Let’s Talk About Russia

Let’s Talk About Russia

By D. S. Mitchell

Chores Done

I’ve walked the dog, made the coffee, run the vacuum, and now I’m ready to sit down and pass on the latest political gossips from the shadowy world of Russian hackers and the Donald Trump 2016 Presidential election campaign. The U.S. political discussion on television, and print media has ramped up the conspiracy talk, recently. It’s like James Bond. Wow, who would have guessed, that American politics could be so exciting.

D.C. And Beyond

Lily and I, are mesmerized.  Explosive rumors and innuendos have filled the newspapers and cable news networks. Actually, Lily is not that interested in the DC uproar. She thinks of walks, treats and visiting her neighborhood friends. I however, can’t get enough of the political hysteria. Sometimes the fireworks are in D.C. sometimes in Mar-a-Lago. It just depends where our golf course hopping president wants to park his golf cart this week.  But, wherever this clown goes he does attract a crowd of reporters and spectators.

Political Persecution

Nigel Farage is a vocal supporter of Trump. He visited the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, on Thursday.  Everyone is asking, why would he be at the embassy? As most everyone on the planet knows, the embassy gave Julian Assange political asylum, in 2012 and he is still there.  The founder and editor of WikiLeaks, has claimed political persecution. Either Farage was visiting Assange or he plans a vacation to Ecuador.

Kremlin Ties

Putin used WikiLeaks to publish stolen documents hacked from Western individuals and governments for years.  It was WikiLeaks that orchestrated the dissemination of emails stolen by Russian hackers during the 2016 presidential campaign  Clinton was a known enemy to Putin’s agenda. Donald Trump was the Russian favorite in the 2016 election, and Putin used Wikileaks to damage the reputation of Hillary Clinton.

Today’s Visit

Assange has just released damaging CIA documents compromising spying techniques and diminishing the United States standing on the world stage. Forage was in the Embassy for about 40 minutes. As Farage exited the building he was met by a gaggle of reporters. The question on everyone’s mind was why was he at the embassy? When he was asked if he had visited Assange, Farage replied, “I never discuss where I go, or who I see.”

As far as I’m concerned his answer  pretty much tells us he was there to see Assange.  It also tells us, that Trump, knew about the visit and will soon know about the details of the visit.

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Russian Connections To Trump Multiply

Russian Connections Multiply

By D. S. Mitchell

A Matter Of Focus

I wanted Calamity News and Politics to focus on thoughtful pieces about  health care, the economically marginalized, unequal justice, the militarization of police departments, income disparity, public education, immigration policy, and other social issues. However, that has not been the case. The daily news commentators are in a frenzy. The daily political news comment and discussion have centered on the Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. election. A very big story. That whole drama has morphed into what did the Russians, and the Trump campaign do together? Was there collusion or conspiracy? OMG, it sure looks like it. But, my intent is to spend more time on discussing social issues.

The Interference Must Be Investigated

The interference in our election, by a hostile power is deeply disturbing, can’t be ignored and must be examined. Up to this point, so much has leaked out that I haven’t been able to keep my head on straight.  I’ve tried to get my puzzle pieces together, but am still looking under cushions and couches for those missing pieces. I recommend that readers go to YouTube or the MSNBC video vault and watch the last two to three weeks of The Rachel Maddow Show.  She is on this story. Rachel has found plenty of Russian dirt under Trump’s fingernails.   Next to Trump, the next last person I want in the Oval Office is Mike Pence.


If Donald Trump were to be impeached, would it be for conspiring with a hostile power to win an election?  Several presidents have been impeached, but none in our  240 years, involved conspiracy to affect an election. We can’t allow ourselves to be complacent in our belief that the U.S.election process is safe. Not only are the election machines vulnerable to hacking, but our system is psychologically vulnerable. What impact does fake news, conspiracy theories, and partisan bubblism have on our election process?


I do plan on putting more together on the suspected Russian and Trump campaign collusion. I will likely try tracing Rachel’s timeline of inquiry.  Don’t hold your breath, but I will try to get more of this hot political issue posted soon. The issue is hot, and seems to be getting hotter, despite efforts by the White House to tamper down the agitation in the media.

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Three Goblins In The Health Care Closet

3 Goblins Facing Health Care

D. S. Mitchell

On The Front Line

Writing for www.CalamityPolitics.com allows me a grass root platform to discuss health care, and every other area of our political spectrum, for that matter. It does not give me the right to say anything I want about the issues. With that said, I have ground level experience in health care. Because of that experience and exposure to trench warfare in hospital health care I have strong opinions. Client care and results need to be discussed and evaluated for effectiveness. I have a passionate interest in health care, and in this area, I believe my street level experience gives me the right to discuss the issues. Bringing common sense thinking to health care should always be welcomed. I am an RN, and have worked for 38 years in hospitals in Oregon, Washington, California and Nevada.

The Sickest

My two primary areas of specialty are Crisis Psychiatry and Cardiac Intensive Care. Whether the issues are mental, behavioral, or cardiac emergency, many of the issues facing the caregiver, and the client are the same. Despite the obvious differences in the front line needs of the clients, both of these populations are often the sickest in the hospital. One thing I know, is that the health of the American citizen should not be decided by a politician in Washington, D.C. Sadly, that’s where this battle always shows its ugly underbelly.

Goblin 1: Big Pharma

Suitcases Of Medications

For the first twenty-five years of my career, when I admitted a patient that came to the unit with a suitcase of medications, I believed it was because they were incredibly ill. Like physicians I had been trained to believe in  pharmaceuticals.  As an old nurse, my thinking transformed into, the patient is sick because they are taking so many prescribed medications. I can hear the protests from the audience now. Don’t believe me, just read the labels. These are chemicals and they are toxic and poisonous.

