hydration is a pretty big deal, don’t ignore it. With dehydration comes a concentration of sugar in the blood.  Studies show that patients who drink less than a half liter of water per day increased their risk of elevated blood sugar compared with those who drank more. Water, milk, herbal tea all work. Caution for coffee lovers; caffeine is dehydrating, limit the intake to a maximum of three cups per day.
  3. Stay Vaccinated: Many believe that COVID is behind us. Well, for folks with immune suppression, over the age of sixty, obesity, and diabetes the threat remains serious. In fact, studies indicate that COVID damages the pancreas and causes system wide inflammation, which in turn increases insulin resistance. New studies link COVID to new cases of diabetes. If you are in one of the high risk groups get vaccinated and stay boosted. Vaccinations lead to milder cases of the disease which should indirectly result in decreased COVID impact on pre-existing diabetics.
  4. Increase Protein Intake: Protein at every meal, not just dinner. Protein maintains muscle and contributes to blood sugar regulation. Fill your plate with fish, white meat chicken, lean cuts of beef and plant based protein sources such as beans, nuts, quinoa.
  5. Bite-sized Bits of Activity: “Exercise snacking” means spreading short bursts of activity throughout the day. A fifteen minute walk, two or three times per day, may do more to help control blood sugar than one long workout. Remember the 10,000 steps recommendation? In that study there was a link between exercise and improved diabetes control. The goal is to mix various types of exercise. Schedule exercise periods for yourself each day. You might start the day with a fifteen minutes block of strength training, using weights, resistance bands and body-weight moves. Mid-morning do fifteen minutes of aerobic activity such as fast walking, swimming, jogging, or tennis. After lunch try fifteen minutes of stretching which improves joint flexibility, balance, and reduces chances of injury.
  6. Read Labels: Do not focus on sugars, but rather read labels for the “Total Carbohydrate.” This term incorporates both naturally occurring sugars and those added. Women should aim for 30-45 grams of total carbs per meal, and men 60 to 75. A typical reaction after hearing a diabetes diagnosis is to eliminate sugar and carbs. Such behavior can result in nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, and dangerously low blood sugars. Consider talking to a Registered Dietitian and setting up a realistic eating plan. Many insurance plans pay for such training. Ignorance is not helpful, your quality of life depends on understanding how you can best help yourself.
  7. Finally: Losing weight, changing eating patterns, and exercising, are things that a newly diagnosed diabetic, or a long time diagnosed diabetic can do to reverse the disease. However, even with all those interventions, there may still be times when insulin and other diabetic medications have a role to play. Pregnancy is such a situation. Pregnancy frequently elevates the expectant mom’s typical blood sugars, just proving insulin has a secure place in the treatment of diabetes.


Stretch For Life; From A Chair

Stretch For Life; From A Chair

Stretching is a great way to increase overall fitness and well being. You can stretch anywhere anytime, even from a chair.

Enjoy The Physical Benefits of Stretching 

Stretching Can Be Done Anywhere, Anytime, Even From A Chair. Got tight Muscles? Got Back & Joint Pain? Stretching Can Relieve Chronic Pain. No More Excuses, Str-r-e-etch. 

Stretch For Life

By D. S. Mitchell

Stretching Benefits Young And Old

A regular stretching program will improve your blood flow and make your arteries healthier. Within a couple months of starting a stretching program you could lower your risk of heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction and more. If you stay loose and limber, your muscles respond better to stressors-expected and unexpected-that might otherwise result in injury.  Stretching is not a magic elixir, but if you stretch regularly you will, according to science, feel better and be healthier.

