10 Things To Help Protect The Earth

10 Things You Can Do To Help Protect The Earth

The Oregon coast is a magical place but the damages of climate change are changing this place
10 Simple Things You Can Do To Help Protect The Earth

Editor’s Note: World Wildlife Fund recently published “10 Simple Things We Can Do To Help Protect The Earth.” WWF works to protect endangered species  and conserve their habitats. Time is running out for many beloved animal species. Please donate what you can to this fine organization. worldwildlife.org 

By D. S. Mitchell

1.) BYOB: In 2022, Americans went through an astonishing and astounding 50 billion plastic water bottles. Please, fill up a reusable water bottle at home and take it with you. IF YOU DON’T LIKE THE TASTE OF TAP WATER, BUY A FILTER. Remember that most of the bottled water you buy is just filtered tap water with a label.

2.) Paper Not Plastic: Take your bags with you to the grocery store. Taking your bags to the store when you go shopping can cut down on the 350 bags the average American uses each year. Reducing the number of bags will hopefully reduce the needless deaths  of marine life caused by plastic bags that end up in streams, rivers, and oceans.

3.) Safe Waste: Many items indiscriminately thrown in the trash contain contaminates that poison soil and water for thousands of years. Most communities have special procedures for disposing of items like used oil, batteries, ink cartridges, and paint cans. The new superefficient lightbulbs contain mercury, so they  require proper disposal. Many items can be recycled where they were purchased. Be sure to check with your merchant.

4.) Take A Walk: A 100 years ago nearly 99.9% of Americans got by without cars. They lived close to their work, they took the train, or the bus, and they walked. Using fuel efficient cars is a good thing, but we can save even more fuel by driving less, and walking more.

5.) Switch It Off: In much of America we can no longer see the stars, mostly due to all the electric lights. The lights are so bright they often confuse animals, such as hatchling turtles who are trying to make the ocean before before becoming breakfast for shore birds. It is fine to keep the lights on in the room you are in, but keep the rest of the house dark. Many find the dark to be calming.

6.) Layer Up: In the winter, instead of turning up the thermostat, add a sweater or a sweatshirt. A second layer of clothing will keep you warmer and also help conserve resources and reduce climate change.

7.) Plant A Tree: Planting a tree is good for the soil, good for the air we breathe, and helps in the fight against climate change.

8) Shut It Down: Catalogues are great if you buy the products advertised.  On the other hand, catalogues are a pain in the butt if you don’t buy the products. If you do not order from the company call them and tell them to unsubscribe you. That little gesture will probably save a tree.

9.) Second Time Around: Recycling isn’t just about separating cans and bottles. It can also mean rethinking an item’s use. That old bike might look great with a fresh coat of paint and a basket full of flowers sitting on your front porch. Or, that little bedside table might make a great  addition to your entry area, a place to drop your keys and the mail. Rethink, before you throw an item away.

10.) Support Activism: Please donate to organizations like Sierra Club, Greenpeace, and World Wildlife Fund that are carrying on valuable field work to save our planet and all that inhabit her.

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