Three Days Off-Grid, Me and The Mueller Report

Three Days Off-Grid:

Me and The Mueller Report

By D.S. Mitchell

Ocean Diver

My bags were packed and loaded in the car for an off-grid get away

My bags were packed and loaded in the car for an off-grid get away at the Oregon coast.

The beach house was reserved. My bags were packed and loaded into the car. The plan was to pick up my favorite partner in crime at 10:oo a.m. for a few days away from Castle Gerimortis. The ad promised off grid quiet. No cell phones, no television, no internet. I went to bed eagerly anticipating the time away. I woke up about 3:30 a.m. from a dead sleep making ocean diver sounds that reminded me of the song, Aqualung.  After coughing up half of my right lung, or maybe it was my left lung, I laid back on the bed and focused on my funeral plans.

Too Hot To Handle

My cheeks were on fire, and the back of my hand was singed as I touched it to my forehead. Maybe I should take my temperature? Where had I put the thermals? No, the thermostat.  No, no, the thermometer. Where had I put the thermometer?

Dog Clippers And Souvenirs

Remembering that I haven’t had a fever in at least 20 years made me question if I even owned a thermometer. After stumbling about the bathroom in fevered confusion, pulling drawers in and out. I finally found the damn thing in the bottom of the drawer with the dog clippers, and a souvenir from a 420 celebration three years ago. It was one of those glass and mercury affairs that they haven’t made since Woodstock.


After cleaning with soap and water I stuck the old glass stick in my mouth and waited. I knew I’d need to wait at least three minutes for a result. Such co-ordination of knowledge and action failed me. With fiery anticipation after a mere minute, I pulled the thermometer from my mouth. OMG it had already registered 100.9. Oh, no. Now I had to shake it down and start all over, because I knew my true temperature must be much higher.

Waiting For The Rapture

I went back to my bedroom, located my cell phone and set the timer. I laid down on the bed. Remembering the school nurse always said, “keep your lips closed tight.” Following that advice from childhood I laid there waiting.  When the phone beeped, I jerked it from my mouth and turned it over on its side, adjusting it to the light I saw a reading of 101.6. I put the thermometer on the bedside table and closed my eyes, waiting for the rapture.

Beyond Zombie-dom

I must have passed out from lack of oxygen to the brain. At 8 o’clock I was summoned back from zombie-dom by a fit of coughing severe enough to loosen my back teeth.  Apparently, death was not as close as I had hoped. My fever seemed to have broken and I found myself staring out the window as dry-mouthed as a desert wanderer and as tremulous as a puppy who had just missed the newspaper. I wondered if I could stand up. Maybe I should at least wait until the latest round of the chest splitting coughing passed. Once the most recent coughing spasm subsided, I was ready to stand.

Sun And Surf

Mustering the strength of a college freshman headed to Virginia Beach for Spring Break I forced my feet to the floor and was reassured that the spinning room had not effected the solidness of the planks under my feet.  I may not be a college freshman, but the thought of sun and surf urged me forward.  I slipped on a black T and canvas colored shorts. The outside temperature at the mountaintop was hovering at 40 degrees, but I have a great heater in the car. I debated my ability to drive. I guess we would soon find out. The next thing I see is Dave grinning at me, saying, “Hey, Sweetie.”


With Dave behind the wheel we left Portland weirdness for the promise of sunshine on Oregon’s Emerald Coast. The “southern” coast in my vernacular. Our destination, Yachats. Pronounced, Ya-hots. It is usually warmer and less windy than the much closer northern Oregon beach towns of Seaside and Cannon Beach. I bury my head in a pillow and cough my way from the 217 on-ramp to the I-5 Interchange.  I had loaded my makeup bag with a shitload of over-the-counter medications scavenged from my medicine cabinet. Airborne cough drops, Tylenol, sips of cherry Robitussin, Vitamin C gummies, Airbore immune support gummies, and a Super B-complex supplement whose tablets smell like a 5 day old decomposing corpse.