The Benefits Of Starting A Stretching Routine

  1. Improved Flexibility: Essential to overall health. Improved flexibility allows adults, particularly seniors to perform everyday activities with ease and naturally delays reduced mobility issues, common with aging.
  2. Improved Range Of Motion: The ability to move a joint through its full range gives freedom of movement. Essential for healthy aging.
  3. Improved Performance In Physical Activities: Doing dynamic stretches prior to activities is proven to prepare your muscles for the exercise.  It may also improve your performance in the activity.
  4. Increase Blood Flow To Muscles: Improves your circulation, increased blood flow to your muscles, which can shorten your recovery time and reduce muscle soreness or delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
  5. Improved Posture: Poor posture is often the result of muscle imbalances. A combination of strengthening and stretching specific muscle groups can reduce musculoskeletal pain and encourage proper alignment, thus improved posture.
  6. Helps Heal And Prevent Back Pain: Tight muscles can lead to a decrease in your ROM. When this happens you increase the likelihood of straining the muscles in your back. Stretching can help heal an existing back injury by stretching the injured muscles. A regular stretching routine can also prevent future back pain by strengthening your back muscles and reducing your risk of muscle strain.
  7. Stress Relief: Stress leads to tense muscles. Muscles tighten up in response to physical and emotional stress. Focus on areas of your body where you tend to hold your stress, primarily the neck, shoulders, and upper back.
  8. Calm The Mind: A regular stretching routine can calm the mind. While you stretch focus on mindfulness and meditation exercises. Give your mind a break.
  9. Reduce Tension Headaches: Tension and stress headaches can interfere with activities of daily living. Stretching reduces the tension and anxiety you feel from headaches.

The best stretches are ones you can do whenever, wherever — including from the comfort of a couch or chair. If you are having trouble getting down on the floor and then back up again I’ve got 10  popular seated stretches to add some beneficial stretches into your daily routine; you’ll notice very quickly the improvement in both mobility and flexibility.   

Suggested Seated Stretches

I suggest you do each of the suggested stretches only once and see how your body responds. Once comfortable with a stretching move incorporate those chosen poses into your daily routine. If each stretch feels good, do each stretch in the order listed below for an effective full-body session.

Ear-to-Shoulder Stretch

How you do it: This simple movement will release neck and shoulder tension. Place your feet flat on the floor and sit up straight in a chair. Your arms are hanging at your sides with your shoulders down and relaxed. Without rotating your head, drop your head to the side. Go as far as you can without straining or lifting your shoulder. For the greatest muscle relaxation, breathe deeply throughout. To deepen the stretch you can use your hand to gently pull your head toward the shoulder. Hold for 15 seconds. Remember to take slow, deep breaths. Switch sides and repeat. Do two, each side, each with a 15 second hold time.

Chin-to-Chest Stretch

How you do it: Keep your feet flat on the floor and sit nice and tall in a chair. Interlock your fingers and place behind your head; then gently lower your chin toward your chest, keeping your hands on the back of your head. Hold the pose for 15 seconds, taking slow, deep breaths. Do four 1poses each with a 15-second hold. The key to the chin-to-chest move is being gentle. 

Shoulder Roll Stretch

Rounded Back Stretch

How you do it: Sit straight and tall in a chair with your feet resting flat on the floor. Lean slightly forward and place your hands on your knees with arms extended. The idea is to focus on not just rounding your upper back, but also involving your lower back by tucking your tailbone on the chair’s seat. Now push down on your knees to round your back, now bring your chin toward your chest, tuck your tailbone slightly, imagine your upper body forming the letter C. Take slow, deep breaths, hold for 15 seconds then release. Do four poses, holding each for 15 seconds.

Cross-Chest Stretch

How you do it: If you spend a lot of time hovering over a computer or a book this stretch should help release the tension through the shoulders and upper back.  Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor. Cross one arm in front of your chest and place your opposite hand on the arm crossing your chest and brace it at the elbow to support. If it feels good, you can gently apply pressure to your arm to increase the stretch. Hold for 15 seconds, then switch sides and repeat. Do four holds per side. 

Overhead Triceps Stretch

How you do it: We carry tension throughout our bodies, one place that might surprise you is the back of our arms. The triceps stretch will relieve the pressure. Sit straight in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Raise one arm overhead and bend your elbow to lower your palm between your shoulder blades, as far as you comfortably can. Place your opposite hand on your raised elbow for support. If it feels good, gently press on your elbow to increase the stretch. Hold for 15 seconds, then switch sides and repeat. Do four on each side, hold for 15-second holds per side. Be sure not to let your lower back arch.

