Another 25 Reasons To Smile

Another 25 Reasons To Smile

By D. S. Mitchell

Take A Break

I’m finding the U.S. political scene, rather irritating, at the moment. It is obviously time for Calamity to take a brief time out, and throw the political crap out the window. Well, for a few minutes, anyway. So, for a couple of minutes I want to focus on something a bit more pleasant. When things look bleak, I find it important to consciously think about what makes me happy. To count my blessings. There are so many small things in life we take for granted, but it is often those small things that make life worth living. Making a list of those things always brings a smile to my face.  Here are the ones I came up with for today:

1.) A friend’s smiling face 2.) Chocolate 3.) Crystal goblets  4.) My dog, Lily  5.) Flannel sheets 6.) New shoes 7.) The smell of fresh coffee 8.) Spring flowers 9.) Ducks on the pond 10.) Clean windows 11.) Images from the Hubble telescope 12.)  A Foot massage 13.) Slow dancing 14.) Hide-n-Seek  15.) Old diary entries
16.) The Internet 17.) Winter storms 18.) Finding my cell phone 19.) Old movies
20.) Persian rugs 21.) Mom’s mac & cheese 22.) Bingo 23.) Summer dresses
24.) Milk and warm cookies 25.) Betty White

Please take a few minutes to hug those close to you, and write your own list of happy thoughts.

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