Tips to Save Money at the Grocery Store

Tips to Save Money at the Grocery Store

Saving money at the grocery store is getting harder and harder on the pocketbook Here are a few tips on how to a little bit here and there, hoping it ads up to something.

Tips to Save Money at the Grocery Store

By D. S. Mitchell

Editor: Here are a few tricks I found on the internet to help cut costs at the grocery store in these high cost times. I’m not sure about you, but the only time I really feel the pinch is at the supermarket. I’m good at the gas station, I don’t freak out at the cannabis store, I’m okay at the drive thru, but holy Zeus I about lose my mind at the grocery store.

Folks, the price of eggs at my local Walmart has hit stratospheric levels; while at my friendly neighborhood Safeway, the price of eggs has barely budged. So, I buy my eggs and fresh flowers at Safeway and my thick cut smoked bacon and my thin sliced rib eye steaks at Walmart. I also hit the dip and weigh barrels at Winco. I also regularly shop my local Growers Market where everything is always so fresh and flavorful. Enough. I promised some money saving tips at the grocery store, and here they are.:

Experts Tell Us

Experts tell us it all starts with the right sized cart. If you are doing a weeks shopping grab a full sized cart, however if you are not, grab a small cart. Statistics indicate the average shopper buys as much as 40% more when using the larger cart. However, don’t think one of those hand baskets is the answer, in fact, studies show shoppers tend to buy tempting sugary treats when they are carrying the handheld basket.

Wednesday is Best Day to Shop

I just got back from this weeks grocery run. To save money on groceries, I usually shop on Wednesdays. There are noticeably fewer shoppers, unless that Wednesday happens to fall on the first of the month, LOL. On Wednesdays you can usually count on fully-stocked shelves and freshly delivered produce. AND, the sale specials start in most stores on Wednesday. I shop on Wednesdays to beat the crowds and save a little money. ***Stay away from the grocery store on weekends, they’re busy and frequently sale items are out of stock or picked over.

Seasonal Delights

Eat locally grown produce whenever possible, it will give you the best value in price and flavor. Be sure to go to your local Farmer’s Market not just the big supermarkets. In March you’ll see good prices on broccoli, brussels  sprouts, cauliflower, and lettuce. In April look for asparagus, rhubarb and peas. Strawberries are usually cheaper in June than in May. Year round  bargains include celery, and potatoes.

Limit Trips

I shop for two, but I shop alone. Whenever my roommate comes along I spend a lot more money than when he does not.  Today I spent $133 and got most of what I wanted, I only forgot the toilet paper and the paper towels. If Dave had been along I have no doubt I would have spent well-over $200; and still would have forgotten the paper towels and TP. Furthermore, it’s a good time to mention, write a list, and stick to it. People who shop with a list spend less time in the store and make significantly fewer impulse buys. I use a paper list, I’m old. If you prefer, use your phone. There are some great apps that match items on your list with store specials, coupons, and rebates. As important as a list is; limiting your trips to the store is just as important. DO NOT make frequent trips to the grocery store because every time you do, you spend money you didn’t need to spend, in addition to the gas to get there and back, and the energy you expended on that trip you could have used to plant those spring primroses.

Costco Sharing

My daughter and I shop together at Costco every couple of months and then divide up our purchases in their parking lot. The advice here is to also watch the sales at the regular stores because they are often better than you might get at the warehouse stores.

Cut the Candy, Chips and Sodas

Government statistics tell us that the average American family spends 25% of their grocery dollars on “processed foods, sweets, and sodas.” Try to cut back on such unhealthy choices; instead of getting chips-go for some crunchy carrots and celery. I know. I know. Such foods are great, they just need a little prep. So I suggest you do it as soon as you have the rest of the groceries put away. A few minutes scraping and slicing will provide a crunchy healthy snack versus a cheezy Dorito heartattack. Nothing is easy; but such small behavior changes are guaranteed to save you big dollars over a year, and you’ll probably lose some weight and lower your cholesterol.

End Cap Displays

Don’t fall for those big beautiful end cap displays. Those are usually not sale items; they are intended to trigger your impulse buying gene.

Store Brands vs National Brands

In most cases name brand and store brands taste the same, and can save you anywhere from 15% to 30%. In fact, the store named products are often made at the same time and place as national brands, the only difference the private label.