Behind-the-Back Stretch

How you do it:  This simple movement is quite effective when done gently and consistently, it helps maintain and improve your shoulder mobility. Sit with your back straight in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Let both arms hang down at your sides. Keeping your shoulders back and down away from your ears, place the back of one hand on the small of your back. Hold for 15 seconds, then switch sides and repeat. Do four per side.

Spinal Twist Stretch

How you do it: Our spines are meant to move in all directions. This simple twisting pose will improve spinal mobility and release hard to reach muscles in your back. Sit with back straight in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Place one hand on your opposite knee and the other on the seat behind you. Gently rotate your torso toward your hands. If it feels good, you can gently press on your knee to increase the twist. Hold for 15 seconds, taking slow, deep breaths, then switch sides and repeat. Do four times per side.

Figure 4 Stretch

How you do it: This stretch is good for people suffering from sciatica, it targets lower body tightness and subsequent back pain due to long periods of sitting. Sit tall and straight in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Cross one ankle over your opposite thigh, just above your knee. Gently press the knee of your raised leg down toward the floor, allowing your torso to lean forward slightly as you do. Hold pose for 15 seconds, then switch sides and repeat. Do four per side.

 Shin Stretch

How you do it:  If your shins are tight this simple movement can relieve the tension and ease shin splits and improve ankle mobility. Sit, back straight in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Slide one foot in until it’s in line with your hips — either bringing it underneath the seat of the chair or beside it. Point your toes and place the top of your foot on the floor. If it feels good, gently apply pressure to the top of your foot to increase the stretch. Hold for 15 seconds, then switch sides and repeat. Do four on each side.

If you think you would like to try a stretching program go to YouTube and check out the myriad of stretching programs that you can visualize and get your technique perfected. Thank you, Silver Sneakers for this series of suggested exercises. Happy stretching!!










12 EZ Tips To Lose 20 Pounds in Three Months

12 Tips To Lose 20 Pounds in 3 Months

Take a few minutes and review 12 tips to help you lose 20 lbs in 3 months

12 EZ Tips To Lose 20 Pounds By Christmas

No Dieting Required, Just Wokeness


By D. S. Mitchell

Out of the File

I’m always cutting out articles or writing down tips I hear about weight loss, with the hope that I will eventually put one or two of the tips to some valuable use. LOL. Anyway, as I was cleaning out a storage box I found a file labeled “Weight Loss Tricks”.  I took  a few minutes and sorted through the notes, clippings, and articles in the file.  After sifting through at least 10 years of information I came away with a dozen super suggestions to help us drop 20 pounds by Christmas. I am writing this tips list on September 10, 2023. That’s 106 days, give or take, approximately 3 and 1/2 months, or 14 weeks. No matter how you look at it, the following suggestions should help you to lose an easy 1.5 pounds a week with just about zero effort. Several of the tips you’ve heard before, but the trick here is to wake up, pay attention to what you are putting in your mouth. I call it “woked” eating. Easy Peasy. Let’s get started.

Sit Down When You Eat  

This information has been confirmed in study after study, for at least the last two decades. People eat an incredible 5 times more when they are standing or on the go, such as eating in the car. Your brain does not register food you eat while moving. So, folks take a few minutes to sit down and engage with your food. Sitting down will allow you to be more conscious of flavor and aroma and the slow down will allow you time to experience the sensation of fullness.

Cut Out the Booze

I suggest you stop drinking anything but unsweetened coffee or tea, or water (flavored is fine). Quite seriously, alcohol can add a whole lot of sneaky calories. I call it the 5:00 o’clock sabotage. Stay clear of the sugary girlie cocktails. Here’s where size does matter, stick to the standard serving sizes: 12 oz for beer, 5 oz for wine and 1.5 oz for hard liquor.  No more than two drinks two times a week! Otherwise you are going to undermine your other valiant efforts.

