OPINION: Trump Wants A Lifetime Presidency


Trump Wants A Lifetime Presidency

Trump faces numerous civil lawsuits and DOJ criminal indictments.


Trump Seeks Lifetime Term

By D. S. Mitchell


Fun At The Rogue

I dropped my friend at a meeting and headed to my favorite beach hang out, delighted to have time to take a few minutes to dangle my feet in the Rogue River, watching joyous children and fat Canadian geese play in the river’s shallows.

A Near Fatal Head Rush

Somewhere between deciding on a wading spot and navigating down the hillside to the chosen spot on the riverbank my mind switched from several hours of planned childish playtime to panic over the impending 2024 Presidential election. I had a head rush that nearly knocked me down. Fuck. The thought of  Donald J. Trump moving back into the White House threatened to send my heart into a fatal dysrhythmia.

My Mom Called It Kinky

I had to tell myself to take some slow deep breaths. OMG. I flashed on hour-after-hour, day-after-day, week-after-week, of endless chaos with United States diplomacy being carried out via Twitter, now X, by an orange “pussy grabbing,” “tax dodging” grifter. I remember waking up to the doddering, demented marmalade colored president threatening war with ‘Rocket Man’ Kim Jung Un. A short time later, the world  was given a lesson in whip lash diplomacy when Trump embraces the fat little tyrant in some kinky, twisted, ‘love letter’ absurdity.

Alabama Sharpie

Sharpie-gate was another outrageous time and money waster. In this scandal Trump overrode the weather experts and changed the predicted trajectory of hurricane “Dorian,” to  extend all the way to Alabama, when in fact, all indicators suggested a sharp turn north, avoiding Alabama completely. This load of Trump BS caused a shift of resources and manpower from the needed areas to those of less to no need.

Clown Show

The problem was that the Trump Clown Show went on 24-7 never seeming to even consider a slow down. It was one efin’ hair pulling, jaw grinding, moral absurdity, to the next. John McCain was one of Trump’s most frequent targets for insult. The Trumpster went out of his way to insult and disparage the senator before and after the man’s death. I was no McCain fan, but Trump’s attack’s on a dead man were inappropriate and disgusting.

“Suckers And Losers”

But, his disrespect didn’t stop with McCain, but rather extended to all those who are currently serving in the military, or those who previously served, or even those who died in the service of this country, calling them “suckers and losers.” What an appalling statement from a president of the United States about the men and women that protect the American people, and the very ground we walk on, with love and courage every single day in dangerous places around the world.

It Got Worse By The Day

Exhaustion set in quick, numbness soon followed. Trump was like the proverbial horse in the hospital. Total insanity. We went from one disgusting chaotic episode to another. The biggest jaw dropper to me personally, probably because I’m a retired RN, was when Trump suggested people drink bleach to kill the Corona Virus. Which of course, unfortunately led to several folks trying that suggestion. Then his second option to combat the virus was for everyone to try a round of Hydroxychloroquine. Once again sending several dumb asses to the hospital.

How About A Second Go-Around?

I think it’s well understood by all Americans that X-prez Donald Trump is actually now running to become America’s first “lifetime president.” I don’t think there are any of us that truly believe Trump will leave the White House alive if he ever comes back into power.  All you folks out there who plan on voting for Trump, keep in mind, a second Trump presidency will end democracy in America.

Potential Results

Trump will pardon the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys, and those thugs will become his SS. “The Art of the Deal” will become required reading, available on Amazon, $9.99, but no worries you can take it off your taxes.  The sale of government oil leases will skyrocket, as investors scramble to squeeze every drop of oil from the planet. Under Trump all government backed electric projects will be put on hold. The EPA will be dissolved. It will become illegal to teach Climate Change in any U.S. school. The United States will withdraw from NATO. But, I’m not saying anything that anyone doesn’t already know.  The  question becomes who will succeed melon head and under what circumstances? It’s getting scary. Let’s stick with Joe & Kamala. A steady ship. A predictable course.