Looking Back At Trump

Looking Back At Trump 2017

A man living in an alternate universe of madness wants another change to ruin the government

Looking Back at Trump 2017


By D.S. Mitchell and Sallie Lester

Editors Note:

The Trump Town Hall on CNN the other night, had the hair on my arms standing up and I felt a deep visceral anger and disgust I haven’t felt since Trump was president. With that disgust of everything Trump renewed, I was prompted to go back and revisit numerous calamitypolitics.com articles from Trump’s first few months in office.

Listen folks, all you need to do is read the newspaper to know Trump is a bad dude. He is a shameless narcissist, a fake and a liar, a sexual predator, a grifter, a tax fraud, among many other proven things, but most importantly he is a real threat to our democracy. Now here he comes again, after fomenting an insurrection, asking us to give him a second chance to bring down the  damn government. It’s happening in Israel, Hungary, and Turkey. It could happen here. We must stop Captain Chaos. Donate to the re-elect Biden-Harris 2024 presidential campaign.

Back in 2016

Millions of people across the country were deeply disturbed and shocked in 2016 after the Electoral College determined Donald J. Trump to have been elected president of the United States. Many protested in the streets, some like me took to the computer to Resist the insanity of a TV huckster and an absurdity like Donald Trump becoming president.

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EDITORIAL: Final Shutdown


By Trevor K. McNeil

Promises, Promises

Always keep your promises. This is what we teach our children from when they are very young. One pitfall to this maxim most adults don’t take into account when socializing with the little ones is that kids for the most part have an extremely literal world view.

No Matter How Cock-eyed

Yes, it is generally good to try and keep the promises one makes, particularly if one wants to cultivate a reputation for honesty and trust worthiness. It is not, however, needed that one stick entirely to the literal content of a promise no matter how blinkered, mad or cock-eyed it might be; or what unforeseen havoc it might wreak. This is why there is so often a distinction made between a threat and a promise, though in some ways, a promise can be far more frightening.

Political Promises

A relaxed attitude towards political promises is something that politicians know instinctively. In fact it is  as much a part of our system of government as gerrymandering or the Bill of Rights; something most politicians understand implicitly and are able to do as easily and unconsciously as they walk or breath. You will notice that I said “most.”

One of A Kind Is Not Always A Good Thing

There are many ways in which Donald John Trump is not like other politicians (or indeed other humans). Many of these have been commented on before and are obvious to those with the most cursory understanding of the American political system. It is not, for example, usual for a President to openly Tweet about government business, or use an unsecured cell phone, or invite Russian officials into the Oval Office. My head is still spinning.

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Come On, Conway

Come On, Conway

D. S. Mitchell

A Headache Coming On

I was flipping TV channels, as part of my job at Calamity Politics, looking for a tip, or a hot lead for today’s political blog post. Lo and behold. Here she comes, anorexic and demented. Kellyanne Conway, you are a real hard one to watch.  Talk about a dog chasing her tail.  Round and round, you go, never answering a question, always tagging back to the same tired, old worn rhetoric. Campaign rhetoric. Talk about political spin. You’re giving me a headache.

The Republicans, keep telling us Democrats to move on, “You lost.  Get out of our way, we have damage to do.”

But, no one apparently, has told Conway, or the White House.  The campaign is done, so let us start responding to questions about Now, Not your fabricated yesterdays. It is boring and unseemly to have you folks all using the same script, the same words, the same outrage, banging the same drum.

Please, go back into the White House, Alice, because I think you have a lunch date with the Mad Hatter.

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