The Powerful Words Of Dr. King

The Powerful Words Of Dr. King

Dr. MLK had powerful words for our society

The Powerful Words Of Dr. King

By Wes & Anna Hessel


The Great Doctor

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., stands as the paramount leader of the civil rights movement.  There were many more alongside him, most notably the other members of the “Big Six”.  They were James Farmer, A. Philip Randolph, Roy Wilkins, Whitney Young, and John Lewis.  But Dr. King, or MLK, as many refer to him, was the most visible light and lightning rod.

He Still Speaks To Us

His words continue to speak volumes today, calling us to continue the fight for what is right. Most particularly right now is the need to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act.  That is the legacy that should be made to honor both these men who worked staunchly for what they believed.  Dr. King’s own family is calling for a hold on celebrating his day until these voting rights bills are made law.  In the meantime, we hear the echoes of MLK’s quotable phrases and speeches.

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Celebrating The Life Of Betty White

Celebrating The Life Of Betty White

Editor: Betty White would have been 100 years old today, January 17, 2022. One of the most important aspects of her life was her commitment to Animal Rights. 

Celebrating The Life Of Betty White



Animal Advocate

Betty White, the iconic American actress, comedienne, singer and legendary TV personality left us on December 31, 2021, just seventeen days before her one hundredth birthday. America’s ‘golden girl’ will be missed, like few other celebrities. Betty was not only a pioneer in show business, but she was a pioneer animal rights activist, too. She was a compassionate advocate for animal protection and animal rights, throughout her long life. For decades Betty White has been known for her generosity; giving to animal rights causes, zoos, and  foundations across the country. It was Betty White who stepped up and paid for the plane to relocate penguins and sea otters being evacuated from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. I believe Betty would want to be remembered for her work as conservationist and devoted animal lover, as much as she would want to be remembered for her celebrated 80 years in show business.

Expanding Activism

Betty White worked tirelessly for more than 50 years with the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association. In a public statement, the GLAZA remembers “her service, her enduring friendship, her lifelong advocacy for animals, and her dedication to supporting our mission. ” The star deeply cared for all living creatures and her demise will leave a huge hole in animal protection endeavors.  As White’s fame grew she expanded her animal activism. One of her most beloved charities was The Seeing Eye in New Jersey, one of the country’s oldest guide dog schools.

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