Jared Kushner Ego

D. S. Mitchell

A Changed Perception

In 2002, Elizabeth Spiers became the founding editor of Gawker.  Next Spiers became Editor in Chief of the N.Y. Observer, working for Jared Kushner, for 18 months, until 2012 when she resigned.  She is now a contributor to the Washington Post.  She tells us in a front page story for the Post that when she went to work for Kushner she believed he was interested in developing the newspaper and expanding it.  However, after less than two years Spiers, changed her view of Kushner’s mission and quit.

Past Experience

Kushner and associates tout his extensive business knowledge and experience.  He worked for his families real estate business.  No matter how big it was, it was not the size of the Pentagon, or the State Department. Spiers and I, both doubt that any skills Kushner learned in private business are transferable to public service. Jared Kushner ran a firm he inherited. That in itself is not necessarily an uncommon situation. However, the New York City commercial real estate realm is both “dynastic and insular” and in no way appears to build skills that are easily carried to government service.

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Quotes On Courage

D. S. Mitchell

As part of my job at Calamity Politics I get to do research. Research can be lots of fun. This week, I decided to look up courage. I am beginning to believe that we are going to need strength and courage to see this political battle to it’s satisfactory progressive conclusion.

People say some pretty inspiring things.  Here’s a brief collection of some pretty smart comments by some pretty smart people.

1,) “Courage leads starward, fear toward death,” Seneca

2.)”Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen,” Winston Churchill

3.)”Courage conquers all things,”  Ovid

4.) “The strongest, most generous and proudest of all virtues is courage,” Michel De Montaigne

I’m inspired. How about you? If you are even a little inspired, do something to fight this administration. Be brave. Be courageous. Write a letter, make a phone call, march in that anti-Trump protest.

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Stalled Investigation

D. S. Mitchell

My Hackles Are Up

We have our hackles up here at Calamity News and Politics. The sanctity of our institutions are at risk. Our U.S. political system is sliding into the sewer. It is looking really bad around the White House, like a great sink hole is opening up at the end of Pennsylvania Avenue. The lies, the deflection, the distractions are centering themselves, now around Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA). Devin Nunes is the Chairman of the House Intel Committee. Nunes has created a firestorm over the last week.

Recusal Time

Mr. Nunes was part of the Trump transition team. That fact alone should require him to recuse himself from investigating possible collusion between the Russian government and the Donald J. Trump Presidential Campaign.  Nunes says that his personal connection with Trump and his staff will have no effect on his committee’s investigation. Because he says he was involved “after the campaign”.


My thought on his explanation is, bull shit.  Nunes has a relationship with Trump and his associates, most of whom were involved in both the campaign and the transition team. Having a close relationship with those being investigated spells bad news.  It wouldn’t surprise me if Nunes doesn’t find himself thrown off that  big Trump bus, anytime he’s no longer useful.

Morphing Accusations

Approximately three weeks ago, Donald Trump, President of the U.S, accused his predecessor, Barack Obama, of “wiretapping Trump Tower” (a felony) in a 6:00 a.m. tweet rant.  All the intelligence agencies called the accusations false.  Trump keeps blurring the lines of what he meant by “wiretapping”.  Each day it has morphed slightly. The accusations now include spying microwaves and television sets, surveillance photos, telephone conversations between foreign entities where names of American citizens were illegally unmasked.

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Love Your Mother

Love Your Mother

D. S. Mitchell

For Future Generations

Calamity News and Politics is pro clean energy. The a clean protected environment is essential. I’m hoping all my readers are pro-environment. Earth is the only planet I’m ever going to set foot on. Her environment provides a nurturing home for animals, plants and humans. We need to protect that environment. For today and for future generations. Climate change and environmental protection must become a national priority.

A Wall Of Resistance

The EPA was designed to protect our environment. Trump’s goal is to destroy the agency. Charitable organizations offer some support. The Sierra Club’s donations are up. The World Wildlife Fund donations are also reportedly, up. I think we will need every environmental organization on the planet to present a wall of resistance to the fossil fuel barons. Trump’s agenda is all about profit.  Environmental policy cannot be based on money. Capitalism may be our environments greatest enemy.

Into A Technological Era

Clean energy is better for the economy and it is better for Mother Earth. Time to let go of the remnants of the dirty Industrial Revolution and embrace the future.  We are moving into the Technological Era.  Parts of the transition will be painful, acceptance is the first step.  If your job is threatened by clean energy policy; change yourself, change your skills. Join the clean energy army. The clean energy army is fighting a heroic fight.