Take a Walk, Take a Breath

The last thing you need when you are working on yourself (your weight loss in this case), is a whole lot of stress. Take it easy. Take those long slow breaths, drop that load you are carrying and “just breathe”. One of the things that let’s me drop the stress and take those deep relaxing breaths is to take a walk. Wow. Walking is your best friend, whether trying to lose weight or relieve the stress, take a hike; or at least a stroll around the neighborhood. Smile and greet other walkers. There is a real community out there, get off the couch and join the sneakers crowd. Smiling makes you feel good. The calorie burn is dependent on you; speed and distance the basic determinant. The average person burns somewhere between  200 and 350 calories per hour at a moderate pace. At an easy pace that’s about 3 miles an hour. To lose one pound, you need to cut 3,500 calories. If you want to lose one pound a week divide 3,500 calories by seven to get 500; that means you need to cut 500 calories a day overall.  If you walk for an hour, 5 days a week, you will burn  1,000 to 1,800 calories.  If you are like me, you knew all that, but had forgotten it.

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3 Gremlins Facing Health Care In The U.S.

3 Gremlins Facing Health Care In The U.S.

Americans are taking too many prescription meds

3 Gremlins Facing Health Care In The U.S.

By D. S. Mitchell

On The Front Line

Writing for allows me a grass root platform to discuss health care, and every other area of our political spectrum, for that matter. It does not give me the right to say anything I want about the issues. With that said, I have ground level experience in health care. Because of that experience and exposure to trench warfare in hospital health care I have strong opinions. Client care and results need to be discussed and evaluated for effectiveness. I have a passionate interest in health care, and in this area, I believe my street level experience gives me the right to discuss the issues. Bringing common sense thinking to health care should always be welcomed. I am an RN, and have worked for 38 years in hospitals in Oregon, Washington, California and Nevada.

The Sickest

My two primary areas of specialty are Crisis Psychiatry and Cardiac Intensive Care. Whether the issues are mental, behavioral, or cardiac emergency, many of the issues facing the caregiver, and the client are the same. Despite the obvious differences in the front line needs of the clients, both of these populations are often the sickest in the hospital. One thing I know, is that the health of the American citizen should not be decided by a politician in Washington, D.C. Sadly, that’s where this battle always shows its ugly underbelly.

Gremlin 1: Big Pharma

Suitcases Of Medications

For the first twenty-five years of my career, when I admitted a patient that came to the unit with a suitcase of medications, I believed it was because they were incredibly ill. Like physicians I had been trained to believe in  pharmaceuticals.  Once I was an old nurse, my thinking transformed into, the patient is sick because they are taking so many prescribed medications. I can hear the protests from the audience now. Don’t believe me, just read the labels. These are chemicals and they are toxic and poisonous.

Side Effects

Truthfully, every pill has the potential to cause side effects, some known and some unknown.   When a person complains to his doctor that he is uncomfortable due to the side effects of the medication he is taking, his doctor writes him another prescription to help deal with the side effects.  The patient has pain so his doctor writes him a prescription for an analgesic. When he complains that the pain medication makes him constipated, he is given a prescription.  You can see where this is headed, right?

Advertising Medications

In America, television is the best friend of the pharmaceutical industry.  Constant television marketing has convinced viewers that there is a pill that will fix anything and everything. Unfortunately, many Americans now believe that there is a pill that will make everything in their life better.  Health care policy makers need to take this issue very seriously. I realize drug manufacturers want to make a profit, but I also believe constant repetition creates a need that previously did not exist.

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May Is Stroke Awareness Month

May Is Stroke Awareness Month

May is Stroke Awareness Month. Learn the varying risks, types, causes and symptoms of stroke

May Is Stroke Awareness Month

If you are experiencing acute stroke symptoms remember time is critical, every minute treatment is delayed can result in irreparable brain damage. DO NOT CALL your friends and family to ask advice, CALL 9-1-1 immediately.

