Thinking Aloud

Thinking Aloud

D. S. Mitchell

Thinking Aloud

I’ve been going to the pool most of the Winter, for my hour of morning exercise. During the good weather, as much as we get here on the Oregon coast, I try to walk 3-4 miles each day. But, once November rolls in, the thought of walking four miles in a down pour is a real turn off. As it is now, some days are nice, and I walk, while others are nasty, and I go to the community pool in Seaside. None of this matters except that I do very little on Sunday, except play on the internet and write for Calamity Politics.

Sunday Afternoon Thoughts

Mom Said

My Mom used to say, “People will dismiss facts, ignore science, and argue the unarguable;  if it’s in the interest of their pocketbook.” I thought for years that she had come up with that on her own, but then one day I saw the quote attributed to New York Yankee catcher, Yogi Berra. Whoever the source I think it is particularly astute.

Start Writing

If you haven’t written a letter to your Mayor, your local newspaper Editor,  your State Legislators, or one of your Federal Legislators, you should do it immediately.  It is a great way to get what’s bothering you off your chest.   The Letter to the Editor is especially rewarding because you can present your beef to the community and garner a few minutes in the spotlight.

Even “And” and “The”

Mary McCarthy slammed Lillian Hellman years ago, with, “Every word she writes is a lie, including “and” and “the.”  Every time Trump, or Sean Spicer open their mouths, I feel like screaming, “Every word you speak is a lie, including, “and” and “the.”

Yogi Berra Said It

When Yogi Berra left this world we lost the greatest baseball comedian-philosopher of all time.  In addition to the first quote noted above he had a million more; such as, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”  “Nobody goes there any more, it’s too crowded.”  “You can observe a lot, by watching.” “The future ain’t what it used to be.” “Never answer an anonymous letter.”  “It’s like deja vu all over again.” “He hits from both sides of the plate.  He’s amphibious.”  When queried about where he wanted to be buried, he said, “Surprise me.”  Yogi Berra had a zest for life that even death couldn’t stop.

Really, Rex?

I was watching GPS w/Fareed Zakaria Sunday morning, and one of the  conservative panelists while discussing the absence of reporters from Rex Tillerson’s Asian trip, said something close to, “I’m just sick of all this coverage.  I can understand why Tillerson didn’t want to be tailed by a herd of reporters,” That quote is not really a quote, but the sentiment is close.  My answer to that is, if I don’t want to hear about Tillerson’s trip, I can turn it off, and so can you Mr. Panelist.  The real issue is that, if I want to hear about Tillerson’s trip, directly from American reporters, the government has denied me that access. 

Twitter Rampage

This week I’ve been on a Twitter rampage about Trump’s week-end getaway costs.  I’m not talking about the added costs of Melania and Barron staying in New York and the President’s visits to NY. I am not talking about the costs to the government as Trump adult children are traipsing all over the world. Those are all issues I have previously addressed and will continue to discuss.  What has set my Twitter finger on fire lately is that it is reportedly costing the U.S. taxpayer $3.6 M per trip when DJT heads off every weekend to Mar-a-Lago.  This con man is taking his Louis XVI behavior several steps too far, as far as I’m concerned. I could change the world if given a $3.6 M dollar discretionary budget a week, or a month for that matter. The Arts, PBS, Meals On Wheels, homelessness, health care. While Trump is golfing, people across  America are going hungry. When is this ok?

North Korea

“Korea is acting, very badly.”  That’s a five word sentence, Mr. President.  Your Secretary of State just proclaimed “everything is on the table,” insinuating that a preemptive strike might be under consideration.  I think if you are planning on starting WWIII it would be advisable for you to do a bit better than a five word, fucking sentence.

Vista Print

I got new business cards yesterday.  They were ordered in the United States, corrected by phone with a tech in Jamaica, and printed in Canada.  They came and they were perfect.  Good job, Vista Print.  Total cost, $29.99.  I always think it is good to thank somebody that did a good job.  This is a totally unsolicited endorsement.  I just can’t help looking at them, and can’t wait to hand them out.  LOL.

A New Word For Something Old

Retronyms are adjective-noun pairings made necessary because of technology.  On Sunday afternoon I have time for this kind of shit. LOL. Here are a few: a.) “acoustic guitar”, because of the invention of the electric guitar  b.) “AM radio”, because of the introduction of FM radio  c.)” analog watch”, because digital watches were introduced  d.) “bar soap” because of the introduction of liquid/gel soap  e.) “cloth diaper”, after the invention of disposable diapers.  Give it a try. I can think of at least half a dozen more.  (Thanks Ron L. Evans, PhD from his book Tyrannosaurus Lex)

Free Stuff

I love Craigslist.  I know they have absorbed a lot of bad publicity the last couple years, and have some people spooked. But for me, it is a treasure chest.  I love free stuff. And, the free stuff you can pick up on this website, due to divorce, marriage, moving, redecorating, upgrading, downsizing, immigrating, is absolutely amazing.  Last week I picked up the cutest corner shelf, the week before that an awesome 1920’s library table.   Next week, who knows?

Have a great Sunday.

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