More Trump Than I Ever Wanted

More Trump Than I Ever Wanted

D. S. Mitchell

Donald Trump is taking up a lot of print pages in the United States and around the world. His behavior is so extreme and so dangerous that I find it necessary to report daily on his outrageous language and behavior.  Trump’s ongoing offensive actions force me to respond with outrage and disgust.  I am daily amazed at the depths this man will sink to.

Calamity Politics is a progressive political blog with a left leaning agenda. CP attempts to present relevant, topical and engaging coverage of the U.S. political scene. I admit I feel as if we are writing about President Trump multiple times a week.  For a small blog that is a lot of attention directed at one target. However, I like many other reporters are feeling they must stay on this rogue president like flies on cow shit.

A couple of days ago Trump held another of his post-election “rallies” in West Virginia, a bastion of Trump loyalists.  In his speech the President attacked the same people and institutions that are red meat to his constituency.  Trump after several painful weeks in Washington sent salvo after salvo at his perceived enemies.

The president began by diminishing the Russian efforts to meddle in the 2016 election by seemingly  contradicting many U.S. intelligence agency reports stating, “The Russia story is a total fabrication.  It is just an excuse for the greatest loss in the history of American politics.”

As the crowd warmed up some started to chant the well-worn Hillary Clinton attack, “Lock her up.” “Lock her up.”

Feeding into the crowd Trump claimed the focus of investigation should be his defeated opponent, not him. Leaving facts at the roadside, Trump pulled out of his tired suitcase of conspiracy theories, “What the prosecutor should be looking at are Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 deleted emails……and the paid Russian speeches…….or the uranium she sold to the Russians.”

The inappropriateness of Trump, a sitting president, calling for the prosecution of a political foe is grossly egregious. In January, Jeff Sessions told the Senate Judiciary committee, “This country does not punish its political enemies.” Apparently, Trump and Sessions have a different understanding of the U.S. Constitution. By understanding, there is to be a wall between the Executive Branch and the Justice Department, former Attorney General Eric Holder once said, “to ensure that prosecutors are impartial and insulated from political influence.”

Trump intensified his attacks against the Mueller investigation as an effort to undo the election results,”They can’t beat us at the voting booths, so they’re trying to cheat YOU out of the….future that YOU want.  They’re trying to cheat YOU out of the leadership that YOU want with a fake story that is demeaning to all of US, and most importantly demeaning to OUR country and demeaning to OUR Constitution.

Trump has demeaned our Constitution and our institutions for decades and now he is accusing Mueller and others of doing what he is guilty of.  Truthfully Trump is a one man wrecking crew in his assault against the rule of law. From accusations of “fake news,” “so-called judges” the disputed “travel ban” restrictions to the president encouraging police officers to rough up suspects we have been witness to vicious and flagrant efforts to undermine U.S. institutions.

What Trump has identified as a “witch hunt” is a legally authorized Department of Justice investigation based on government rules and regulations, led by a highly respected prosecutor.  Trump is scheming to undermine the Mueller investigation for no other reason than to keep up his power and he will use lies and misinformation to those ends. Ruth Marcus for the Washington Post described the president’s attempt to equate his legal woes and (potential prosecution) with “a usurpation of their democratic choice (his voters) is the most chilling yet.”

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