By D. S. Mitchell

No Longer Just For Seniors

Strokes are not just a health concern for the elderly. Strokes can happen to anyone of any age from infancy through adulthood, most however do occur after the age of 60. Alarming statistics however indicate that over the last 15 years younger Americans, in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50’s are suffering strokes at increasing  numbers.

Celebrity Strokes

Recent headline grabbing stroke victims include entertainer Jamie Foxx (55), politician John Fetterman (53), musician *Kid Cudi (32) and influencer Hailey Bieber (25).  The reasons are many, some genetic, but mostly the experts are pointing at lifestyle choices; unaddressed high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, stress, cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, and *drug use (Kid Cudi admitted a two week cocaine binge before checking into rehab and subsequently suffering a stroke). Of those factors poor food choices and lack of exercise are probably the most common factors for younger stroke victims.

What Exactly Is A Stroke?

A stroke is quite simply a sudden loss of brain function. The two direct causes of stroke occur when a blood vessel is blocked (ischemic stroke) or when a blood vessel ruptures (hemorrhagic stroke). Onset of symptoms is usually sudden. Symptoms can include weakness or loss of sensation, frequently to only one side of the body, confusion, difficulty speaking, blurred vision, loss of balance and coordination, and headache.


FAST is the acronym used to teach people how to recognize dangerous stroke symptoms.

  • Facial droop (one sided)
  • Arm or leg weakness
  • Speech slurred or difficult
  • Time is of the essence if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms call 9-1-1.

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DRIVE YOURSELF TO THE HOSPITAL, you might end up killing yourself and someone else in a collision. Call 9-1-1. When you call 9-1-1 you will not only get an ambulance with all the necessary emergency equipment onboard along with trained EMTs, but the 9-1-1 call also triggers actions at the nearest hospital where professionals will be preparing for appropriate testing and treatment.

Treatment Options

Treatment may include the removal of a single blood clot or multiple clots. Procedures such as angioplasty, stents, or medications such as blood thinners, to prevent further clots from forming may be used. The residual damage from a stroke may take weeks or months of physical and speech therapy to strengthen affected areas. Thankfully due to research and the development of new treatments for strokes there are better outcomes.  Having a stroke doesn’t mean your life is over, you can still have a meaningful and productive life.


Body Fat and the Health Risks

Body Fat and the Health Risks

Obesity in the US is growing. For folks over 60 years of age 42% are considered obese. Startling numbers.

Body Fat and the Health Risks

Studies repeatedly indicate, without a doubt, obesity is dangerous to our health. As we grow older our bodies accumulate fat and then deposit most of the accumulated fat around our waistlines. At the same time we are losing muscle mass. The combination of those factors are a pathway to health problems; most particularly Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, elevated cholesterol, and overall mental decline.

By D. S. Mitchell


Body Fat

Mention body fat and a lot of us start to get anxious. It’s not that the bathroom scale tells the whole story, but it does tell how much body fat we are carrying. We mostly choose not to think about it until our pants won’t zip up or when we pass a full length mirror. More and more information shows that there are serious health risks in carrying extra body fat. Experts tell us that the accumulated body fat begins to act as an endocrine organ. The endocrine system is a complicated network of organs and glands that uses hormones to control multiple body functions. Most specifically, body fat is involved in the metabolism of sex hormones, blood clotting, blood pressure, and insulin sensitivity.

Measuring the BMI

Physicians use the BMI to measure body fat, and diagnose whether the client is underweight, healthy weight, overweight, obese, or morbidly obese.  A BMI of less than 18.5 is underweight, 18.5-24.9 is healthy weight, 25-29.9 is overweight, and 30 plus is obese, 40 or more is morbid (severe) obesity. Where an individual carries their extra pounds seems important. The visceral fat; that’s fat that is carried in the belly means higher risk of heart disease, stroke, and Type 2 diabetes. In fact, many doctors now suggest patients regularly monitor weight, BMI and waist measurement just as we currently monitor blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol. In a 10 year study with 190,672 participants, obesity tripled the risk for heart attack, stroke, and heart failure.

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Sugar Is Killing Us

Sugar Is Killing Us

Sugar is killing us.

