Keep Smiling Sucker

Keep Smiling Sucker

D. S. Mitchell

I started writing the Calamity Politics blog to present the urgent political news of the day. I take pride in presenting current and meaningful issues in the hope of connecting with people that have similar political leanings. There is also a bit of silliness, now and then.

I want to be a supportive voice of the “Resistance”. I, like so many others this political season have become unbelievably energized by the election of Donald Trump. He defines everything I don’t want in a man; much less a president. I have never previously been ashamed of a U.S. president, but knowing that Donald Trump is the “face of America,” truly sickens me.

I am sure we can defeat this megalomaniac and his science rejecting policies and his Fossil Fuel Agenda. None of us can do it alone. We need to bind together. It is together that we can keep the heat on these thugs and hoodlums; by our sheer numbers. Whether by impeachment, implementation of Amendment 25, or some other means Donald J. Trump will be removed from office before the end of his term. That conviction keeps me writing, talking and networking every day. I hope all my readers make that their mission also.

Donald Trump is one of the biggest phonies in U.S. history and he is now President of the United States and I’m worried that he will make as big a mess out of the United States government as he did his own personal finances.

Donald Trump began working for his father’s real estate company in 1972 after graduating from the Wharton School of Business with a degree in Economics. From the beginning Donald was better at self-promoting than actually making any money. It is estimated that when Fred Trump, Sr died in 1999 Donald Trump inherited something in the neighborhood of 100-200 million dollars.

According to the Associated Press, if Donald Trump had done nothing more than place his inheritance into index funds his net worth today would exceed 13 Billion dollars. Estimates project his current net worth is far from that dazzling amount. So, after all the ballyhoo and boasting he is rich because he was born rich. He could have been stratospherically wealthy if he had done nothing. Funny, in a peculiar way.

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Another 25 Things to Smile About

Another 25 Things To Smile About

D. S. Mitchell

Calamity Politics, my favorite political blog by the way, is getting off to a slow start this morning. I have been enveloped by a fog of ‘do nothingness’. Honest to God, some days I wake up ready to take on the world, and by 0800 I’ve convinced myself I need a day off, or at least a very long break.

It has been another bad week for Trump and his associates. Allegations, scandals, lies, and political calamities of all magnitude. There is so much crap flying I can’t write fast enough, or research deep enough, to address each of them to the degree they deserve.  So, here’s something for the weekend to remind us all that it is easier to smile than frown.

1.) Emeralds and diamonds
2.) Fresh donuts
3.) Saturday matinees
4.) Clean socks
5.) Puppies
6.) Kittens
7.) My birthday
8.) Dancing
9.) Fly fishing

10.) Sunny days
11.) BBQ’s
12.) The Beatles
13.) Yoga
14.) Baseball
15.) Lightening
16.) Teddy bears
17.) Portland, Oregon
18.) Mom’s Apple Cake
19.) Whale watching
20.) People watching
21.) Pool walking
22.) First in line
23.) Reclaim something old
24.) Shooting stars

25.) Funny T shirts

Join me tomorrow when I will return to the insanity of the United States government in the era of Donald J. Trump.

Join the Resistance



Trump Shell Game

By D. S. Mitchell

Putin Land

Calamity News and Politics doesn’t want you to grab the pitchforks and torches yet, but that could become a necessity. The noise around the Trump White House and it’s growing descent into Putin Land is quite alarming. Just because I’m a liberal. I’ve noticed red-necks are always quick to label me a “red” or a “commie.” Strange considering I’ve never even met a Russian. Since Trump began his campaign, the United States political scene has been dominated with Russians. Unheard of in American political history.

A Long Time Here

I’ve been around the U.S. political scene for a long time. I was born in 1946, I was small, but I remember Truman as president. The campaigns of Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, Carter, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Obama and now Trump are still vivid. Not once, did I ever hear any of these men, until Trump, espouse a Russian dictator as a great leader. Putin is a criminal who is known to kill his political enemies. And Trump thinks Putin is  “an amazing leader”. Peculiar to say the least.

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