Sea Breeze Cottage

Sea Breeze cottage had a great view of the ocean

Sea Breeze cottage had a great view of the ocean

Nearly four hours later I open my eyes as Dave turned into the driveway of Sea Breeze cottage. The cabin, although sitting on the east side of 101, has a lovely surf view, and the charm of a cottage built over a summer vacation by dad and junior in 1950. Dave the man, unloaded the car, while I wandered uselessly supervising the placement of every suitcase, and pillow.  I grabbed another handful of Vitamin C gummies and fussed and complained as he nodded and grimaced.

In It Goes, Out It Goes

I had read in a medical textbook several years ago that it is impossible to overdose on Vitamin C because your body cannot store the vitamin, any excess Vitamin C is automatically excreted through the kidneys. So, no worries.  Eat away I decide. There does seem to be significant anecdotal evidence supporting high doses of Vitamin C to shorten cold symptoms. At this point I’d try anything, including experimental drugs.

Just The Ticket

That first night at the cabin I fell asleep with little effort. Self-medication in this case appeared to be just the ticket.  My fever broke and I woke up shivering on a damp sheet. Dave was banging doors and proclaiming dog walking time as I shifted from my world to his. Was I imagining it, or could I actually breathe through my nose? I gave it a second attempt.  Hell, yeah. Now if I could just rid myself of that paper crackling sound my chest made every time I took a breath.

A Tug A War

When Dave got back to the house, he launched into a story of animal vs man. He said he would be driving into town now if the dog hadn’t put up an extraordinary fuss when it looked like the morning walk would be delayed. He described a leash tugging affair between a 180 lb man in caffeine withdrawal and a 10 lb demon with a biological urge. The 10 lb demon had won the battle. The image brought a smile to my face.

No Coffee

“Hey,” he said, “you look better. But, you sound like hell. I was going to let you sleep and drive into town and get a coffee, but now you’re up. Feel like a drive? There’s no coffee in the cabinet and we didn’t bring any.”

Close To Criminality

Hearing the call to action we headed up Highway 101 to Yachats “city” proper.  A rustic timbered bistro sat on the ocean side of the highway beckoning us in. When we stepped inside, I was disappointed. The building sat right on a cliff overlooking the exquisite beauty of the Pacific Ocean and the builder had put the kitchen where the picture windows should have been. I would say such an act is close to criminality. We skipped the croissants and breakfast bars and paid for two coffees to go.

Reams Of Paper

As I watched Dave putting his sixth coffee creamer into his coffee cup I was distracted by a television playing in an adjacent room. I walked to the threshold where I could get a better view of the TV screen. A Breaking News story was playing. The sound was turned off. From what I could see ABC news chief anchor, George Stephanopoulos, was sitting at the news desk with a group of men and women. The gathered group was shuffling and reshuffling reams of white papers covered with multiple yellow stickies. I could see other pages were blacked out and lay discarded on the desk.  “The Mueller Report” banner ran in red under the action. I stood gawking at a silent screen.

Fucking Friday

I stepped back, turned, and grabbed Dave by the arm to get his attention, nearly upsetting his coffee cup. “Fuck, Dave. No cell phone. No streaming TV.  We are fucking Robinson Crusoe and Friday”. My voice, harsh from two days of coughing, was rough-edged and irritable. The couple at the table next to the window looked in my direction, but looked away quickly when I sent a laser-eyed response to their unwanted attention.  Sometimes people just know, when it is best not to engage, or comment, and I approved of their renewed interest in their food.

“No Amenities Beach”

Dave, obviously taken back, said nothing. Apparently, he too was reluctant to engage, or comment on public madness. Climbing back into the rig, I continued, “No I’m fucking serious, what the hell are we doing at the beach? Not even a regular beach. We are at No Amenities Beach.  Why these three days, of all days, do we decide it would be cool to go off grid? We never go off grid! OMG, off grid. Off grid!  If I wasn’t the editor, I’d fire my fucking ass.”


I continued ruminating as we headed south, “How the fuck could this happen? The hottest news story of the last century and we are in the fucking middle of Nowhere Beach.”

