What Is Threatening the Great Barrier Reef?

This could all be gone be 2060

Efforts to protect the Great Barrier Reef are falling short of what is needed. It could all be gone by 2060

The Great Barrier Reef Is Dying
What Can We Do About It?

By Brett Kondratiew                                   

A Local

As a “dinky di” Australian, living in Queensland, I am fortunate enough that one of the great natural wonders of the world, The Great Barrier Reef, is local to me. I am also fortunate to have been there on holiday several times and always marvel at its unique and amazing beauty. The reef is in the Coral Sea, just off Queensland’s coast.

World Heritage Site

To give you a bit of background, the Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef system. It consists of 2,900 individual reefs, and 900 separate islands stretching across 1,500 miles. This amazing feature is the world’s biggest single structure made by living organisms. The reef was built by billions of tiny organisms called coral polyps. Evidence indicates the complete reef has been in place at least 600,000 years. The current living reef formation grew on top of the older reef an estimated 6,000 to 20,000 years ago. The reef supports a variety of marine life.  It was designated a World Heritage Site in 1981.

Multiple Issues

It was designated a World Heritage Site in 1981.  The reef  is subject to environmental threat. According to studies the reef has lost more than half of its coral cover since 1985.  A large part of the reef is within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park which helps limit the impact of human use. But the environmental pressures on the eco-system are great and varied and primarily man-made.

Not One Culprit

Much of  popular sentiment suggests global warming is the major issue. Climate change is having a significant effect on the Great Barrier Reef, however, there are many others issues that need to be added to the list of usual suspects. Like in many other coastal areas around the world, over-fishing, pollution, shipping, coastal and urban development, tourism and agricultural runoff are all contributing factors.

Climate Change

There is no argument that warming oceans, a direct result of global warming is affecting the Great Barrier Reef. A startling 2016 report indicated nearly 500 sq miles of the northern end of the reef had significant coral bleaching.

Coral Bleaching

Rising ocean temperatures force the coral to expel the algae cells living in their tissues. The algae give the coral both color, and act as a food source. Once the algae is expelled the coral turns completely white (“bleached”) and is vulnerable to disease and starvation. Coral can survive the bleaching event, but future stress can overwhelm the organism, leading to mass death. The major issue here is that live coral is part of the food chain. As a result, marine life, reliant on live coral also suffer. Anything that has an impact on this unique eco-system needs to be recognized and addressed if we are going to save this natural treasure.


Over-fishing is another major issue confronting the Great Barrier Reef. It is most clear, in the way it changes the food chain and eco-system. The Coral Trout and the Red Emperor are the bigger fish that feed on the smaller ones. With the predators depleted the smaller ones flourish, but change the current eco-structure.   The captures of predatory fish, like Coral Trout and Red Emperor mean there are far more “prey” left in the waters. As a result, the variety of fish that is needed for a healthy eco-system has been reduced. James Cook University, which is situated close to The Great Barrier Reef, stated in a recent study “diversity is what helps make reefs resilient to change.”

Coastal Development

When referring to coastal development, we are looking at human intervention. The creation or extension of tourism areas, including new houses, resorts, roads, and restaurants, are all examples. As these are often beachfront, they contribute to increased erosion, water traffic and pollution. These also have an effect on marine eco-systems that are already fragile and sensitive to outside influence.


Both commercial shipping and private boating pose a danger to the Great Barrier Reef.  When a boat docks on the reef it can lead to the death of many coral, especially the coral  under the boat. Waste disposal discharged from the vessels pollutes the waters and kills the flora and fauna. Even worse are the frequent oil spills that kills most everything it touches.


Several shipping routes pass through the reef. There have been more than 1,600 shipwrecks in the area of the reef. In 2010 a ship ran aground, spilling nearly 700 barrels of oil, leading to extensive damage to the reef and its eco-system.

Crown of Thorns Starfish

The Crown-of-Thorns Starfish feeds on coral polyps. A large infestation of the starfish can devastate reefs. The infestations seem to occur in natural cycles, but seem to worsen with poor water quality and the over-fishing of the starfish’s natural predators.

Poor Water Quality

All reefs are reliant on pristine water quality. However, the Great Barrier Reef, like many other reef systems, are being subjected to land based run off from human development. These include industrial and agricultural factors. The increased sediment, nutrients, and contaminants can lead to further algae growth. The Great Barrier Reef Foundation state “nutrient run-off has also been linked to outbreaks of the Crown of Thorns Starfish – a significant contributor to the loss of coral cover on the Great Barrier Reef”.


