OPINION: Trump Sorest Loser Ever

Trump is a sore loser

OPINION: Trump Sorest Loser Ever

By Trevor K. McNeil

Human Frailty

There is no accounting for human behavior. Particularly in times of trouble. Stress and panic are capable of leading to seemingly irrational behavior on the part of the American electorate. Such as the re-election of Richard Nixon in 1972 despite his actions in Asia. And then there’s the insanity of George W. Bush’s two elections. Why the comfortable re-election in 2004, after stealing the 2000 election from Al Gore? The 2004 victory still makes me shake my head in bewilderment. The stupid idiot (#43) started two wars that we are still fighting nearly two decades later. A shockingly high number of troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan were not even born when the Twin Towers fell. The unpredictable American electorate and their often obvious disconnect from reality is a forever unknown. Which is part of why the Biden-Harris landslide was far from a fore gone conclusion, despite the polls.

Making History

The 2020 US election made history in many different ways. Some of them better than others. For starters there was the highest voter turn-out ever. Both despite and because of the pandemic. Leading to one of the longest vote-counts, lasting nearly a week from kick-off to final whistle. Something closer to what would be expected somewhere like India which has a much larger population base. Kamala Harris has risen higher in American politics than any woman before her, minority or otherwise, now named Vice President-Elect. With Biden declared President-Elect he is the oldest incoming president and one of the few to come from a modest economic background, as well as the first to attend a public university. Even George W. Bush,  somehow managed to get into Yale and Ulysses S. Grant attended West Point.

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