A Little Wisdom

Dave turned toward me and said carefully, “Look, the sun is shining, the coffee is good, we are in one of the most beautiful places on earth, and there are at least 300 VHS movies back at the cabin. Time to forget Calamity Politics, Trump’s tragic opus, the Republicans and the Russians. We can save the Republic tomorrow, Wonder Woman.”

Two Bracelets

I clicked my two gold bracelets together and winked at my bearded chauffeur, “Thanks, Steve Trevor. There is always tomorrow.”


Government Censorship: Trump Threats To Censor SNL Threatens Us All


Censoring SNL Threatens Us All

By David L. Shadrick

Trump’s Legacy

It has been my position to let things unfold as they will and allow history to be the final judge of the Donald Trump legacy. I find it hard to criticize the splinter in his eye with the log in my own bulging out so obviously.  However, the suggestion by Trump, that Saturday Night Live scripts should be subjected to government censorship because they are “lobbying efforts” by the Democratic Party has to be addressed. He has gone too far.

Satire as Tradition

The idea that anyone who disagrees with Trump’s position must be silenced is so anti-American that I feel I must  speak out.  Satire should never be the target of government censorship, it is a tradition of protest as old as government itself.

Bits and Pieces

Trump spends more time attacking the press and the media than he does the world’s worst autocrats; men known to kill and torture reporters and citizens alike. In fact, recently a Washington Post reporter, Jamal Khashoggi, was lured by Saudi Arabian officials into  a Turkish embassy where he was attacked and sawed into disposable pieces while alive, and distributed all across Turkey. If it’s okay to kill a reporter, how far are we away for killing a comedian?

My Complaint

What I’m complaining about here isn’t Trump’s politics, it’s the idea that a leader should never have to listen to criticism.  No president, conservative or liberal, should have any say in what comedians do to exercise their free speech. Yes, Trump’s attacks on Alec Baldwin are childish and moronic. But Trump has learned to weaponize his attacks and since he has become president he brandishes the power of the presidency with unrestrained hate and anger. Trump’s constant incendiary rhetoric against the media and the press are doing real damage to the country. Now his attacks are creating a new threat, government censorship of a comedy show.

Trump is a Crybaby

The threats and tantrums coming from President Trump over an SNL skit prove he can’t take a joke.  This isn’t a Conservative phenomenon, it’s a Trump thing.  Both Bushes loved the lampooning, the elder Bush even invited Dana Carvey to the White House, specifically to make fun of him!  Only Trump feels he should use government censorship to stop the mean kids from teasing him.

Only The Good

Trump now wants to pressure and censor networks into saying only good things about him.  Using Presidential power to threaten free speech and practice government censorship because you are thinned thin skin is unsettling. It is just part of a long pattern of attacks on the press by Trump. His twitter attacks against the media as the “enemy of the people” and propagators of “fake news” is dangerous.

Political Leaning

I just wonder if Donald Trump understands how government censorship could affect FOX News.  If SNL can’t promote Liberal views it follows that FOX can’t promote Conservative views.  It doesn’t matter how you lean politically, everyone has the First Amendment to the Constitution to protect expression of their opinion, no matter how stupid or funny.  In reverse, everyone has the right to respond to stupidity.

A Wall Across The Border Of Criticism

To President Trump everything is an attack.  If the message doesn’t follow the Trump line, an overblown and inappropriate response is all Trump seems to have as a plan.   That plan of attack includes use of government censorship.

The Influence of Roy Cohn

The strategy was one advanced by old Trump ally and personal attorney, Roy Cohn. Cohn was a nasty, vile, attack dog  of an attorney. For twenty years Cohn was That Trump’s chief hatchet man. Cohn’s motto was “attack, counter attack, and never apologize”. This philosophy would include government censorship and might work for a pugnacious casino owner, but as president of the United States it is a failed strategy.

