Trump Shell Game

By D. S. Mitchell

Putin Land

Calamity News and Politics doesn’t want you to grab the pitchforks and torches yet, but that could become a necessity. The noise around the Trump White House and it’s growing descent into Putin Land is quite alarming. Just because I’m a liberal. I’ve noticed red-necks are always quick to label me a “red” or a “commie.” Strange considering I’ve never even met a Russian. Since Trump began his campaign, the United States political scene has been dominated with Russians. Unheard of in American political history.

A Long Time Here

I’ve been around the U.S. political scene for a long time. I was born in 1946, I was small, but I remember Truman as president. The campaigns of Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, Carter, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Obama and now Trump are still vivid. Not once, did I ever hear any of these men, until Trump, espouse a Russian dictator as a great leader. Putin is a criminal who is known to kill his political enemies. And Trump thinks Putin is  “an amazing leader”. Peculiar to say the least.

Implicating One After Another

Kremlin-gate has sullied everyone around Trump.  Kushner, Manafort, Carter Page, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Donald, Jr, have each been identified as communicating in some fashion with Russians authorities. Such revelations are unsettling. Putin has been identified by intelligence sources as the instigator of cyber attacks against the DNC. during the 2016 election.

Drip, Drip, Drip

We are being told the Russians did not physically alter the vote count.  Admittedly we had a contest between two highly disliked people. Regarding Hillary Clinton I believe the daily drip of Russian hacked emails was a wound that she could not overcome. I liken it to Chinese water torture.  Furthermore, Comey’s open letter was the death-blow to HRC’s hopes at winning the 2016 election.

The Story

Since Thursday, the question of Trump and possible collusion with Russians has become the biggest story in the U.S.  And, I imagine, the rest of the world.  Trump is a compromised President.  His cabinet, is compromised.  His family and his associates are compromised. The scenario playing out is something imagined only in the minds of screen writers.  A new twist, or a Trump deflection came Saturday morning. Donald Trump went on a Twitter rampage. In full-blown madness, Trump accused former president Obama of wire tapping his Trump Tower apartment during the 2016 election.  You could see all heads, swing in unison toward Barack Obama.

Who Did What?

Who the fuck is operating this run-a-way roller coaster?  From the looks of it, I’d say DJT, is behind the wheel at the moment. Trump driving the clown car. So, hang on, it’s going to be wild for a while. The disgusting truth will slowly expose itself no matter what smoke screen he attempts to use. I am sure when it is all known, Russia will be proven to have helped Trump win the election. Trump is crazy, but he is also a proven survivor. Due either to his mistaken reliance on a Breitbart News story, or his own desperate need for a diversion from Kremlin-gate, the President has retreated to a world of delusion and hallucinations.


Trump has made the most outrageous, and unsubstantiated allegations against a former President that I have ever heard.  I think it is important to say at this point, that I believe Barack Obama to have been one of the best presidents this countries have ever elected. With that said, I also know it is one of Trump’s classic maneuvers to distract the viewer’s attention from his emerging scandal, by pointing at someone else.  Nothing new, but outrageous.  Absolutely, outrageous.


Trump is attempting to create an alternative reality.  Change the story.  Attack the black guy. That always seems to work with his base.  Promote an unsubstantiated theory that Obama ordered an illegal wire tap of a candidate for president of the United States.  Trump has produced no evidence for these charges. He is now demanding an “investigation”.  An investigation of something he made up over night.  What the Hell?  Come on guys, keep your eyes on the ball.  Trump just felt it was getting too hot. He had to point at someone.

Divert, Deflect

Remember, the shell game?  If you don’t know what a shell game is, look it up.  Because, that’s what we have going on here.  Trump will do anything to divert attention from Kremlin-gate.  Attack, attack, distract, distract, lie, lie, and lie some more. The most important element of the shell game is for the rube to take his eye off the shell, if even for the blink of an eye.

Twisted And Sick

If Trump had any credibility going into March 4th, he has destroyed it with his recent Twitter binges.   His goal is a systematic undermining of our government, of our news, of our life.  This is a polluted, poisonous administration that is closer to the Kremlin than to the U.S. State Department.  Trump’s sick twisted goal is to send the congress off on an “investigation” of a Trump created scandal.  He wants everyone ignoring Kremlin-Gate. This is sadly a plan that dovetails with the desires of the Republican party and their desire to maintain power.

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