Sugar Is Killing Us

By D. S. Mitchell

When I started writing this article, my intention was to write a quick easy read, nothing in-depth, certainly nothing scientific. Something along the lines of, “Ten Reasons To Kick The Sugar Habit”. That plan was quickly dashed as I read one scary article after another explaining the dangers of sugar consumption. If you are suffering from any of the diseases highlighted in this article, remember, you are not alone. If you want a better, longer life, it is time to take a look at your relationship with sugar in all of its malevolent forms. 

**This article first appeared in on 04/03/2020


Sixty-Five Pounds Annually

The average American consumes 65 pounds of sugar annually without even being aware of it. That information alone should be a heart stopper. The American Heart Association recommends that men consume no more than 9 teaspoons (36 grams) of added sugar per day and women no more than 6 teaspoons (24 grams). On average each of us ingests 19.5 teaspoons or 78 grams a day. Research on the dangers of sugar on health are ongoing, and new information is being constantly being uncovered.

Dangerous And Addictive

If there was ever any doubt about the dangers of sugar they are being put to rest by a series of scientific studies. Research is proving sugar is both dangerous and extremely addictive. A person who drinks one 20 oz sugary beverage every day will cut their life expectancy by nearly five years. That is,  comparable to being a regular smoker. If that fact doesn’t get your attention, read on, it gets worse, a whole lot worse.

Just As Bad

Sugar does a lot of damage to our bodies.  With all the negative news about sugar is there an alternative?  Some people say, “just use a sugar replacement.” Whoa.  Evidence is mounting that sucralose, saccharin and aspartame are just as dangerous as sugar.  Research shows that sugar replacements injure and destroy the essential microbiome in the gut.  Microbiome are the millions of microorganisms inside our bodies that help us stay alive.  These microbes protect us against germs, they also break down food to release energy, and produce vitamins.

Find A Garbage Can

To make it clear, sugar substitutes are just as bad as the real thing.  In addition to the physical damage products like sucralose do, they are also associated with weight gain and glucose intolerence-the very things people use them to prevent.  Those folks trying to cut down on sugar may be drawn to advertised benefits such as “maple syrup’s antioxidant benefits” or “honey’s healing power”.  Forget such misinformation.  Sugar is sugar, no matter what form it takes. I suggest that no one consume them.  Keep them out of the house.  If you have any of these sugar substitutes in your cupboard toss them in the closest garbage can.

Highs And Lows

The body’s reaction to sugar is like taking a roller coaster ride; an unending ride to extreme highs, followed by extreme lows, sending the body into a spiral of endless cravings. People report being “hungry all the time”. Descriptions include “being obsessed with food”, and literally feeling “addicted” to food. It makes perfect sense, because everything they eat and drink is loaded with sugar.

Addictive Cycle

High sugar intake sends the body into a crazy, roller coaster ride of ups and downs.

The danger of sugar is easy to describe, it is addictive, sharing all the highs and lows of  any other addictive drug.

The danger of sugar is easy to describe.  As the addictive cycle begins, say after you eat a piece of cake, a predictable pattern begins.  Blood glucose begins to rise.  Then, Dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centers is released, messaging that everything is “great”.  Meanwhile, if you are not a diabetic, your pancreas is busy releasing insulin into your blood stream to help lower the threat of rising blood sugar.  High insulin levels signal the body to store fat throughout the body, including the liver.  With the release of insulin, blood glucose drops.

Another Piece Of Cake

As the sugar high subsides, your brain begins sending signals that you are ‘hungry’.  The ‘false hunger’ signals kick cravings into high gear, demanding another piece of cake. Predictably, as you consume that second piece or cake, or cookie, the sugar driven roller coaster takes the body on another crazy, dizzying ride.