Just Spell My Name Right

Another Cohn fundamental belief embraced by Trump to this day is the belief that all publicity is good. Put those beliefs together, and we have potential dynamite. It is all about the moment. Of course, Trump’s overblown and inappropriate response is Roy Cohn theatrics at its best. Threaten  potential government censorship enough times loudly enough and he is likely to garner loud support from his hypnotized supporters.

Grow A Pair!

Finally, grow up, Donny!  If you don’t want to hear negative comments you shouldn’t look for them.  Don’t watch SNL. It is not required. If you don’t want to have your feelings hurt, don’t watch the show. But, if you decide to watch, laugh and learn. If you don’t like what the New York Times writes, don’t read it. It’s time for you to man up, grow some grapefruits and leave your threats of government censorship in the back of your head instead of the tip of your tongue, or your tiny twitter fingers.


Poison Candy: The Politics of Black Comedy



By Trevor K. McNeil

A Laughing Matter

Life can be really rough. Precious few people really have an easy go of it and even those who do don’t tend to recognize it at the time.  A situation which can lead to what social-psychologists call “anomie.” This odd little word, which sounds a bit like a fringe French filmmaker, refers to a low-level anxiety and depression brought about by societal conditions. Fortunately we have a way to fight back. To “kick at the darkness ‘til it bleeds daylight”, as Bruce Cockburn once put it.

It Comes Naturally

Humor, is one of the most powerful forces known to humanity. It can comfort as well as cut and heal as well as destroy. It was one of the first things humans learned how to do. There is now research that suggests that early humans were able to laugh before they could speak. It is little wonder then that people have used humor to deal with their lot in society since the concept of society was conceived. Particularly in terms of Black Comedy and its partner Gallows Humor.

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40 Reasons To Smile

40 Reasons To Smile

D. S. Mitchell

Relish Routine

Here at Calamity Politics, a Monday is pretty much the same as a Wednesday, or a Sunday.  I’m not complaining. In fact, I relish it. I am an individual that loves routine. Up at 5:00, in the pool @5:45, walk the dog at 7:30, coffee @8:30. @9:00 I start to read the Washington Post, or the N.Y. Times, checking to see what’s breaking in the political news orbit. You get the idea, I love routine.

What Makes Me Smile

But, at least once a week, I need to consciously think about how blessed I am, and all the things that make me happy, and never fail to bring a smile to my face.  Here’s 40 Things To Make You Smile Today:

  •  Painting old wood furniture
  •  Danish Brie and California Chardonnay
  •  New shoes
  •  Nap time
  •  Planetarium
  •  Palladian style windows
  •  Flower baskets
  •  Irish tweeds
  •  My dog, Lily
  •  Whales and elephants
  •  Finding a box of old black and white photos
  •  Taking a Community College class
  •  Towel warmers
  •   Reading my daily horoscope
  •   Bobble-Head toys in the back window of a car
  •   Frost crystals
  •   Street musicians
  •   ‘Lauren’, perfume
  •   Glass bowl filled with sun bleached shells
  •   A three-day week-end
  •   My iPhone
  •   Antique mirrors
  •   Orchids
  •   Travel magazines
  •   Roller coasters
  •   Drawstring sweat pants
  •   Little boxes of Sunshine raisins
  •   Hummingbirds
  •   Listening to Patsy Cline
  •   Indian Madras
  •   Holding a baby in my arms
  •   Sharing a banana split with a calorie counting friend
  •   A child’s handmade card
  •   Author book signings
  •   Reading scandal magazines at the checkout stand
  •   Having help with a big job
  •   My kitchen junk drawer
  •   Wrist corsage
  •  Pagodas in the mist
  •  Fog horns in the night

I’m about to go fly a kite. It is just about a perfect day for kite flying, clear sky, great breeze and a lonely beach. Have a great week, and remember we always have time, to smile.

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55 Things To Smile About

55 Things To Smile About

D. S. Mitchell

Neighborly Invitation

It’s Easter Sunday. So far, very quiet around here. My neighbor stopped by and invited me to come over for fresh caught BBQ’d Halibut steaks. I’m vegetarian, so not too excited about the prospect. After she invited me, she laughed and said, “I always forget you only eat plants. Come over anyway, I think we can find something for you to eat!”