This is really the “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” scenario. Tourism brings essential money to these coastal localities. They are reliant on it. However, seemingly “benign” activities like snorkeling and diving, can have damaging effects on coral reefs. To close off the popular areas of the Great Barrier Reef, to give marine eco-systems a chance to recover, would mean financial losses equating to more than a billion dollars a year to the Australian economy. When the choice is jobs or the environment, jobs seem to win the war. Sadly, the reef that brings the tourists could soon be dead. I guess then the tourism marketers can sell a visit to the “amazing Great Dead Barrier Reef-once a wonder of the world”. Pardon my sarcasm.

Can We Preserve The Great Barrier Reef?

The Great Barrier Reef  is a natural wonder and a World Heritage Site, but its value is far more than that. Like most reefs, it protects the coastline from damaging wave action and cyclones. It provides shelter and habitat for many marine organisms. Therefore, it’s vital that we must all do something to help save it. The list I have created is great for the Great Barrier Reef, also works in other places and is quite socially responsible.

2050 Plan

In 2015, the Queensland and Australian governments signed the “Reef 2050 Plan” a plan for the protection and preservation of the reef. “The 2050 plan aims to institute protective measures to improve water quality, reef restoration, killing of predatory starfish.” What the “Reef 2050 Plan” does not address is global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions. Experts dismiss the plan as too little too late and have effectively written off the reef as a lost treasure.

9 Simple Things To Do For The Great Barrier Reef

1). Water conservation.The first thing we can all do, and isn’t a difficult task, is to be more stingy with water. Conserving water reduces runoff, which means less waste ending up in the ocean.

2). Reduce our rubbish impact. This can be as simple as picking up trash as you leave beach areas. Make sure you never litter. That bread bag that didn’t get picked up on the roadway may literally find itself blown first into a river and eventually into our oceans.

3). We as consumers have a collective influence on climate change. Thoughtful purchase of appliances, buying those with an energy star rating. About the house we can use LED bulbs that use 80% less energy than normal light globes. Purchase  electric cars to cut carbon emissions. Plan short trips and errands to reduce gasoline use.

4). You can do things on your property, and in your home, several changes that benefit the environment can be made. Resolve to plant more trees. Use your food waste as compost. Limit use of fertilizers and poisons. Use your air conditioner less. Use your clothes line for drying your clothes when weather permits, instead of throwing them in the dryer. Properly recycle oil, toxic chemicals with your waste disposal provider.

5). Conservation organizations depend on donor funding, whether from government and/or individuals. Don’t be afraid to give, even small amounts help.

6). Buy local. Reduce fuel emissions from the transportation of goods. Why not take that extra step and  reduce fuel emissions by using your car less. Take your bike for short jaunts, or walk to the corner shop instead of driving. Hey you will get fitter in the process!

7). Local fishing. If you are lucky enough to be able to fish your locality, abide by the fishing restrictions. I love the mottos “fish for the future” and “limit your kill, don’t kill the limit”.

8). Refuse plastic.When at the supermarket, refuse plastic bags, which often end up in the ocean and can kill our marine life. Take your own recyclable bags. As a consumer look for items that have minimal packaging.  Sure this can make that shopping trip a little more frustrating than normal but consider the long-term benefits to the waterways that we all love.

9). Act responsibly. Finally, don’t be the one that says “I will leave it to other people”. “I’ll be dead before that happens”! If we want to make sure that The Great Barrier Reef and other natural wonders survive for future generations we all need to CARE and we need to ACT.








Super AI: Genie in the Bottle

Super AI: The Genie in the  Bottle

By Ross Turner

Daily Life

“Artificial intelligence” is hard to get away from these days.  Not merely its mention in tech circles and popular media, but its increasing application in daily life.  From Alexa to self-driving cars, from Google Maps to the US military’s drone programs, artificial intelligence is integrating itself into the vital functions of our social, economic, and political lives.  And it’s not slowing down.  On the contrary, it is growing at a clip that has many AI researchers and scientists both excited and alarmed.  Humanity now stands on a road that inevitably leads to artificial general intelligence (AGI), but one laden with pitfalls that demand caution.  In order to understand why this is so and what worries pioneers in the field, we must first examine what artificial intelligence is, how it works, and what it can potentially do.

What is AI?

Computers and cell phones all have weak AI

Computers, cell phones, calculators are weak AG

Artificial intelligence (AI) is simply any type of non-biological intelligence; that is, intelligent outcomes produced by machines.  By far the most common and familiar type of AI is narrow AI, (also weak AI), which is used to perform a specific function or functions.  It may possess superhuman abilities in limited areas, but it has no capacity to apply that intelligence broadly to other domains outside of its expertise.  Its intelligence is not generalized.