Dance Party

The corruption of President Trump is center stage.  Whoring with fossil fuel barons, signing away climate change regulations is bad policy. Killing Mother Earth is not a thing to celebrate. Having a dance party with greedy fossil fuel addicts can only last so long, before it destroys the planet. Current policy must be changed. Look to a clean energy future. Now is the time.

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Tentacles of the Kremlin

Tentacles Of The Kremlin

D. S. Mitchell

An Irritation

I’m here to tell you it is colder than hell here at the beach. But, the U.S. political news scene is hot. Really, really hot. The political shenanigans that went on during the 2016 Presidential campaign are a constant lingering pimple on the ass of the President of the United States. We all know it is weird. I mean, have you ever heard so many Russian names in your whole freaking life? Well, whatever you just answered, I didn’t hear it. Speaking for myself, in 70 plus years I have never heard so many Russian names.

Lobbying For Putin

The tentacles of Putin’s Kremlin are pervasive. It seems Russia has penetrated the highest levels of the U.S. government. Russian interests are actively engaged in U.S. policy.  The Russian government and Russian special interest groups, have spent millions of dollars contracting with American lobbying firms. Their goals are specific. 

Kremlin Motives

First and foremost, the Kremlin wants a softening, of Obama era sanctions. The first round of sanctions came as punishment for Russia’s annexation of Crimea.  Those sanctions were intensified because of Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. elections.  The second target aimed at reducing fracking in the U.S. The fracking process has produced abundant oil supplies. With abundant product has come plunging oil prices. The dip in prices have devastated the Russian economy.  The third major lobbying target has been the financial sanctions. Sberbank and VTB Capital have faced severe cash shortages due to plunging oil prices and the U.S. sanctions.

Web Of Corruption

The FBI and the Justice Department are conducting an investigation into possible links between the corrupt former Ukrainian pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych and former Trump campaign manager, Paul Manafort. In a Hot Air article, John Sexton wrote that the Democratic super lobbying firm, The Podesta Group, LLC is under investigation.  John Podesta was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager.  John denies recent involvement with the group he helped found.  I don’t know if we  will ever know the full extent of this web of corruption.  It looks like it is world-wide.


Rick Gates, a Paul Manafort deputy, hired The Podesta Group, reported HotAir. The FBI is attempting to discover if any U.S. companies and financial system were used to aid illegal activities and corruption by the party of former president Viktor Yanukovych. By reports, The Podesta Group did not register their work as agents for a foreign government as required by law.  Buzzfeed says that PG has lawyered up.  PG was listed on lobbying disclosure forms, however.  The Podesta Group reported receiving $24 million in fees in 2016, mostly from foreign governments.

Money Flying

The Democratic super lobbyist Podesta Group, got $170,000 over 6 months from Sberbank to lobby for lifting sanctions on Russian banks. Records show Sberbank met with State Department officials twice accompanied by a Podesta representative. The PG did not at any time register as an agent of a foreign power during this time. The Podesta Group represented Sberbank and its subsidiaries, Troika Dialog Group.  Interestingly, “Troika Dialog” was related to Klein Ltd, a Cayman Island organization. Klein Ltd is known to have funneled tens of millions of dollars to environmental groups to oppose low-cost fracking in U.S.” said Richard Pollock, Daily Caller.

Democratic Ties

Two other big lobby groups, best known for their Democratic ties have also become entangled with the Russians.  Manatos & Manatos, known backers of Carter and LBJ, represented VTB Capital at the tune of $17,500 monthly to lobby for sanction lifting. VTB and Sberbank are known to have spent at least $700,000 in 2016 to end financial sanctions.


My concern here is of course, that even without meddling in the election, the Kremlin is actively undermining many aspects of our lives.

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25 More Things to Make You Smile

25 More Things To Make You Smile

D. S. Mitchell

Sunday Is Play Day

It’s not that the news stops on Sunday, but Sundays are my private, quiet, centering myself days. I reserve Sunday to nap, snack, read, think, and remember the good times.  I also take a few minutes on Sunday to write a list of the things that make me smile. Here are 25 reasons that I wrote down this morning that make me smile.