“It’s okay, I feel like writing,” I volunteered, declining the invitation to mercury poisoning. Only, joking. I don’t want to be sued for causing a down turn in the fishing industry.


It’s Easter, so I think I will up the ante on my regular Sunday posting of Reasons to Smile. Sometimes, as I write my posts for Calamity Politics, I feel frustrated, and wonder if all my angst will translate into political benefit for a Progressive/Liberal agenda. As a political activist, I hope that my topics are interesting and are helpful in developing voter awareness, citizen participation, and policy implementation. I am confident that with a revved up base, it is possible to move the government to blue. In other wards, I am hoping that my little political blog will help shape a few ideas.

A Hardening Line

The U.S. political world has become radicalized. Right, versus Left. Left, versus right. There has ceased to be a middle ground. I am part of that division between policy systems. I have always considered myself a moderate with liberal leanings. Under the new nomenclature I have been forced severely to the left, mainly because the right has moved so far right, that I have no other choice. The severity of the right push, has caused a hardening of my ideology, and that of many other citizens, as well.

Trump Derangement Syndrome

Fareed Zakaria, warned viewers this morning to avoid developing, “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” I think he made an interesting point, and I will actually address “Trump Derangement Syndrome” in another blog post. Until then, here are

55 Things To Smile About:

1.) Muscle cars 2.) Identical twins 3.) Beach fires 4.) Secret language of kids 5.) The NBA 6.) House boating, Lake Shasta 7.) Digging Night Crawlers 8.) Easter egg hunts 9.) Bird houses 10.) Shelling peanuts 11.) Mom’s Lemon Meringue pie 12.) A quiet corner 13.) Pendleton plaid 14.) Short people 15.) Homemade onion rings 16.) Eric Clapton 17.) Glass blowing 18.) Auctions 19.) Gift cards 20.) Death Valley in the Spring 21.) Qi (Chi) 22.) Kids in sandboxes 23.) Frosty windows 24.) Steens Mountain 25.) Stereo earphones 26.) Off-season rates 27.) Soap bubbles 28.) Wind-up toys 29.) Roller rinks 30.) Bread pudding 31.) An extra sharp pencil 32.) Full length mirror 33.) Daffy Duck 34.) Aria’s parrot, Sky 35.) The Simpson’s 36.) Ice sculptures 37.) Astronomy 38.) Costco samples 39.) The World Series 40.) Fisherman’s Wharf, Monterey, Ca 41.) Clearance sales 42.) Gummy bears 43.) Cummerbunds 44.) Country Stores 45.) Confetti 46.) Chandeliers 47.) Montana 48.) Food trucks 49.) Short skis 50.) Funny T-shirt comments 51.) Primroses 52.) Prom dresses 53.) Thrift stores 54.) Waterfront houses 55.) Bubble gum

Okay, friends keep smiling, I need to open the door again to let Lily in.

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25 Smile Makers

25 Smile Makers

D. S. Mitchell

I’m Calamity and I am Calamity News and Politics. Calamity Politics is a progressive political blog that addresses the daily news headlines and political events. During the week I try to stay on task and comment and analyze the events I see.  But today is Sunday, and it’s the day I take to reflect on all my blessings. I also like to find no less than 25 things that are worth smiling about. Here we go.

1.) Naming a star after a friend 2.) Watching a dragonfly float on the breeze
3.) Tending my inner child 4.) Stepping into the warmth of a therapy pool
5.) Days at the lake house 6.) Old Faithful Geyser 7.) Postcards 8.) Flowers on the table 9.) Beach side cabins 10.) Orchid filled greenhouses 11.) Shelves of home canned veggies 11.) A new bike 12.) Old friends 13.) Black T and jeans
14.) The rolling wheat fields of Eastern Oregon 15.) The smell of Jasmine
16.) Standing up for myself in an uncomfortable situation 17.) Tootsie Roll Pops
18.) The majesty of space and time 19.) Burned toast with chunks of unmelted butter 20.) Weathered barns on country roads 21.) Rugged coastal cliffs
22.) Elephants 23.) March Madness 24.) Saving a house from demolition
25.) Flower laden window boxes