Narrow and Safe

This can be anything as simple as a calculator, to most of the apps on your smart phone, to commercial and municipal applications such as traffic lights, aviation navigation systems, medical diagnostics, and high-frequency stock trading.  Narrow AI is exactly as safe as the outcome it is designed to produce; it will never go beyond its limitations and develop its own goals and instruments for achieving them.  While this makes it incredibly safe, it also severely limits what it is able to do and thus constrains the full benefits — and risks — of machine intelligence.

Strong AI

As with every human technology, AI brings both benefits & dangers

As with every human technology, AI brings both benefits & dangers

With AGI (also strong AI), this is not the case.  An AGI is one able to perform across the full spectrum of human cognitive abilities, or better.  This includes the ability to reason, plan, infer, communicate, learn from experience, think abstractly, solve problems, evaluate with limited information, and to use these in service of its goals. Though vastly different in architecture and “lived” experience from a human being, an AGI ought to be intellectually indistinguishable.  Researchers have realized over the decades the difficulty in this given the extreme complexity of the human brain, but new developments such as deep reinforcement learning indicate significant progress in achieving a true AGI1.

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Global Sex Trafficking: Part IV-Latin America



By Trevor K. McNeil

The Big Picture

Drugs and sex trafficking provide billions to crime gangs

Drugs and sex trafficking provide billions to crime gangs

Drugs and sex trafficking of children add up to big money for gangs & cartels in Latin America. While not as prevalent as in other parts of the world, more of the focus being on the drug trade, Latin America is dealing with its own growing sex trafficking issues. Particularly of young children. Corrupt governments throughout the region have moved at centipede speed in reaction to the crisis.

Comings and Goings

Much of the sex trafficking trade relies on the immigration system. Organized crime groups such as Coyotes and street-level groups like MS-13 work with sex traffickers, to exploit the flow of migrates as cover. This makes it easier to get sex trafficking victims across borders without being detected. Victims are moved to large cities and tourist spots that have brothels, sex tourism bars, strip clubs and pornography centers where traffickers require victims to take part in prostitution and sexual slavery.


South America is one of the biggest sources and destination locations for human traffickers. About twenty percent of sex trafficking victims are children. Shipped out of their native country and abused by criminals in the United States, Spain, Italy, Canada and the Netherlands.

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Kamala Harris, The Prosecutor

Kamala Harris: The Prosecutor

By Megan Wallin

An American Dream

She carries herself like a leader. She doesn’t isolate listeners with simplistic statements when she speaks. Her  back story is proof of the American dream. An ethusiastic 20,000 supporters came out in Oakland, Ca to hear her announce her intention to make a run for the presidency. That, and according to Lisa Lerer of The New York Times, Harris “matched Senator Bernie Sanders’s record by raising $1.5 million from 38,000 donors in the first 24 hours of her campaign”. All in all an impressive campaign roll out.  Kamala Harris’ decision to run for president is an obvious threat to other Democratic candidates.

Prepared to Change the Status Quo

As a prosecutor Harris went to crime scene

As a prosecutor Harris went to crime scenes

In an interview with Mother Jones writer Jamilah King, Kamala Harris gives more of her story, her views, and how her education and work has prepared her to change the status quo. She tells King, “This is about my training as a prosecutor. I like to go to the scene, and I do that with almost [any] project. I need to see it and I need to hear it—I need to feel it, almost, so that I can have some intuitive sense, as well as some theoretical or intellectual or academic sense, of what’s going on.”

Something Meaningful

At first glance, Kamala Harris’ background as a prosecutor doesn’t seem like the type of preparation that would lead to being not just a senator, but a social leader, maker of history, and presidential candidate. But Harris grew up watching her parents forge ahead into unknown territory, and—by her own admission—her yearning for something meaningful started at a young age.

Education and Activism

Harris’s mother Gopalan immigrated from Chennai, India, to study at the University of  California-Berkeley for her doctorate in nutrition and endocrinology. She met and fell in love with Donald Harris, a Jamaican-born economics major earning his Ph.D. Rather than returning home to marry someone of her family’s choosing, Gopalan stayed in the United States. Together Harris and Gopalan had two daughters. They raised their daughters nurtured within two combined cultures and instilled them with a respect for activism and academia.

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Killers, Victims and Bystanders

Killers, Victims and Bystanders

By D. S. Mitchell

Research dog

Screaming Mad

I have spent the last couple of years figuratively and in real-time screaming my head off. I do it on Twitter, on my blog, sometimes just at the television screen, and yes, even at those I love.  I cannot accept what is going on in the Trump administration and my frustration just boils over.

