What’s Going On In Grants Pass, Oregon?

What’s Going On In Grants Pass, Oregon?

If you live within the city limits of Grants Pass, Oregon, ballots should be landing in your mailbox in the next few days. Remember to mark NO on the RECALL and return your ballot BEFORE 9/12/2023.

Be sure to vote No on recall. Vote by 9/12/2023

What’s Going On In Grants Pass, Oregon?

By D.S. Mitchell


Republican Headquarters

A group, who lists their address as the Republican Committee headquarters, is trying to *recall independent Grants Pass mayor, Sara Bristol. The first line of the recall petition, filed by Suzanne Barber, states, “City of Grants Pass mayor, Sara Bristol, does not represent the conservative principles of the majority of her constituents.”

Full Stop

Whoa. Full stop. Sara Bristol was elected by a majority of Grant’s Pass voters; voters who wanted an independent voice at City Hall not a rubber stamp to controversial or extremist policies. I don’t believe this group of haters should be allowed to recall a mayor who’s only failure is not being “conservative” enough.


It’s evident that hate, vitriol, and dirty tricks are alive and well in our community. Is this what we really want? I say, no, and I believe I am not alone in my disgust for this full-frontal attack on independence. Vote NO to the recall.

Mostly, I Talk

Yoo-hoo. According to the Grants Pass city charter the mayor can only vote to break a tie. Sara, explains, “I mostly get to talk, issue vetoes, and sign paperwork.” Despite petitioners complaints of “too many vetoes” the facts dispute that assertion. After two and a half years in office, Sara has issued only two, let me repeat that, two vetoes.

Court Order

Also, let me make it clear, Sara Bristol is not responsible for the homeless situation in Grants Pass, Oregon, but the city council is. Aside from not being “conservative” enough, the petitioner(s) are trying to hang the problem of homelessness around the neck of the mayor. Admittedly, homeless encampments in Grants Pass parks are a hot button issue. However, citizens need to understand that the city is under a court order preventing removal of the homeless encampments.

Place The Blame

Removal of the homeless from Grants Pass public parks could take place if Grants Pass could offer “low barrier” shelter.  It’s time for the Grants Pass city council to step up and do their job. Grants Pass needs a “low barrier” shelter, and we needed it several years ago. Time to stop the excuses and start the process. Don’t blame the mayor for what the council has failed to deal with.

Vote No On Recall

I’m asking Grants Pass voters to ignore the partisan hate speech and misinformation campaign being waged against the mayor and vote NO to the recall. If you feel like getting involved, please join Sara and her supporters at several local events.

Support Sara Bristol Events

Friday, August 25, 2023: Anne Basker Auditorium at 6 pm

Saturday, August 26, 2023: Josephine County Courthouse @ 12 Noon

Tuesday, August 29, 2023: Fruitdale Grange at 6 pm


*Recalls are the process by which an elected official can be removed from office via a public vote.

Mushroom Information

Mushroom Information

Information on Mushrooms Facts and Folly

Mushroom information was the topic of discussion between David Shadrick and Bill Cook when they met up at the Calamity Politics studio today. Mushrooms and more mushrooms was the consensus of our guys.  Between these two men we are talking 50 years of eating enjoyment. You can also watch the video casts on the Calamity Politics YouTube channel or the David Shadrick YouTube channel.

Psilocybin Mushroom Information

Psilocybin Mushroom Information

Psilocybin Mushroom Information

Growing and using Psilocybin mushrooms

Psilocybin Mushrooms are just one of the “drugs” made legal in Oregon in 2020.  Bill Cook a friend of Calamity Politics and expert on the cultivation of Psilocybin mushrooms stopped by the Calamity studio on 5/2/2023 and talked to Dave about the positive effects of growing and using Psilocybin Mushrooms. Over the next few weeks Bill will be stopping by the studio to chat with Dave on a number of topics including the cultivation of psilocybin mushrooms and marijuana in the State of Oregon. We are looking forward to these conversations. Stay tuned as they say.