Mood Swings

The ups and downs of unstable blood sugar will cause a person to experience mood swings, fatigue, and headaches.  As described in the “addictive cycle” unstable blood glucose contributes to cravings, which begins the cycle of “false hunger”.  When the body is under stress, it immediately kicks into fight-or-flight mode, releasing large amounts of stimulating hormones.  Interestingly, the body has the same chemical response when it detects low blood sugar, created by the insulin response.  After eating a sweet snack, stress hormones begin to compensate for the crash, by raising your blood sugar.  Unexplained anxiousness, irritability, and even tremors often result.  By contrast, those who avoid sugar have fewer cravings, and feel emotionally balanced and energized.


Can’t sleep?  Thirty percent of Americans complain of insomnia, or interrupted sleep.  Sugar may be keeping you up at night.  Researchers have found that eating more sugar, along with less fiber and more saturated fat, is associated with lighter, more disrupted and less restorative sleep.  Insomnia has been connected to diabetes, obesity and heart disease.  This deadly trio of health conditions, is now being directly tied to sugar consumption.

Sugar And Mental Health

Consuming high-sugar products like cookies, candy and sugary drinks, are associated with a higher risk of depression.  Researchers believe that blood sugar swings, neurotransmitter dysfunction, and inflammation may all be reasons for sugar’s detrimental impact on mental health.  Sugar in fact, could be making you sad and depressed.  Capping off a bad day with a comforting sugar laden snack may make you feel worse in the long run.

Increased Depression

A recent Columbia University study found that post-menopausal women whose diets were high in added sugar and refined grains were at a high risk for depression. Study participants, that ate more dietary fiber, whole grains, vegetables, and unprocessed fruits had a decreased risk of depression. In another study, men who consumed 67 grams or more of sugar per day were 23% more likely to develop depression than men who ate less than 40 grams per day.

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Take A Walking Approach To Knee Pain

Take A Walking Approach To Knee Pain

Walking can provide relief for OA

Take A Walking Approach To Knee Pain


By Dani Davis

“Bone On Bone”

I am considered well-aged.  In other words, I qualify for all those senior citizen discounts. At 75 I have been dealing with increasingly debilitating Osteoarthritis (OA) of both knees for at least the last ten years. “Bone on bone” as the doctor keeps reminding me. I have been putting off knee replacement surgery due to both fear of the surgery and my ongoing hope for a better answer.

From Miles to Feet

I have always been active and ready to take on whatever the world has to offer, skiing, swimming, hiking, and walking. In fact, I walked four or five miles every day of my life since I was a high schooler. Walking has  always been the mainstay of my exercise routine. However, as my knee pain has worsened I have retreated from former activities and have been reduced to limping about my apartment or using the electric scooter at the local Walmart. The final blow to my exercise routine came, when my dog, my prime motivator for walking, died two years ago.

Dr. X

In December I met with Dr. X, the surgeon scheduled to do my right knee replacement. He told me I am  within a hair’s breadth of the top end of the weight limit; and suggested I lose a few pounds, strengthen my legs, and workout to build my upper body strength. I told him if I could do all those things I wouldn’t be knocking on his door. He laughed, and told me to, “Try. You have ten months.” “Ten months?” Yes, ten months, I was told. “Mostly due to COID-19 issues such as surgical back-log, shortage of nurses and support staff, plus endless employee sick calls.” The medical assistant came in, opened the computer and tentatively scheduled my surgery for November 16th, 2022.

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11 Super Easy Holiday Weight Loss Tricks

11 Super Easy Holiday Weight Loss Tricks

Looking for a few tips to cut back on holiday eating

All the goodies available at the holidays can challenge any weight loss program. Here are 11 easy tricks to  help you stay on your healthy eating program. The holidays don’t automatically spell weight gain.

11 Super Easy Holiday Weight Loss Tricks

By D.S. Mitchell

The Checkout Line

I’m standing in the grocery store check-out line reading the magazine headlines when the ‘Woman’s World’ catches my attention. Their busy cover page announces, “The #1 Keto Trick for Women to Lose Weight Without Surgery.”  I have toyed with trying the Keto diet, and I couldn’t resist the teaser, and found myself tossing the magazine on to the conveyor belt.

