Celebrate World Bee Day May 20, 2021

Celebrate World Bee Day May 20, 2021

May 20th is World Bee Day

World Bee Day Celebration May 20, 2021


The purpose of the international day of celebration is to acknowledge the role of bees and other pollinators in the ecosystem.  World Bee Day is celebrated on the birthday of pioneer beekeeper Anton Jansa, May 20, 1734. There’s good reason to pay attention to the bees. There are over 20,000 bee species and most are in decline. This includes the American honeybee. The honeybee is however a small fraction of the bee population.

Keystone Species

Bees are keystone species — ecosystem engineers that are pivotal in supporting healthy habitats for birds, insects, and mammals in ways not always recognized. They pollinate wildflowers and other plants, which is crucial for maintaining genetic diversity of the ecosystem. They also help create and shape natural areas where other animals live and find food.

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