Here’s More

Well that was fun, and just because I have time here’s ten more things to smile about: 26.) My pocket copy of the U.S. Constitution 27.) Chilled shrimp salad
28.) Sun burned noses 29.) Freshly waxed hardwood floors 30.) French doors
31.) Time to play 32.) The smell of fresh-cut grass 33.) Ivy climbing brick walls
34.) White gym shorts 35.) Fern gardens, among ancient pines

I’m sure the upcoming days will cause many hours of frustration, but just remember, you decide how you are going to feel, react and take part in life. We must always make time to smile. Or, better yet, just laugh.

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D. S. Mitchell

No, Not Today

It’s another rainy day at the beach. I know it sounds like a long season of re-runs. So I’ve got time to play a game. All I need to do, to get a break at Calamity Politics, is shut off the work switch. Silly, but I’m not in the mood to be serious today. I was going to write an in-depth, thought-provoking, political post on Kim Jung Un and the burgeoning North Korean threat. However, I’ve changed my mind.

Rules Of The Game

Here are the rules of today’s game. I will open a dictionary. From the two open pages, keeping the words in sequential order I will write a story. The story of course will center on a well-known politician and his family.  I challenge you to do it. It is harder than it sounds.

So, here we go. The dictionary I will be using is, Everyday America English Dictionary, Edited by Ricard A. Spears, et al.  NTC (National Textbook Company) 1987.  Pages 130-131.

Daddy Knows Best

Donald Trump dropped his  fountain pen on the desk, and asked, “What’s for dinner tonight?”

“Some form of fowl that Donald Jr, bagged when he was on safari in Texas,” Ivanka answered.

“You are a fox,” Big Daddy Trump gushed, leering suggestively.

“Stop it, Daddy.”

Do you know what fraction of the federal budget is being spent on Jr.’s security detail?  Some woman reporter asked me today, and I had no idea.  Do you know?”

“Oh, Daddy, don’t worry about such stuff.  Just stamp it TOP SECRET,  and if that ‘fake news’ lady asks again, you just tell her it’s, classified.”

“Of course, of course. You’re right, sweetie.  I have more power in my twitter finger than ANYONE else in the world!  Especially some ‘fake news’ reporter.”

“We should have that finger insured.  What if there’s a fracture?  It would be a disaster,” she said, bobbing her head in confirmation.

“Careful, Daddy, that bowl is very old and very fragile.  Michelle Obama called it historic. She said something about Dolley Madison.

“Historic?” Trump repeated, simultaneously tossing the object skyward and catching it with his left hand.

“Daddy, please, stop juggling it. Stop it.”

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Really Dumb Sport Quotes

Really Dumb Sport Quotes

D. S. Mitchell

“Layed Back Tuesday”

It’s another play-day at Calamity Politics. No surprise, says the reader. I am officially declaring, ‘Layed Back Tuesday’. It’s great sometimes, being the boss, even if it’s only me, and Rocky. Rocky, my stalwart partner in crime is a blue and white Budgie. I have been trying to teach him to say, “Hello, Mama,” but to no avail.  Thinking about political theory, political science, political reality, political bullshit, is about as frustrating as trying to teach the bird to talk. So I have decided there will be no political discussion, today. There will be no analysis, there will be no relevant comment, other than what a few athletes have had to say over the years about some weird shit. So, here goes. . .

Just for laughs.

Mike Tyson:  Responding to a question about his retirement plans:  “Fade into Bolivian, I guess.”

Joe Theismann: “The term genius is inapplicable to anyone in this game.  A genius is Norman Einstein.”

Pedro Guerrero:  About his relationship with the press, “Sometimes they write what I say, not what I mean.”

