45 Reasons “45” Didn’t MAGA

A look at Trump's failures


45 Reasons “45” Didn’t MAGA

By Anna Hessel

  1. America was already great before Trump was elected.
  2. He removed us from the Paris Climate Accord. Despite all the facts – he refers to global warming as a “hoax.”
  3. President Trump insulted our military service members. Insulting the very men and women who put their lives on the line for our nation. He shamefully attacked dead heroes like John McCain and Gold Star families. To top it off, Donnie Bone Spur decided to veto the bipartisan supported National Defense Authorization Act, stopping a 3% military personnel pay raise.
  4. Trump lifted the ban on trophy hunting, because Donnie Jr. wanted him to.  This has allowed the import of lion and elephant carcasses, innocent and majestic animals whose lives were taken away for “sport.”
  5. The Trump administration caged thousands of migrant children. A record number still remain in detention. He has forcibly separated kids from their parents. Over 600 of these children were ripped cruelly from their families, and now those mothers and fathers cannot be located.
  6. Nearly 400,000 people are dead due to Trump’s mishandling of the COVID-19 crisis. He knew the risk of this deadly virus but he lied to the public. The US is the epi-center of the coronavirus. The refusal of Trump and his “MAGA” followers to wear masks, avoid crowds, social distance, practice proper hand washing, and maintain increased sanitation measures has contributed to the spread of the disease. Other nations are returning to normalcy while U.S. cases continue to rise, and our mortality rate is the highest in the world. His vaccine distribution plan has also failed miserably, yet  his supporters, who originally called the inoculation unsafe, now praise him for allegedly getting us the vaccine.
  7. Trump is the only “president” to be impeached TWICE for criminal acts.
  8. The only “president” in history to be banned by social media outlets.
  9. His orange “comb over” and scowling face has been hard to tolerate and getting harder by the moment.
  10. Empty store shelves, devoid of groceries, cleaning products, and the ever popular toilet paper are directly related to Trump’s failure.
  11. The rampant racism, bigotry, and anti-Semitism he has promoted will leave a stain on our country. His bigotry has encouraged attacks on places of worship, the Muslim community, blacks, Mexicans and Asians.  White supremacy and white privilege pushed to the forefront by his brainwashed supporters.  This deeply failed man, this narcissistic, misogynistic, white supremacist, and self-proclaimed “nationalist” is a hero to his supporters. Trump’s blatant racist mentality has given license and fringe popularity to those with hate in their hearts who wish to commit atrocious and senseless acts of violence in the name of “patriotism.” Trump cannot even decide if those followers are “patriots” or an embarrassment to him.  His frightening attitude has taken our country back to times well before the fight for our civil rights.
  12. Donald J. Trump and his “fan-actics,” including figures like Franklin Graham, have committed acts of blasphemy, claiming this serial adulterer, who knows nothing about the Christian religion, boasts of grabbing women by their private parts, has multiple rape accusations against him, who holds a Bible he doesn’t read in front of a church he doesn’t attend, is “God’s chosen one,” equating Trump to the Lord Jesus Himself. His supporters falsely claim he has done more for Christianity than any other President, when actually what he has done is made a mockery of faith. His actions in no way reflect a “godly man” – they are much closer to an Antichrist.
  13. He is the only “president” or presidential candidate who has refused to release his tax returns.
  14. Donnie-Do-Nothing brought us the first “FLOTUS” seen with a staple in the area of her navel. Unfortunately that was all the coverage she had.
  15. He took credit for the economic stimulus checks, insisting his signature be on the check, as if the money was coming out of his own pocket. While he is largely responsible for the economic decline we are facing due to the coronavirus. A virus which he claimed would just disappear. He disbanded the task force formed by the Obama administration to prevent, address, and combat pandemics.
  16. Wildly unsubstantiated beliefs such as power generation windmills causing cancer.
  17. He misappropriated the words of a popular, strong female motion picture character (Elle Woods, “Legally Blonde”) as his own.
  18. Moments of total idiocy were a daily head shaker. Whether it was his inexplicable spelling mistakes or crazy statements such as saying the Revolutionary soldiers protected the “airports” at the time of the Revolutionary War.
