FBI Raids Paul Manafort Home

FBI Raids Paul Manafort Home

D. S. Mitchell

Nearly two weeks after the event, news was finally leaked by the Washington Post, that in the early morning hours of July 25, 2017, former Trump campaign chairman, Paul Manafort’s home in Alexandria, Virginia was raided by FBI investigators. Reports indicate boxes of documents were removed from the home.

The raid came within hours of Manafort speaking to investigators for the Senate Intelligence Committee, at which time he answered questions and provided notes from several meetings, including the controversial June 9, 2016 meeting between Russian “government attorney” and several other people with known Russian connections and members of the Trump 2016 Presidential election team, including the Trump campaigns big names, Kushner, Manafort and Don, Jr.

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Self Inflicted Crisis

Self Inflicted Crisis

D. S. Mitchell

What a difference a day makes. Not only has it gone from sun and fun here at the Oregon coast but a big storm has blown in, sending us all here at Calamity Politics, running inside to escape the heavy rain and driving wind.

To top it off, I have managed to lose my eyeglasses. How? I do not know, but that bit of stupidity has proved expensive, and inconvenient. I went into Costco and my prescription is good until July, so they ordered me another pair of glasses. Two hundred nineteen dollars later and a delivery date sometime next week, caused me a bit of frustration and irritation.

In my case, the lost glasses are a bad thing. I’m currently wearing my prescription sunglasses, trying to get enough light to my retinas to see what I’m doing. Considering the change in weather, the sunglasses look really dumb.

So, enough of my personal nonsense. As Calamity Politics’ blogger-in-chief I am frothing at the mouth to comment on the craziness of this week in U.S. political headline news.

Stories are emerging, of a raging and screaming President Trump reacting to the growing Russian collusion reports on television. The televised testimony of Yates and Comey seems to be the true cause of Trump firing the FBI Director.

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Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning

D. S. Mitchell

Cookie Time

I’m making my family’s favorite Molasses Cookies. It takes awhile, mostly because the dough has to sit in the frig for 3 hours. I Don’t know why, that’s just what Mom’s recipe says I’m supposed to do. But, it does give me a chance to reflect on the political landscape, and make my first entries to today’s Calamity News and Politics, blog.

Random Thoughts:

I am upset about the chemical attack on Syrian citizens and the killing of babies, apparently by the Assad government. Barbaric. Inhuman. After saying that, I don’t like all the praise President Trump is getting from both sides of the Congressional aisle. If it was another president, I might be showing support for the action, but in the case of Donald Trump I reserve my praise.


Why? For one thing, Trump showed no heart when brown babies, in their mother’s arms, stood crying on our doorstep. Secondly, we all know that Donald Trump is a narcissistic sociopath. So, now what? Let’s go bomb, North Korea, because he thinks his poll numbers might go up. Thirdly, nice distraction. You’ve tried a bunch of stuff, but now you really turned their heads from the 2016 Russian election collaboration investigation. Fourthly, who is actually running the government? Is it Trump, Bannon, Kushner, Putin or a frog in the pond? I know Don is the figurehead, but who is actually setting policy? If there is a policy.

Strategy vs Muscle Flexing

President Trump is now moving ships of the U.S. Pacific Command toward the Korean Peninsula. This is real fire power. Seoul, South Korea, our ally, and home to 26 million people is in the crosshairs, caught between two madmen. I hope we have a true strategy, and are ready to accept all possible consequences, before we start lobbing missiles all over the place. What are our goals? Who are we aligned with? What is our strategy? How many war fronts are we ready to fight on? Our military attacked a Syrian air base with 59 Tomahawk missiles,  we have blown up half of Afghanistan with MOAB (Mother of all bombs) and we have a naval strike force headed to the Korean peninsula. Wow, in one week, we have taken several major steps toward world destabilization.

Is this part of Trump’s “secret plan” to destroy ISIS or us? I guess I’ll just hide under my desk and wait for the all clear whistle.

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