Lovin’ Woman’s World

I love ‘Woman’s World’, because it is cheap, it has an easy to read format with lots of pictures and almost always features a weight loss trick or two for the ‘always dieting’ crowd. Once home, with feet up on the ottoman, I search for the article on Keto Dieting. Before I get to that story I landed on, “Tiny tweaks that melt pounds”.

Tiny Tweaks

As I read the “Tiny Tweaks” article I thought the ideas were great and thought they were worth passing on to my blog readers, especially with the holidays upon us and the constant temptation of homemade cake, cookies, pies and candy.

  • Afternoon Snack: A recent study found that by shifting a morning snack of an apple or a handful of nuts to the afternoon could give dramatic weight loss results. The reason the study suggests is that there is a bigger time span  between lunch and dinner, than between breakfast and lunch. The snack gets us through the long afternoon and that healthy snack prevents overeating on those holiday treats.
  • Weigh Daily: Weighing in every morning is a good way to reverse sneaky weight gain trends. In fact, researchers in Finland found that people who weighed daily at the same time each morning shed more weight than other test subjects.
  • Pay With Cash: I loved this one. When you go grocery shopping, always plan to pay with cash. A study in the Journal of Consumer Research found that paying with cash actually reins in the impulse junk food purchases. Researchers explain that the “pain of paying with cash” makes people less likely to splurge on unhealthy extras. Awesome. I know this tip will work for me.
  • Add a sprinkle of salt:  This tip comes from British researchers who discovered that women who add a bit of salt to their vegetables will increase their intake of the green goodies by as much as 70%. It seems that using the flavor enhancer can actually cause us to start craving vegetables in as little as three days. Who knew?
  • Red Wine: A glass of red wine in the evening can help you lose weight. It seems the polyphenols in red wine “help the body process excess blood sugar before it can be turned into fat. Investigators discovered that women who sip one glass of red wine daily are “30% less likely to experience weight problems than teetotalers”.
  • Rearrange Pantry: If you must have high calorie indulgences in the pantry try rearranging their position on the shelves. Experts suggest storing high calorie treats on the right side of the shelf and good for you snacks, such as dried fruit and nuts on the left. In this case, researchers at University of South Florida, tell us that the reason is that the brain is wired to read numbers from left to right. Fascinating. When a person sees foods displayed this way we are subconsciously reminded that the foods on the left are healthier for us.
  • Turn On Soft Music: This one surprised me, but at the same time it made sense. Before you sit down to eat, find a soft music channel and let it play throughout the meal. You will find you eat less and enjoy it more. The best part is Psychological Reports found most people will eat 175 fewer calories per meal; which is an easy way to shed 15 pounds a year.
  • Seek Encouragement From A Friend: It seems if you feel you are at risk of diving face first into the office buffet you should take a minute and text, or call a friend or loved one, about your weight loss progress. Duke University scientists say that exchanging words of encouragement reminds and reinforces your goals. Such reinforcement doubles your odds of sticking to your healthy living plan and helps you lose up to six pounds a month.
  • Recall A Happy Moment: Happy thoughts help us stay on track. Researchers at Cornell, suggest that when cravings strike, recall a positive memory. Apparently, being in a positive frame of mind switches off the desire for instant gratification of a chocolate or calorie heavy treat and encourages healthier choices.
  • Chop It Up: Before gobbling down that Hersey’s bar, take a minute and break it up into small pieces. Scientists at Arizona State University say cutting sweets into “bite-size bits tricks your brain into thinking your eating more than you are, triggering the release of appetite-taming signals”.
  • Count To 10: Remember the old saying, “count to 10 before you speak”. In this case, it is “count 10 before you eat”.  Harvard researchers discovered that people who are able to count to ten (or any simple ritual) before eating that piece of cake or chocolate bar are able to consume much fewer calories than those who just dive in. Why? Repeating familiar behaviors or “rituals,” stimulates the part of the brain that controls self-discipline.

Now that you are armed with these dietary tricks, hopefully you can get through the holidays without feeling either deprived, or guilty. Happy holidays.