Side Effects

Truthfully, every pill has the potential to cause side effects, some known and some unknown.   When a person complains to his doctor that he is uncomfortable due to the side effects of the medication he is taking, his doctor writes him another prescription to help deal with the side effects.  The patient has pain so his doctor writes him a prescription for an analgesic. When he complains of constipation, he is given a prescription.  You can see where this is headed, right?

Advertising Medications

In America, television is the best friend of the pharmaceutical industry.  Constant television marketing convinces viewers that there is a pill that will fix anything and everything. Unfortunately, many Americans now believe that there is a pill that will make everything in their life better.  Health care policy makers need to take this issue very seriously. I realize drug manufacturers want to make a profit, but I also believe constant repetition creates a need that previously did not exist.

Goblin 2: Poor Life Style Choices

It is important to recognize that there are both Non-Modifiable issues and Modifiable issues.

Non-Modifiable Conditions:  unchangeable circumstances, such as age, gender, race, genetics.

Modifiable:  changeable circumstances, such as life style choices that people can change.  Most particularly, cigarette smoking, poor diet, inactivity, alcohol abuse or overuse, and chronic stress. Most people understand the link between lifestyle choices and chronic illness are undeniable. Understanding that continuation of unhealthy behaviors leads to chronic disease more often than not. People need to make good choices.

Painful Truths

Predictors of chronic illness: smoking, processed foods, fast foods, starchy carbs, bread & pasta, sugar drinks, excess alcohol, overeating, excessive salt use, sugar, high fat diets, and lack of exercise.  These behaviors will lead to obesity.  Obesity increases risks, particularly of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Lifestyle diseases kill more people than communicable diseases. The top five killers in America are:

1.) Diabetes
2.) Cardiovascular disease (High Blood Pressure, Heart Attack, High Cholesterol)
3.) Stroke
4.) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
5.) and some forms of cancer.

The Numbers Are Eye Opening

More than 70% of deaths in the United States are attributable to one of the above listed diseases.  Even more alarming is that 75% of the U.S. Health Care dollar is spent on the same listed diseases.  Furthermore, the numbers do not reflect the personal and economic burden of chronic illness, lost work days, low productivity, disability and poor quality of life. “I’m going to die from something,” is the most common response people make when confronted with their poor life style behaviors.  There seems to be no regard for the overall effects of that attitude on self, family, community or country.

Stop Smoking

Smoking is the leading preventable cause of chronic illness and death in the U.S. and is responsible for 1 in 5 deaths.  Statistics show that 10 times as many Americans have died prematurely from cigarette smoking than have died in all American wars.  Smoking hardens arteries and causes the heart to work harder.  Emphysema and COPD are caused by smoking.  Smoking causes 80% of all COPD deaths and 90% of lung cancer deaths.  Additionally, smoking is a major cause of throat, bladder cancer, voice box, liver, pancreas, stomach, kidney and colorectal cancers. So, America become your own best physician:

1.) Stop smoking
2.) Eat a plant-based diet
3.) Exercise at least 7 hours per week
4.) Reduce stress
5.) Practice good dental health
6.) Have fun

Goblin 3: The really big lie. A free market solution


Former CIGNA Senior VP turned whistle-blower, Wendall Potter called it “general gullibility and blind adherence to ideology.”  The American public has been bamboozled ” by the self-serving propaganda from health care insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies and every other part of the medical industrial complex,” he told Congress in 2011.

Around The World

Government leaders in other developed countries decided long ago, the following: 1.) health care is a right AND as such, is different than the typical free market arenas.  2.) Goblin Three: The really big lie is that health care can be viewed through a free market lens. In 2011, Jason Adkins commented in a Catholic Spirit piece, “slavish adherence to ideology in politics can and does inflict harm to the very people public officials claim to serve.”

Failure Of Competition

One basic element rarely discussed is failure of competition.  The hospital industry is highly concentrated in areas with higher populations while under serving the rural populations of the U.S. and often leaving rural hospitals subject to failure.  As as with hospitals, “health care services don’t really compete with one another as equal goods.” My doctor’s care is different from the care provided by my neighbor’s physician.  My medications are different from my neighbors.  Response to care is different for me than for him.  These variables show that no case is the same.  Thus, no “equal goods,” can apply.

Profits Vs Health

Mark Sokr 2/17/2011 said, “I think the health care market is functioning perfectly.  The problem is that the market is producing profits, NOT health.”  Hmmm.  Patients most likely would call this failure.  However, for all facets of the health care industry, profits are spectacularly high, so it can be claimed that the market is a success and doing what it is intended to do, make money, and to expect better health care results would be unrealistic. A very obvious dilemma exposes itself.  Two separate and divergent end desires.  The free market wants profit.  The citizenry wants good, inexpensive health care.  The ideology of profit and successful health care delivery do not coincide.  Since the primary goal of the free market is profit, “Any diversion from this goal is inefficient and against the interests of the holders of capital,” Mark Sokr concluded.


To slay the goblins in our health care closet it seems to me that we need to drop the ideology and look at the facts.

1.) Prevention must become the goal of this country.  We can cut the cost of health care by billions of dollars.
2.) Give up the idea that a pill will fix everything  and as part of that our doctor’s need to direct their patients to a healthy lifestyle and stop handing out a pill for every complaint.
3.) Personal responsibility and self advocacy must become the center of each individual’s health care and their greatest well-being.
4.) Accept the proven fact that “free market” systems are inappropriate for health care and continuously fail.
5.) A single payer system delivers the best and least expensive care.

“Yes, President Trump, “health care is complicated.”

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