Unit Pricing

Small packages are usually the worst deals. But the biggest size doesn’t guarantee the best deal. What is important here is for the consumer to check for the unit price below the item on the shelf, it will give you the price per ounce or liter or other measurement so you can quickly compare prices in a logical way.

Holiday Hoarding

Some of the best meat and poultry prices can be found around the holidays. Stock up.

Group Bennies

If you are a vet, or a senior, be sure to ask if the store offers extra savings for your particular groups. Don’t hesitate to ask if they stack benefits; meaning can you maximize your savings by using your AARP card and your VA card. Once in awhile a company is allowed to stack discounts which gives a big discount.  Sometimes the discounts are limited to specific days of the month, rather than everyday. But, be sure to ask, and make note of it and try to shop on those days.

Misfits and Oddities

Some stores advertise great prices on produce known as oddballs and oddities. The price you pay for that oddly shaped zucchini may be 30% cheaper than it’s more perfect cousin. Also, by purchasing these imperfect fruits and veggies we can cut down on food waste.

Buying Gas at a Discount

Gas back programs are offered in my area at Safeway and Fred Meyers. The retailer discounts are based on customer shopping habits. A regular customer may save anywhere from 10 cents to $1.50 per gallon at the store’s gas station.

Buying Staples 

Shopping for staples is a weekly process, not a once a year event. I always, always, make sure I have fresh fruit, particularly bananas, honey crisp or Fuji apples, and various fresh berries. Things that are snack friendly, from the hand to the mouth made easy. Then I must have a bag of frozen mixed berries, for spontaneous smoothies. Veggies like kale, romaine, spinach, arugula are standards in my cart, perfect for a late afternoon salad. I always make sure I have onions, potatoes, carrots, and cauliflower on hand. Lemons are another essential for me. I squeeze them in my water, tea, and even over my salads. Also fabulous on chicken, and fish. Cheese is another staple at my house. I always have parmesan and cheddar cheese in the fridge. And I always make sure I have sliced cheese for a quick sandwich. Still in the dairy section I grab a couple pounds of butter and a gallon of whole milk (for morning coffee). I don’t do almond milk or cashew milk or any other non-dairy milk substitute, that’s just me. I’m not sure if you consider Greek yogurt a kitchen staple but I do. I watch for sales. In the meat department I watch for sales on hamburger, boneless chicken breasts, beef steaks, and pork. I try to keep a bag of frozen shrimp on hand, great for salads and pasta. Speaking of pasta I always watch for specials on my favorite pasta sauce. Spaghetti is a life saver for surprise guests.

More Staples

I barely slow down in the cereal department, but I do buy Old fashioned oats and steel cut oats – I never buy instant since you get more nutritional and heart benefits in old-fashioned and steel cut oats. I make sure I always have a box of pasta on hand and a bag of brown rice. And nuts. I use nuts in a lot of my recipes. Not only do they taste great, but they have a lot of healthy fats and omega-3 fatty acids. Almonds, walnuts, and pecans are my standby favs. I love Beans black bean burgers, vegetarian chili, topping a salad with them, pureeing into hummus or just heating them and eating them with a spoon. I usually buy them in the 1-2 pound dry packages and cook them up in the crock pot. I always have several cans of diced and whole tomatoes. I use them in nearly everything. I can’t live without eggs or olive oil. Here again keep your eye open for special prices on these basic food items. Bread is not on my grocery list. I stopped eating bread about 10 years ago, and have never looked back. Although I have a pantry full of spices, I make sure I always have the ones I use most on hand, cinnamon, vanilla, cumin, oregano, nutmeg, ginger, black pepper, and sea salt. Lastly, I am always on the alert for big discounts on baking items like flour, white sugar, and brown. My family loves it when I make cookies.


The Natural Resources Defense Council reports that the average American throws away at least $2,500 worth of food annually. That is about 1/4 of what we spend on food! Time to cut down on waste. One of the ways to do that is to plan your meals for the week and buy according to what you have decided to make. It is important at the beginning of your shopping week to make an assessment of what you already have and what needs to be eaten quickly. Then buy any remaining ingredients to make up those items into eatable meals. After you have cleared your kitchen of items that were about to perish finish out your weeks menu with family favorites and good for you treats. “Waste not, want not,” as my mother used to say.