  19. He called our beautiful, accomplished, and intelligent Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris a “nasty” woman. A term he often uses for women of strength and power.
  20. He has poked fun at pet owners – he made a comment to the effect of, “Can you see me walking a dog on the White House lawn? I don’t think so.” Dogs across America are howling a sigh of relief at this revelation, while kitty cats fear being grabbed.   The only seemingly decent thing I can ever recall Trump doing is signing the bill making animal cruelty a felony.
  21. At a rally he viciously and publicly made fun of a disabled journalist.
  22. He consistently denounces the media and journalism in general as reporting “fake news” when they do not agree with his convoluted, conflicted viewpoints.
  23. Donald Trump played golf while our nation has faced the most challenging threat to our safety in over 100 years.
  24. “Bunker boy” is a big bully and spoiled brat.
  25. Trump has attempted to cut or destroy Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act, nutrition assistance, and other social programs with no regard to the millions of senior citizens, disabled, working poor, single parents, and military families that rely on them, claiming “socialism” is Communism, when in fact he aligns himself with dictators.
  26. He shares an overwhelming proportion of “hawk”-type personality traits with Adolf Hitler.
  27. Trump and his attorneys have filed numerous frivolous and baseless lawsuits, claiming President-elect Joe Biden and his supporters “stole” the election. The lie so big that AG Bill Barr and federal judges appointed by Trump saw no merit in his accusations.  Joe Biden received  81,283,985 a record number of votes, more than any other presidential candidate in history. Trump and at least one of his attorney’s Sidney Powell is being sued for defamation by Dominion voting machines and a software firm who provided electronic voting programs.  Of course, then there was the interference by Russia in the 2016 presidential election.
  28. His racist border wall…
  29. A ban on Muslims entering the country, prevented needed health care workers from reentering the country. The ban kept an innocent woman from visiting an ill family member residing legally in the United States. The stories are many and they are heartbreaking.
  30. Donald Trump said he would date his own daughter. How sick is that?
  31. He wanted to spend large amounts of American government money on a dictator-like military parade.
  32. Churches, schools, theaters, cinemas, graduations, weddings, and sporting events closed or canceled en masse until further notice.
  33. He told the nation to inject or drink bleach as a cure for COVID-19.
  34. Trump laughingly called himself “a very stable genius”.
  35. His unnerving Twitter rants.
  36. Supporters claim that Trump is the only “president” who has ever run the country like a business. I would like to point out that Trump was a failed businessman,  who filed for bankruptcy  four to six times, depending on the source cited.
  37. Trump pardoned Blackwater contractor war criminals responsible for the massacre of innocent unarmed civilian Iraqis.
  38. He wanted to draw down all United States forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, despite the security risk. Eventually he left only 2500 troops each in both countries. These numbers still have no strategic sensibility with terrorists threats ongoing. Iraq and Afghanistan now have less American service personnel than Spain.
  39. His threat to veto COVID-19 relief forced the American people to spend the holiday season in stressed concern. Many feel they have been left to fend for themselves as we faced the very worst of this pandemic.
  40. He discussed the preposterous and frightening idea of a martial law declaration so he could get a new election in certain swing states.
  41. His ludicrous claim that, “our country is full and we cannot accept any more immigrants.”
  42. Trump said he wanted to fistfight his presidential opponent, the peaceful and physically fit Joe Biden.
  43. While stupidly and improperly walking in front of Queen Elizabeth during his visit to the United Kingdom he stopped forcing the 92-year-old monarch to step around “The Dumb Donald”.
  44. His present-tense comment about a gentleman who passed away in 1895, which still baffles our brains. “Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice.”
  45. Trump is a sore loser, threatening to skip the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris, and to leave the country. It looks like he is finally going to make America great…



David Shadrick “Protest Problem”

David Shadrick “Protest Problem”


David Shadrick “Protest Problem”

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