9/11 Memorial In U.S. While Ukraine Hangs On

9/11 Memorial In U.S. While Ukraine Hangs On

The war in Ukraine drags on as Putin seeks additional weapons to hammer the country in to submission.

9/11 Memorial In U.S. While Ukraine Hangs On

By D. S. Mitchell

Way Too Early

I fell asleep again with the TV playing. The only problem with that is when some damn commercial suddenly blares multiple octaves louder than any of the previous pronouncements, waking me up unceremoniously at an ungodly hour. In this case, I woke up to the memorial service for the victims of 9/11, playing early this morning on MSNBC.

Jonathan Lemire

So, I wake up to a replay of the twin towers collapsing and the reading of the names of the 3500 known dead. I lay there in bed, watching a montage of clips from that terrible day and I am sad. Broken hearted. I couldn’t stop the tears. Its 4:30 on the west coast and I’m literally sitting in bed crying like a baby missing her mother. I had been pretty much okay until Jonathan Lemire spoke of the brave Americans that fought the terrorists and intentionally brought down United Flight#93 in a rural field in Pennsylvania, killing everyone on board, most likely preventing the plane from slamming into the Capitol, or perhaps the White House.

I Take a Propranolol

Recently, I have been a bit more anxious than usual. After a brief sit down with my PCP she ordered me something for my “nerves”. I headed to the bathroom and found the bottle with its pretty blue pills and took one tab with a glass of water.  I expelled a whoosh of breath from puffed cheeks and resumed my place in front of the tellie watching the pomp and ceremony.

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Food Safety; Lies and Myths

Food Safety; Lies and Myths

Misinformation on food safety still abounds

Myths, and Outright Lies About Food Safety


By D. S. Mitchell


Is Food Microwaved In Plastic Really Toxic? 

Well, it depends; some types of plastic breakdown and melt, while others microwave just fine. Knowing the difference can be a bit tricky. Check your container, be it a plate, a cup, or some rando container found at the back of the cupboard, it should say, “microwave safe” or bear the wavy line symbol. If there is no such labeling, just assume that it is NOT microwave safe. What about that stretchy plastic wrap? Experts claim as long as you cover the dish so the plastic wrap does not touch the food and cut ventilation holes in it before microwaving, all should be good.

Is It True You Don’t Need To Wash Organic Produce?

The FDA says wash all produce, whether organic or not. If it is pre-packaged and states “pre-washed” on the label washing or rinsing is unnecessary. According to the FDA spokesman, Peter Cassell, “it is more about dirt than pesticides”.  Cassell, further tells us that “some fruits and veggies trap soil in nooks and crannies as they grow, and produce may pick up bacteria from people handling the produce before the consumer ever gets it home.” So clearly the recommendation is to wash fruits and veggies, even when you do not plan on eating the skin. Wash all produce, because cutting or peeling can transfer germs to the part you plan to eat. No need for special soaps-just rinse under running water and pat dry with a clean towel. Another important tip; always wait until you are ready to use the item before you wash it. Storing wet produce can accelerate spoilage and promote bacterial growth.

Can I Freeze Food Forever?

Not a good plan, I can attest from personal experience. The issue here is more about quality and flavor.  The longer an item has been in the freezer the lower the quality of your meat.  As an example, blueberries generally last 8 to 12 months frozen, on the other hand a whole ham will only be good for a month or two. This is a good reason to date “time in” and “recommended time out” on every item you toss in the freezer. To find out the recommended length of freezer storage time just download the free USDA Food Keeper app.

Is It Safe To Eat Cheese After Cutting Off The Mold?

Oh-oh. Here’s one I’ve been getting wrong for 60 years. The USDA recommends you toss it. The visual mold can be a sign, they say, that toxins have permeated the entire item. This is apparently most especially true with soft cheeses, such as Brie and Ricotta. On the other hand, with hard cheeses, such as Provolone and Cheddar, it is probably quite safe to cut off the mold with a one inch border and then eat the unblemished remainder.

Should I Wash Chicken Before I Cook It?

Here’s another one I’ve been getting wrong for decades. Yikes, I’m  damn glad I read that article in Prevention Magazine by Kailyn Pierie, way back in August of 2019. Do not. Do not, do it. When you rinse raw chicken, or any raw meat, you are increasing the risk for cross-contamination by spreading bacteria to everything within splashing distance-sink, counter, utensils, nearby foods waiting to be prepped. Furthermore, not all bacteria is washed away easily. The surest way to protect yourself and anyone that eats at your table is to cook meat to the proper internal temperature. That’s 145 degrees F for beef, pork, lamb and veal; 160 degrees F  for ground meats; and 165 degrees F for all poultry. AND, do not forget to wash thoroughly all utensils and surfaces that may have come into contact with any raw meat.

Never forget, food safety starts with good hand washing/sanitizing.

SAFE Cooking!