Another 25 Things to Smile About

Another 25 Things To Smile About

D. S. Mitchell

Calamity Politics, my favorite political blog by the way, is getting off to a slow start this morning. I have been enveloped by a fog of ‘do nothingness’. Honest to God, some days I wake up ready to take on the world, and by 0800 I’ve convinced myself I need a day off, or at least a very long break.

It has been another bad week for Trump and his associates. Allegations, scandals, lies, and political calamities of all magnitude. There is so much crap flying I can’t write fast enough, or research deep enough, to address each of them to the degree they deserve.  So, here’s something for the weekend to remind us all that it is easier to smile than frown.

1.) Emeralds and diamonds
2.) Fresh donuts
3.) Saturday matinees
4.) Clean socks
5.) Puppies
6.) Kittens
7.) My birthday
8.) Dancing
9.) Fly fishing

10.) Sunny days
11.) BBQ’s
12.) The Beatles
13.) Yoga
14.) Baseball
15.) Lightening
16.) Teddy bears
17.) Portland, Oregon
18.) Mom’s Apple Cake
19.) Whale watching
20.) People watching
21.) Pool walking
22.) First in line
23.) Reclaim something old
24.) Shooting stars

25.) Funny T shirts

Join me tomorrow when I will return to the insanity of the United States government in the era of Donald J. Trump.

Join the Resistance



X-Files, Twilight Zone At The White House

D. S. Mitchell

World Stage

I just watched Donald Trump and Angela Merkel at their joint press conference.  Merkel is  now the recognized leader of the West, according to the headlines.  While Trump, is now the recognized leader of weirdo, conspiracy theorists, and bizarro “de-construction” of the U.S. government schemes. Trump has turned the United States into a global joke. He cannot control himself.  The perennial gadfly took time to attack Obama. I saw it as an effort to elevate his phony charges of wire tapping by Obama to international levels. Trump accused UK counter intelligence of being the hands and feet of Obama’s alleged illegal tap.

Get More Sleep

Trump needs to get more sleep, and some psychiatric help.  He needs to stop watching re-runs of X-Files and Twilight Zone all night long.  If he got a decent nights sleep we might have less chaotic tweet nonsense at 6:00 am.  This is life and he needs to focus on the real, not the imagined. A conspiracy theory is the explanation of an event, or situation that suggests other motives and perpetrators, without warrant or evidence.  Generally, the event involves an illegal, or harmful act carried out by government, or other sinister men behind the curtain.  This thinking, dovetails beautifully, with Trump’s “deep state” accusations.

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