Chuck Nevitt:  On why he appeared nervous:  “My sister is having a baby, and I don’t know if I’m going to be an aunt or an uncle.”

Yogi Berra:  “It gets late early out here.”

George Foreman:  “There’s more to boxing than hitting.  There’s not getting hit, for instance.”

George Roberts:  “I want to rush for 1,000 or 1,500 yards, whichever comes first.”

Tug McGraw:  “Always root for the winner.  That way you won’t be disappointed.”

Don King:  He (Chavez) speaks English, Spanish, and he’s bilingual.”

Dizzy Dean:  The doctor X-rayed my head and found nothing.

Bill Cowher:  On whether the Steelers bent NFL regulations: “We’re not attempting to circumcise the rules.”

David Thompson: “Ball handling and dribbling are my strongest weaknesses.”

Dizzy Dean: after a 1-0 game, “The game was closer than the score indicated.”

Michael Jordan: “I never lost a game, I just ran out of time.”

Thanks again,

Rod L. Evans, Ph.D. taken from his book, Tyrannosaurus Lex.

Another 25 Reasons To Smile

Another 25 Reasons To Smile

By D. S. Mitchell

Take A Break

I’m finding the U.S. political scene, rather irritating, at the moment. It is obviously time for Calamity to take a brief time out, and throw the political crap out the window. Well, for a few minutes, anyway. So, for a couple of minutes I want to focus on something a bit more pleasant. When things look bleak, I find it important to consciously think about what makes me happy. To count my blessings. There are so many small things in life we take for granted, but it is often those small things that make life worth living. Making a list of those things always brings a smile to my face.  Here are the ones I came up with for today:

1.) A friend’s smiling face 2.) Chocolate 3.) Crystal goblets  4.) My dog, Lily  5.) Flannel sheets 6.) New shoes 7.) The smell of fresh coffee 8.) Spring flowers 9.) Ducks on the pond 10.) Clean windows 11.) Images from the Hubble telescope 12.)  A Foot massage 13.) Slow dancing 14.) Hide-n-Seek  15.) Old diary entries
16.) The Internet 17.) Winter storms 18.) Finding my cell phone 19.) Old movies
20.) Persian rugs 21.) Mom’s mac & cheese 22.) Bingo 23.) Summer dresses
24.) Milk and warm cookies 25.) Betty White

Please take a few minutes to hug those close to you, and write your own list of happy thoughts.

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25 New Things To Smile About

25 New Things To Smile About

D. S. Mitchell

Step Back

Frequently, we need to step back and think of the positive things in our life.  It keeps things in prospective. Writing and researching for Calamity News and Politics is good for my psychological well-being. My psychological well-being is in top form. What better release could I have than a political blog. It let’s me let  off emotional steam. However, my blood pressure I fear, on some days is off the charts. I read somewhere in the past that it takes more energy to frown than smile. It would make sense, but I have no idea if it is proven science.  What I do know is that the current U.S. political scene is causing me to rage and scream. I am going to take a breath and urge you to do the same. I am going to smile and I want you to smile too.

Offered Smiles

See if any of these images bring a smile to your face, that will make me happy:

1.) Sunday edition N.Y. Times,  2.) Old family photos, 3.) Jelly beans, 4.) Running on the beach, 5.) Old issues of Mother Earth News, 6.) Finding something you thought you lost, 7.) Goodwill ‘treasures’, 8.) The feel of cashmere, 9.) Misty mornings, 10.) Yard sales, 11.) Comfortable shoes, 12.) First dates, 13.) Cuddling in front of a fire, 14.) A few bad habits, 15.) Bubble gum 16.) butterflies 17.) Pay day, 18.) Discover your passion, 19.) Start a blog, 20.) Take a walk 21.) Complete a task, 22.) Share a hug, 23.) Fresh flowers on the table. 24.) Hop scotch, 25.) A good night kiss.

Have a wonderful Sunday.  I’ll try not to post again until Monday, but I can’t promise.  There is a hell of a lot happening, and some of it literally sets my hair on fire. Remember to smile it is easier than frowning.

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