Nefarious Means

I was doing a search through www.calamitypolitics.com archived blog articles when this piece from 2/25/17 came up. It just reminded me that I need to keep screaming and banging the drum of outrage. I grew up with kids from dozens of different backgrounds, of various colors, and a multitude of religious faiths and I learned so much. We as a country are so much better than the Orange George Lincoln Rockwell that has seized the White House by foul and nefarious means.

Brown Bodies

As I read it through my old post from 2/25/17 I thought it was valuable enough for us to take a look at it again. In 2017 Trump told the country that the asylum seekers were those brown “criminals” and “terrorists” from Syria. Today Trump’s rhetoric of hate is directed at the brown “criminals”  and “terrorists” at our southern border. He must be talking about those diapered and shoeless babies running from the tear gas. There is a consistency to Trump’s message. Unfortunately, it is an ugly message that offers no benefit to us as a country. It seems to me the Syrian refugees may have been the lucky ones in this story.

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Just My Opinion:The Respecter-In-Chief


The Respecter-in-Chief

By Ross Turner


The Respecter-in-chief

“President” Trump is well-known for his combative and bigoted rhetoric.  His campaign announcement speech infamously declared of Mexican immigrants: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”  Classy!  And yet, somehow, not all Americans were united or inspired by such presidential prowess.  They needed more.  Sure, he “has a great relationship with the blacks,” and clearly “love[s] Hispanics!”, but what of Native Americans?  After such dignified displays of respect, was there any even left for the indigenous peoples of this country?  A silly question.  Our Great President oozes respect, like a slimy, lurching slug of virtue, a trail of honor ever in his wake.

“Pocahontas” Warren

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has experienced this trademark respect firsthand.  Beginning on Twitter in 2014, Donald Trump has referred to Warren as “Pocahontas” at least 26 times.  Whether at rallies, in the press, or in governmental meetings, the slur has become easily his favorite insult toward the progressive senator.  Warren earned this distinction both by talking about her family history and criticizing Trump’s policies.  Citing family stories passed down and told to her as a child, Warren has long maintained that a tiny portion of her ancestry is of Native American origin.  She never gained from this professionally or politically, but what are facts except Playdough in Trump’s tremendous, powerful hands?  Not one to let an opponent’s personal history go un-respected, Trump weaponized “Pocahontas” to mock and discredit Warren’s claimed heritage, and in the process, all Native Americans.

He Said What?

We’ve all come to expect as much from the Stable Genius-in-Chief.  But surely, the President of the United States wouldn’t be so tone-deaf, so immature, and so callous as to use this slur at a ceremony honoring Native American WWII veterans.  Imagine a president calling a political opponent “Anne Frank” at a Holocaust memorial, or “Harriet Tubman” at a Civil War commemoration; preposterous!  It beggars belief.  But why believe before you see for yourself?: “You’re very very special people. You were here long before any of us were here.  Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas. But you know what. I like you. Because you are special.”  Surely, the words of Lincoln and FDR are the rantings of madmen before the oratory of President Donald J. Trump.  With leadership like this, do we even need the rest of government?  Has not the great American experiment all led up to the crowning of this messiah?  Somebody give him more power immediately so that we may unleash the full strength of his titanic, muscular brain.

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Global Sex Trafficking: Part III-Europe



By Trevor K. McNeil

More Than Meets the Eye

Europe is not the first place that comes to most people’s minds when they hear the term “sex trafficking”. Europe is generally seen as a bastion of civility and progressive politics. Particularly by those who live outside of it. In the minds of many, the UK, The Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and Norway are Western Europe. However, the continent is huge and varied

Lots of Space to Hide

Russia is among the worst nations in Europe for sex trafficking. The Russian Federation is a massive nation made up of millions of people. The Federation covers 11 time zones and 2 continents. It is also characterized by decades of severe austerity and deep corruption. All of which make it a ripe spot for international sex trafficking. The secret nature of sex trafficking skews the statistics. Sex traffickers moved over half-a-million women and girls from Russia between 1992-2002. The average cost of each woman, $5,000.

Changing World

Corrupt officials, Russian mafia, globalization and the inter-connectedness of that phenomenon, technological advances, cell phones, internet, and fast travel merged to facilitate human trafficking. The changing world has allowed the growth of an international network of criminals who use lies, drugs, imprisonment, debt bondage, exploitation, and abuse to create a criminal empire that rakes in billions of dollars annually through sex trafficking.