1.) Being a vegetarian, nobody had to kill an animal to feed me 2.) Homemade soup 3.) Loving wherever I am 4.) Standing tall, like Mom told me to 5.) Cookie dough 6.) Dancing in the dark 7.) Sock puppets 8.) Sci-fi novels 9.) Autumn  leaves 10.)Things that come easy 11.) Yellowstone 12.) Potato soup and cheese bread 13,) Christmas in Palm Springs 14.) Sailing 15.) Art Walks 16.) Silence 17.) Electric pencil sharpeners 18.) Neil Young 19.) Bringing left overs home for the dog  20.) Clematis growing on a porch  21.) White picket fences 22.) WWE ringside  23.) My mother’s smile  24.) High desert country 25.) Suspenders

Calamity News and Politics, is known for its examination, analysis and comment on the news headlines and the U.S. political scene. I will be back with all that tomorrow. Today I think we should lean back, take a breath and smile.

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NRA Assault

NRA Assault 

D. S. Mitchell

NRA Strategy

In an article for The Hill, Tim Devaney highlighted a change of strategy by the NRA. For the last 8 years the NRA has been kept on the defensive by the Obama Administration. With the installation of the Trump Administration it is full-bore ahead, shaping policy and writing bills favoring the NRA and its activist activities.

I Like The Second Amendment

I believe the 2nd Amendment is sacred.  It’s the best defense the citizenry has against a President that wants to overstay his welcome. We have seen it in the banana republics, where the generalissimo hangs on after an election. About 36,000 people died from gun violence last year. I do not feel it makes sense for the Congress to roll back regulations on guns. The NRA has engaged in heavy lobbying efforts (that means money, vacations, gifts etc). The mentally disabled should not have access to guns. The Republican House  reversed a Obama Administration regulation inside Social Security to restrict gun ownership.  There are similar regulations in VA rules, and it is expected that the House will also rescind those.

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Tillerson’s Big Lie

Tillerson’s Big Lie

D. S. Mitchell

Morning Cable

I just watched Christine Romans, on ‘New Day,’ a morning political cable news show on CNN. I like her style, she really knows how to put her guests on the hot seat. Her questions are pointed and intuitive. Sometimes I feel sorry for the guests. LOL. I used to start my morning’s with ‘Morning Joe,” he comes on at 0300 her in the West. But recently Scarborough’s poorly veiled support of Trump is a turn off. If it wasn’t for Mika Brzezinski, I would have turned to ‘New Day’ a lot sooner. After watching New Day I have a choice of half a dozen activities. I either walk, bike or swim for an hour. Next, I grab breakfast. Then I go start research for a new blog post.

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Bank Shenanigans

Bank Shenanigans

D. S. Mitchell

Editor In Chief

As Editor-in-Chief here at Calamity News and Politics, I have a lot of leeway on what I chose to write about. The story today, is again, about Donald Trump. Anybody surprised? This guy is sucking up the world oxygen supply. Scandal, corruption, bank shenanigans, money laundering and conflict of interest. There is literally, no end to it. Trump’s Administration is an alley littered with dirty, back street deals.

Tentacles Of Corruption

The world is watching the dynamics of the drama playing out on the world stage. The entanglements of Mr. Trump and his associates are like tentacles of a giant squid stretching it’s long, slimy arms around the globe. Here’s a few more tidbits on Trump that might be interesting to folks that are trying to connect the dots in the Russian collusion/conspiracy investigation.

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Know Medicare Terms And Players

By D. S. Mitchell

The Players

The seven people below, plus lobbyists, private citizens and trade organizations are expecting a big fight over entitlement programs.  Only congress can make major changes to Medicare.  And with the GOP majority in Congress, entitlements are in real danger.

Donald Trump:

Trump campaigned he would not cut Medicare or other public health programs.  But a recent change to his website and his full support of The American Health Care Act makes those promises doubtful. The AHCA is a bill constructed and promoted by Paul Ryan. A plan Ryan and Trump claim will “modernize” Medicare. The Trump website suggests the changes are to deal with “challenges” created by the retirement of the baby boom generation.  Trump will be under pressure from congressional Republicans to back major changes to Medicare. Trump is currently, supporting massive cuts to Medicaid.

Mitch McConnell:

Senate Majority Leader champions the rollback of federal support for social programs.  He has proposed significant changes to Medicare, such as raising the eligibility age. He favors slashing Medicaid across the board.

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