Poison Candy: The Politics of Black Comedy



By Trevor K. McNeil

A Laughing Matter

Life can be really rough. Precious few people really have an easy go of it and even those who do don’t tend to recognize it at the time.  A situation which can lead to what social-psychologists call “anomie.” This odd little word, which sounds a bit like a fringe French filmmaker, refers to a low-level anxiety and depression brought about by societal conditions. Fortunately we have a way to fight back. To “kick at the darkness ‘til it bleeds daylight”, as Bruce Cockburn once put it.

It Comes Naturally

Humor, is one of the most powerful forces known to humanity. It can comfort as well as cut and heal as well as destroy. It was one of the first things humans learned how to do. There is now research that suggests that early humans were able to laugh before they could speak. It is little wonder then that people have used humor to deal with their lot in society since the concept of society was conceived. Particularly in terms of Black Comedy and its partner Gallows Humor.

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Opinion: Choose To Re-Use and Re-Purpose

Opinion: Choose To Re-Use


By Jennifer Troy

Organic and Natural

The amount of “wasteful waste” accumulated everyday, world-wide is staggering. Here in my corner of the world, Portland, Oregon, waste is everywhere. We have careless waste, we have intentional waste, we have good intentioned waste, we have plastic waste and we have paper waste, just to mention a few.  It is my wish to draw attention to waste that need not be wasted. Sometimes we accept a premise just because everyone else seems to accept it. Human beings are sheep.  I hope to convince you that often the things we do because we think it is the “right” thing for the environment may in fact be short-sighted and wrong. Shockingly, “organic” and “natural” may not always be the best answer.  I believe with all of my heart re-use and re-purpose in the end will be the best way forward.

Paper or Plastic?

Take as an example, the recent “Paper or Plastic” epidemic sweeping through the nation. We did it!  We finally got the public involved in saving the environment by ousting plastic and replacing it with the greener choice of paper. We’ve been so successful that half the rain forests of the Pacific NW and elsewhere are being systematically destroyed, not to mention the massive amount of paper in its many forms is now rotting in our landfills. Repeat after me, “re-use and re-purpose”.

Re-Use and Re-Purpose

Plastic or Progress?

Paper or Progress?

Natural means natural…. not sustainable, durable or reusable as it’s synthetic counterparts. “Synthetic”? “Synthetic”? That means man-made. Yes, man-made. These textiles were designed to be reused. Designed to be washed and NOT discarded. Why on earth have we put so much energy into creating, recycling and re-purposing plastic if we’re now simply going to ban it? Wake up, America there is a better way, there is progress.

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