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Global Sex Trafficking: Part II-Asia



 By Trevor K. McNeil


Human trafficking is quite simply the exploitation of a human being. Trafficked people typically have limited access to the basic necessities of food, sleep, hygiene, safety and medical care. Traffickers subject their victims to terrible physical and psychological abuse. Social isolation, being one of the worst. Violence and harsh exploitive treatment often leads to serious health risks including HIV/AIDS. Furthermore serious mental health issues result from such treatment. Anxiety, fear, stress, insecurity and trauma are common. The few studies done on the results of trafficking on its victims show high levels of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in formerly trafficked persons. The Trafficking experience can also lead to cognitive impairment, memory loss, depression, and even suicide.

Another Side Of Human Trafficking

Sex trafficking is an element of the globalized human trafficking trade.  The casual observer does not see the harmful consequences of the underground criminal trafficking business. Trafficked children are of course the most vulnerable.  Sadly, trafficking whether for labor or sex or a combination of the two will have a detrimental impact on a child’s emotional, physical, and overall psychological development. Human trafficking is slavery.  Slavery is at its greatest level in human history.

Human Costs

Human beings are social creatures. Social isolation is a devastating result of trafficking. A sex trafficker’s evil intent is to separate a slave from their family and support system. There is no mechanism for the enslaved to reach out for help. The traffickers send victims to international destinations cutting them off even further from empathetic social contacts due to language, geographic and cultural differences. Rescued sex slaves report facing stigma and isolation both during and after their trafficking experience, most hurtful from family and friends.

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Martin Luther King, jr. 1929-1968

Quotes of Martin Luther King, Jr.

By D. S. Mitchell

Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.

The third Monday of each January we celebrate MLK Day. Today we celebrate the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. A man who died too soon. Today is a great day to re-read some of his most well-known quotes. Be inspired.

Quotes Of MLK

“The time is always right to do what is right.”

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

“So even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream.”

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

“Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.”

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

“Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.”

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

“I am not interested in power for power’s sake, but I’m interested in power that is moral, that is right and that is good.”

“A right delayed is a right denied.”

“The moral arc of the universe bends at the elbow of justice.”

“Whatever your life’s work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better.”

“We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now.”

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

“I want to be the white man’s brother, not his brother-in-law.”

“There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.”

“If physical death is the price that I must pay to free my white brothers and sisters from a permanent death of the spirit, then nothing can be more redemptive.”

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

OPINION: Protecting Freedom Of The Press


Protecting Freedom of the Press

“Freedom of the press or freedom of the media is the principle that communication and expression through various media, including printed and electronic media, especially published materials, should be considered a right to be exercised freely”. Wikipedia

By D.S. Mitchell, Jones William & David Shadrick

Bill Of Rights

The “right of the public to know” is among the fundamental principles of the American ideology. Freedom of the press is that guarantee.  Citizens in colonial times were allowed to print or say anything they wanted without censorship. Sounds like freedom of the press. The government, however,  could then prosecute you for what you said using the Seditious Libel law as their basis. The British government appointed Colonial officials to govern the English colonies. Those “colonial officials” made it common practice to punish the press for what they found inflammatory or negative to the crown. As friction grew and colonists increased resistance to British rule more than 1200 cases were brought against colonists for speaking their mind publicly, or in the press. Freedom of the press did not exist.

Madison Steps Up

After winning the Revolutionary war, the framer’s of the proposed Constitution met to define what free speech and other basic freedoms would actually be under United States law.  James Madison was assigned the task. His ideals would form the first ten amendments of the Constitution. British restrictions and unfair laws were still fresh in Madison’s mind. He had a core principle belief in freedom of the press and access to information. A government that allowed for an unrestrained and healthy flow of information must be guaranteed.

The First Amendment

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” That protection guaranteed by the First Amendment of the constitution meant that every American, poor or rich, regardless of religious or political belief could say or publish anything he or she wished without control by the federal government. Madison had protected free speech and freedom of the press.

Publish At Your Own Risk

In the early days, the media consisted of printing presses, pamphlets, newspapers and books. Today, it also includes magazines, radio, films, television, video and the internet. Therefore, the press means any news functioning in any media. Essentially, the free media is a watchdog to inquire and report on government misconduct. It also is a spirited marketplace of ideas, a channel for common citizens to express themselves and gain knowledge on a range of opinions and information. There is an undisputed right to put what sentiments that pleases an individual before the public. That is freedom of the press. If a person publishes  what is later deemed mischievous, illegal, improper, or “secret” he will be subjected to the consequences of his foolish audacity,  and a free speech defense is worthless.

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