Really, Scary

Really, Scary

By D. S. Mitchell

Trump Failure

Calamity News and Politics is giving the Trump Administration an F on its environmental policy. In fact if possible I would give the Trump administration a Z for their environmental policy. Trump has installed lobbyists in key EPA positions, while dramatically cutting funding to this essential agency. This is at a time when climate change is on the forefront of world wide concerns. There is a systemic denial of science in this administration, beginning with the president himself. We need a White House that leans toward what is good for Mother Earth not toward a policy that enriches a few while endangering Earth and her children.

Growing Nationalism

Climate change is a clear and present danger.  Most experts  predict huge population shifts, secondary to forced migration.  Shrinking resources, famine, war and rising sea levels, will push people from their native homelands into adjoining countries.  Displaced populations will elevate tensions and potentially promote rising nationalism.

An OMG Moment

On March 1, 2017 the temperature in Cairo, Egypt and Antarctica both reached 63.5 F. The poles are facing dramatic climate change, more so than other geographic areas of the planet. There is little time and much to do. The decisions of governments will be the key to our future. Where the environment is concerned, elections matter.

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